Squalebear's Account Talk

Tuesday, 5/27, was the last G-Penny distribution. The G-Penny distribution has been in increments every 5th or 6th business day. Most recently, it has been every 5th business day.

So, the next distribution will be either next Tues 6/3 or Wed 6/4.
Just when you thought it safe to guess the (G) penny, etc.......
The Penny came in tonight and it was a surprise to me. Thanks
for writing back Nsurf9, it was getting lonely in this thread.
Well hells bells brotha..I'll post in your thread more often....big baby:toung::D

Seriously..I'm holding G for now..I think we'll see a new bottom in stocks yet this week..I'll maybe go all S Thursday or Friday before COB..

Good Luck to you all....move wisely;)
Buster, call the Waaaaahm-bulance and keep coming back ! :cheesy:

Have you seen the Economic Reports due out on Thursday & Friday.
I remember reading that Fridays Report (which one?) is a Market Mover.
I'll be checking out the info and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Buster, call the Waaaaahm-bulance and keep coming back ! :cheesy:

Have you seen the Economic Reports due out on Thursday & Friday.
I remember reading that Fridays Report (which one?) is a Market Mover.
I'll be checking out the info and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm keeping an eye on the Financials..there's almost no bids at all in some..when they take a dive or rise, that's when stocks will fall in line...But we still have to wait for the damn oil to head south too...It still sucks a lot of stockers from jumping in while they get filthy rich buying oil commodities on futures....in the mean time all the rest of the poor country is walking to food lines for handouts to feed their kids...

What use to be trucked around is now going to be freighted, but the freight train yards are so backed up, what use to take a week to get, will take months..When will DC stop this environmentalist BullSh!t and start drilling our oil where there is enough for 200 years..at least by then we'll surely have figured out the feasible alternate fuel...maybe Antimatter..hell, who knows?

Remember..If you own a hybrid, you are polluting the world too..Where the hell do you think all those toxic batteries will go?

Down boy!!!..damn, got stuck to a soap box there for minute:D
"MEDIC ! We got two for the Waaaaahm-bulance now!" :nuts:

It always good to know that people have strong convictions !
Your thoughts are always welcome and I share many of your
views concerning the topic. I just wish I was the guy making
all the bucks, at our children and the worlds expense. Just
kidding, I'll stick with the TSP for my bucks. Poooh ! (LoL).
The (I) Fund saw a lose of -.33% today and the EFA saw a -1.04% lose.
The difference between the two resulted in a large swing. The YTD deficit
is now considered an "overpayment" of 3 tsp cents. If a rebound occurs
tomarrow and the EFA does well, I expect the 3 cent overpayment to be
given back and the (I) Fund won't do as well. If the EFA continues to drop
like today, then the (I) Fund might do slightly better then the EFA results.
In either case, I'm glad I'm not in the market come tomarrow. I'm sipping
on some ripple over getting that (G) Penny today! HaaaLaaaLuuuYaaa !
Will tomarrow be a rebound day? Will tomarrow give way to a better entry
point that I aspire to find? Before 12noon and if the market is weak, I'm
thinking 50% into something. Down hard could increase that percentage.

(5/26/08),,,, Memorial Day Holiday
(5/27/08) - .757% -0.19 tsp cents
(5/28/08) + .515% -0.07 tsp cents
(5/29/08) - .279% -0.14 tsp cents
(5/30/08) + .022% -0.14 tsp cents

(6/02/08) + .710% +0.03 tsp cents :mad:

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (Giveback Due) :mad:
-.00 thru -.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (goal is met)
-.10 thru-.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin)
-.16 thru -.23 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent
IFT effecticve COB 06/03/08:

50% - G
20% - C
30% - I

I'm not overly satisfied with this being the best entry point. Thus, only
half invested into the (C) and (I) combined. I'm hoping the (I) Fund Over
payment to be absorbed today and both markets skyrocket on Wed,Thr
and Fri. If not, the other 50% is patiently waiting in the wings to catch
some lower prices. The dollar is on the rise against the Euro and that is
not the best scenario for the (I). And yet, something told me that the
(I) was calling for a greater investment then the (C).

I think the S is where to be!

Your probably right, but I see the (S) outperforming the (C) today and it's
almost at its YTD Closing High. The (C) is still 4.65% and the (I) is about
2.99% away from their YTD Closing Highs. So I'm hoping they get an extra
push upward in the short term. The (S) has been doing so well over the
last two weeks, I thought any down day could end up hurting more then
the other two stock funds. Time will tell !
See what happens ! I leave for two seconds and someone leaves the door
open for all the sellers to come in. USM takes a hit. (S) is outperforming but
in negative territory. The (I) will take another 15 minutes to catch up to
the drop because of the delay in updates. :sick:
GM May U.S. sales fall 27.5% to 268,892 units.
General Motors shares down 0.9% at $17.28

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- General Motors Corp. on Tuesday reported a 27.5% drop in May U.S. light vehicle sales to 268,892 cars and trucks from 371,056 a year ago. Cars fell 13.8% while trucks plunged 36.9%. GM blamed work stoppages, including the three-month strike at key supplier American Axle and Manufacturing Holdings for 15,000 to 18,000 units in lost sales.

Nissan May U.S. sales rise 8.4% to 100,874 units
Toyota May U.S. sales drop 4.3%

I forgot the Car & Truck Reports were due out this afternoon.
Thats what moved the market. :sick:
At the risk of sounding smug, I wish to reverse my earlier entry and
now state that today was a "good entry point". I wonder if it will hold ?
I don't wish bad for anyone in the market today, but were more likely to
see an up day tomarrow then we were just an hour ago.
Smug sucker..:D

But tomorrow will be a pause or sideways me thinks..so maybe tomorrow will be a good entry point too...
It's times like this, that I wish I had one of Norm's famous animation .gifs

(LoL) Maybe tomarrow WILL prove to be a good entry day! If so, may the
Market serve us both ! ;)
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I know your account is more popular than mine :D:D, but I am surprised that I have over 2800 views already. Anyway I just posted this on my account and wanted more people to see it. My account has more information for follow ups. :D Thanks........

"I am glad to see the FRTIB finally put the brakes on Day Traders.
Daniel Posted June 3, 2008 12:00 PM"

Daniel, Why are you glad? What few members of the TSP that may have "day traded" really did not cost us that much money. Do some homework. I believe (and if I am wrong I will be corrected) Barclays has probably cost us more money than any of the day traders. These supposed day traders where doing nothing wrong or illegal. The FRTIB gave all of us the ability to day trade if we wanted to. So they did nothing wrong for a few years until Barclay's was almost unable to cover a large transaction made in late 2007 (by less than 1000 members out of a million plus). Then all of a sudden it was illegal to make more than four IFT's a month. Get your facts Daniel. I have had the opportunity to talk with some of these accused day traders. They have educated themselves on how the market operates and made IFT's intelligently. Remember these TSP members are dedicated military and federal employees. Most of them are FERS and depend on the TSP as their primary retirement. Why not offer us the opportunity to improve our retirement fund in order to live comfortably after government service. I would have to guess that some of our brothers and sisters have been able to enhance their TSP to over 500K because the FRTIB allowed us to have more than two IFT's per month. Now because the FRTIB has restricted us to two IFT's per month, many of us will NEVER have a chance to improve our retirement fund close to 500K or beyond. Well so much for a comfortable retirement, and we have the FRTIB to thank for that. So, Daniel explain to me why you are glad that the "day traders" have been stopped?

"I know your account is more popular than mine,"
No, I've been here longer and people feel sorry for me. :nuts:
"but I am surprised that I have over 2800 views already."
No, I have an automatic Nasa1974 viewer. It automatically
clicks on your thread every 15 minutes, when I'm out at the pool. :nuts:
"Anyway I just posted this on my account"
I know, I have automatic response software too. I just wrote you. :nuts:

Your always welcome to use my thread Nasa1974, Just add a few bikini's
once in a while. I'm a visually stimulated kind of guy. Who knows, if I did
not find this website, I'd probably be addicted to internet porn or something.