Squalebear's Account Talk

Don't bet the farm FAB1, every couple of down days (maybe).

SB - Im sorry I dont understand what you mean (maybe).
Don't bet the farm FAB1, every couple of down days (maybe).

SB - Im sorry I dont understand what you mean (maybe).

FAB1, Please forgive me. Either I misread a post "OR" I'm going insane !
Probably the latter. With that said, I thought you responded to a post
I made about doing "yet another <1%IFT to build up some shares".:)

I wrote that I made my 3rd move for January and I thought that you
wrote " I expect that we'll see more of them". I responded by saying
that I planned on bailing back to the (G)arage soon (thus, don't bet
the farm on me staying in the Market for more <1%IFT's. ;)

Strange thing is, I can't remember where these posts were originally
written. Medication will (and has) do that to ya. :confused:

Sorry for the misunderstanding and/or confussion. I'm going nuts ! :nuts:
yeah sometimes posts can go across threads and it gets confusing.

In any case I wasnt upset at all, just stumped (a common state of mind)!

I guess when you Go "G" that means 100%??
yeah sometimes posts can go across threads and it gets confusing.

In any case I wasnt upset at all, just stumped (a common state of mind)!

I guess when you Go "G" that means 100%??

I guess when you Go "G" that means 100%??
I'm being alot more patient then I have been in the past and decided to
use my <1%IFT Method for a few more bucks. Go figure, the market took
a mini dump and I'm waiting for a rebound for those few extra bucks.

Sooooooo, I could very well stay in for the rest of the month
(another week), but, sometimes I get this uneasy feeling at the
pit of my tummy and bail out at 100% (usually the case).

I wasnt upset at all, just stumped (a common state of mind)!
Glad to hear it, if you ever figure out where we wrote to each other,
let me know. Oh yes, when it comes to the Market, stumped is better
then befuttled. LOL. :)
I took some more off the table today. It was good timing (yesterday) for increasing
my share holdings through a <1%IFT. Now, If only the market can hold in positive
territory. My new allocations for tomorrow will be; 60%(G) 10%(C) 20%(S) and 10%(.I)

Good Luck Everyone ! :)
Good morning, my dear bear. :) Yesterday you told me

God Bless Kent and give Maggie the strength needed to carry on. My heart breaks for you.:(

Now you need to take care of your good and gentle heart. I wouldn't want to lose two brothers this year!

And on a much lighter note, it appears that I missed your birthday. So late birthday wishes of better health, lots of happiness, and many Woo smiles!

Love ya,
Good morning, my dear bear. Yesterday you told me

Now you need to take care of your good and gentle heart. I wouldn't want to lose two brothers this year!

And on a much lighter note, it appears that I missed your birthday. So late birthday wishes of better health, lots of happiness, and many Woo smiles!

Love ya,

I'm doing everything that I'm told to do. I'm even listening to the Cardiologist ! :nuts:
Bet'cha can't guess who I was originally referring to ! :laugh: Thats right, Nurse TB is
keeping me on the straight and narrow. Thank you for the belated birthday
and Snow Woo wishes. I don't get to see her as often as I would like, but each time
is more special then the last. ;) God Bless and Keep You Safe ! :)
Thank you guys/gals for the nice words below ! :)

Nice day in the US Market. It looks like the $EFDY (I-Fund) only pulled out a meager +0.09%

"Fear Not" my young apprentices, Barclays owes us 0.107 TSP Cents per share. If the recent past is any measure, the (I Fund) will be up close to +0.61% ;)

Crossing my Fingers ! :nuts:
My thinking was the I-Fund was robbed from last Friday's price action, it should have been lower...
Thank you guys/gals for the nice words below ! :)

Nice day in the US Market. It looks like the $EFDY (I-Fund) only pulled out a meager +0.09%

"Fear Not" my young apprentices, Barclays owes us 0.107 TSP Cents per share. If the recent past is any measure, the (I Fund) will be up close to +0.61% ;)

Crossing my Fingers ! :nuts:

According to my tracking, the (I-Fund) has been overpaid by an average of approximately
$0.02 TSP Cents per share since the first week of January. I always assume that Barclays
would even the score with ($0.00) no difference. I never thought that Barclays would bring
us back to the original $0.02 Cents in overpayment. But that's exactly what they did.
Instead of my expected +0.61% coming in, the final tally ended up at +0.72%.
In any case, good for the (I) Fund "AND" any members within. Congrats ! ;)
I planned on bailing back to the (G)arage soon (thus, don't bet the farm on me staying in the Market for more <1%IFT's. ;)

It wasn't long ago that I wrote this to FAB1. I guess my decisions are as fluid as the
market. I stayed Invested at 40% and looky, looky. I've been missing the first day of
the month upward moves for quite some time because I've bailed out of the funds
before the end of the previous months. Maybe someone can tell me if it's just my
imagination, or, has the first day of the month (for the last 12) been very
generous to us TSP share holders?:confused: I certainly would like to know if this thought
is backed by proof or just perception on my part.

IN ANY CASE, it sure does feel good being a part of this day, even @ 40% :)
has the first day of the month (for the last 12) been very
generous to us TSP share holders?:confused: I certainly would like to know if this thought
is backed by proof or just perception on my part.:)


2011 FEB ----> +1.79%
2011 JAN ----> +0.90%
2010 DEC ----> +1.95%
2010 NOV ----> -0.06%
2010 OCT ----> +0.42%
2010 SEP .---> +3.05%
2010 AUG ----> +2.33%
2010 JUL ----> -0.58%
2010 JUN ----> -1.57%
2010 MAY ----> +0.80%
2010 APR ----> +0.92%
2010 MAR ----> +1.00%


