Squalebear's Account Talk

In Pre-market activity, it would appear that the Dow futures are up +.41%
The Nasdaq is up +.52% and the S&P500 up +.51% (currently). The dollar
has gotten a pretty nice boost and is up +.20% (not good for the I Fund)
and the FTSE100 is up only +.15% (May we all get a "BOUNCE" today !)

Everyones thoughts so eliquently demonstrated within his thread,
truly honors this most respected member. I have little doubt that
Steady's priorities are in proper order and will blush upon reading
all of your heart felt sentiments. Steady loves this Message Board
and many of the members within. I am certain, his path will bring
him back to bless us, yet again, with the gift he so easily shares
with each and every one of us. Until that time comes, let us honor
his decision by treating one another as he would treat us. When
the time is right, I'm sure we'll be breaking out the Champagne and
Hendrixx Albums in celebration of his awaited return. God Speed !
The (I) Fund went from a single digit deficit to a Medium Range double
digit deficit. As the below key states, you can flip a coin because the
deficit could increase tomarrow by adding more tsp cents that the Fund
Managers owe the (I) Fund,,,,or,,,,the Fund Managers could pay back
some of its debt to the (I) Fund. The payback is a preferred situation,
along with an up day in the market, to achieve greater gains then the
EFA gets. Should the market go down, a payback would result in a lesser
lose when comparing the (I) Fund with the EFA. Anyway, don't forget the
deficit could grow into the twenty cent range. With 3 down days in a row
and a deficit in the High Range, I would strongly consider putting some
of my portfolio into the (I) Fund (If I had the ability due to limits).
(6/02/08) +.710% +0.03 tsp cents
(6/03/08) - .624% -0.12 tsp cents
(6/04/08) + .160% -0.08 tsp cents
(6/05/08) + .030% -0.07 tsp cents
(6/06/08) + .215% -0.02 tsp cents
(6/09/08) - .420% -0.12 tsp cents :blink:

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (Giveback Due)
- .00 thru -.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (goal is met)
- .10 thru -.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin) :blink:
.16 thru -.23 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent
I don't know about anyone else, but I want to jump ship. That means
I'll be out of the market until (at least) July. Everytime I do that, the
Market turns around on me. The last time I was being stubborn like this,
the Market took my boxers from me and smacked me across the butt.
Or were they TightyWhities ? :confused:

What to do,,,,,What to do ????
Sit Tight and be Right ? :confused:
Break Out The Lifeboat & Abandon Ship ? :confused:
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I feel for you, I jumped in End of Day Friday. Although I was lucky not to take Friday's loss, I haven't been too impressed with Monday and today doesn't look any better.

I just have to believe this new IFT policy is killing TSPs profits...

I'm going to try and hold on, good luck to you!
IFT today, I compromised ! The (S) had more to lose in a down trend and
less to gain in a rebound. I could be wrong, but thats what the gut was
telling me to do.

C- 36%
S- 00%
I - 30%
G- 34%
IFT today, I compromised ! The (S) had more to lose in a down trend and
less to gain in a rebound. I could be wrong, but thats what the gut was
telling me to do.

C- 36%
S- 00%
I - 30%
G- 34%

I bailed completely -- take my losses of late and rub some burn salve on my bottom -- I need to watch this for a while and try to regroup. Probably be a big gain tomorrow now.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want to jump ship. That means
I'll be out of the market until (at least) July. Everytime I do that, the
Market turns around on me. The last time I was being stubborn like this,
the Market took my boxers from me and smacked me across the butt.
Or were they TightyWhities ? :confused:

What to do,,,,,What to do ????
Sit Tight and be Right ? :confused:
Break Out The Lifeboat & Abandon Ship ? :confused:

LOL SB, I am having flashbacks to 2007. Stop it hurts.....
BGI must not need liquidity from our (I) Fund lately and as a result, the
deficit/overpayment figures have only gone into double digits twice in the
last seven market days. What a difference from the twenty or more cents
they held onto for days, just a few months ago. We all know what that
was all about. When single digits hold, that means the EFA results reflect
the (I) Fund closely. In turn, they both reflect the MSCI EAFE INDEX as
both funds aspire to do.

Today, the futures appear to indicate a "UP" start for the USM. I took my
money out of the (S) yesterday. I was thinking that the (S) would be slow
to gain and quick to drop with more downside then upside. We'll soon see
if my gut was right, wrong or I just had a little Gas (oil reference intended)

(6/02/08) +.710% +0.03 tsp cents
(6/03/08) - .624% -0.12 tsp cents
(6/04/08) + .160% -0.08 tsp cents
(6/05/08) + .030% -0.07 tsp cents
(6/06/08) + .215% -0.02 tsp cents
(6/09/08) - .420% -0.12 tsp cents
(6/10/08) + .152% -0.08 tsp cents ;)

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (Giveback Due)
- .00 thru -.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (goal is met) ;)
- .10 thru -.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin)
.16 thru -.23 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent

Enough is enough, I bailed to the
(G) Fund to lock in my YTD gains.
What's left of them. Even if we see
a turn around, I believe it'll be short
lived. This is my last IFT for June and
I lost a bundle. POOOH !

100% - (G) Fund - COB :mad:

Enough is enough, I bailed to the
(G) Fund to lock in my YTD gains.
What's left of them. Even if we see
a turn around, I believe it'll be short
lived. This is my last IFT for June and
I lost a bundle. POOOH !

100% - (G) Fund - COB :mad:

Went 100G yesterday -- have one more IFT for June, but not even thinking about using it anytime soon....