i am usually with him all day fro 6am to noon on friday,, please feel free to call an i will put him on the phone.
Oh Kelly you just don't know how badly I needed this note from you. Thank you so much. I can't make any calls from work - but I'll call from home. Now I'm afraid I'm really going to let ya'll down by not calling by noon today - but I can't help it - so I hope you understand.
I mainly needed to know that he was alright. It's been the worst week I can remember and my wife and daughter get discouraged when I don't get home until late in the evening to finally eat some supper and have some time with them - but work has been incredibly busy. I probably spend too much time here - but you can tell we have a close knit family - so it's hard to resist.
he was moved from ccu to his own room yesterday evening,so he is happy. I'm so thrilled - GOD is GREAT - the abilities our wonderful God has given us and the incredible knowledge (and advancements) we have been blessed with are just amazing.
he is doing amazingly well. He has YOU and that is more than equal to all the medications and treatment; Ultimately it is your LOVE that gives him the peace and hope and takes away the stress. And in our small way - we also bring a smile to his face and wamth in his heart.
they are trying to regulate his meds an blood pressure,
And NO DOUBT they well succeed Kelly - there are a wide variety of medications that work in different ways to control his heart and blood pressure and they know what they're doing !!
the drs are really happy with his progress, That's how my big brother is here on this MB and that's how I am too. Once a patient falls under our care its a very heart stretching - life giving process. There is nothing more rewarding and wonderful than seeing good results.
but still dont know how severve the damage is. but we are hopeful... Kelly, God has designed our bodies with the ultimate details to maximum health - yet amazingly - most of our organs continue to function in an outstanding manner even when 50% or more has worn out or become damaged. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO BE HOPEFUL ABOUT !!
please fill in the gang,as he would want you all to know..thank you all for sharing the love an prayers..we are truly blessed