Squalebear's Account Talk

to get really serious about one's health look into the blood type diet.


My alergies and asthma have disappeared completely. If I start eating the wrong foods for too many days in a row the asthma will slowly return. I avoid those foods and no problems.

Disease means an abnormal condition. Remove what is causing the condition and the disease goes away.
A disease is not permanment even though the medical mafia in this country tells people otherwise.
Good Morning Kelly,
Please don't let us over burden you - we're all trying to help in our own little ways - but the last thing you need is a million strangers telling you to do this and avoid that.... :p... but it's all meant is a good spirit of love - SO IF YOU TAKE ANYTHING - PLEASE TAKE THAT.

Well Kelly - you'd be real proud of the way I've learned over the years. Last night I was helping my wife put in the garden and she'd said something about wanting to put in a 'raised garden' starting next year. She'd talked to someone and the idea sounded good to her. Apparently it involves bringing in a bunch of peatmoss so the plants don't have to depend as much on our dirt.

Now back when we first started off - I'd have immediately come back with a bunch of undeniable facts about how we'd been getting 65 bussels of soy beans per acre (where many are lucky to get 40 per acre) - that we get 200 bussels of corn per acre ... that our land has yeilded the best tasting tomotoes, squash, watermellon, and every other thing we'd ever grown. Would have remined her what the President of ADM told us - about our dirt and the only 2 places on the planet that have anything close to it.


It doesn't make any difference what our soil is like in terms of nutrients, color, and it's yeild potiential - or whatever - THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES ANY DIFFERENCE IS HOW MY WIFE VIEWS IT AND MAKING SURE I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY 'HOW SHE FEELS AND WHY SHE FEELS THE WAY SHE DOES'.

Ya see Kelly - If I had done anything to even remotely 'challenge' her idea - THIS IS CHALLENGING 'A WOMAN WHO HAS THOUGHT SOMETHING THROUGH AND NOW IS AT PEACE WITH HER DECISION'

So I've learned that lesson through and through and I don't need any kind of refresher course. To challenge her - to even question this idea she's already made clear - would be to question her intellectual abilites, to question her integrity, to question her ability to independently think things through and come up with a better and more improved decision. It is in 'REALITY' questioning whether I should do my part to 'STAND BESIDE HER AND SUPPORT HER DECISION' - or confront it and challenge her.

SO - You'd be real proud of me Kelly - cause I thought things through right away and immediately realized that 'bringing in a few tons of peatmoss is NOTHING if it makes her happy' and shows I respect her decisions - and can 'FLOW WITH HER ADVANCED AND INDEPENDENT WAYS'. After all she is a WOMAN - and pretty much determines whether my world is good or bad.

So we had a great night working out in the garden and spending some time together. And we ended the evening on a good note. Ya see Kelly - I've learned to keep my yap shut and think things through - because having PEACE WITH HER - without the garbage is way better than having unsettled feelings lingering in the air.

SO KELLY - I'm cool - You're cool - We're all cool.

OK Kelly - so now we need to move on to you. He has already passed 'the critical time frame' - so he's cool but is still in the beginning of the TRANSITION and simply needs some time to adjust and repair. At this point it's not so much what his doctors say and how they look and move around. At this point you are THE QUEEN BEE - and he's kind of back to 'worker bee status'. So how he 'reads you' is like everything.... and that's where we are.

So Kelly you need to 'breath in bubbles and blow out silk' - that's it !! You're doing good - RELAX - let yourself unwind - and don't let uncertainites and burdomsome thoughts bother you. ALL THING ARE GOING TO WORK OUT FOR THE BEST - JUST GIVE IT SOME TIME. And once you're really starting to feel 'good' and are having 'hope' take over - then it's time to look over and say 'Squalebear - You are really looking good'

And he'll say "Really"???

And you'll say - 'Oh my gosh - and go on and on....'

Then he'll feel a hundred times better and have a great attitude... and that we make you feel better... and it will go in a circle like that back and forth.


As Steady said, you'll be getting a million suggestions from his virtual family here and his real time family. But take it from one who has experienced it, SB needs to only listen and do what his doctor says and allows and if any questions should arise, don't be afraid to contact them, because they are used to having the primary caregiver or patient call with questions and don't worry if you think it may sound stupid, because they have heard them all. :D

And above all, rest when you can. The stress will wear you out.

Allllrighty Then ! The diet has changed, the smoker has stopped and I'm not
allowed to go up the stairs without a spotter. (blood thinners). The only
thing I need to do is listen to the doctor and hopefully regain whatever
part of my heart that died at work or at the hospital. But the unknown
can be scarey. The future is unsure and I've never found myself feeling
so worried about the future before. I was always able to grab the BuLL
By The Horns. Now, I'm being watched when I walk to the bathroom. It
certainly is a big change for every member of my family. For me, its just
something I'll need to get use to.

I'm really not complaining, as I'm lucky to be alive and I know that better
then most. Oh yes, I all most forgot. My (I) and (F) Fund diversification
allowed for a green day today. Sweet :nuts: !!!!!! I had to throw that in, after
all, this isn't SBtalk.com now is it !
Hang in there buddy. Sounds like - so far so good. A little green in the TSP is also some good medicine. :)
I'm not allowed to go up the stairs without a spotter. (blood thinners).

Squale, my dear wonderful brother - it sounds like you are really doing well in your recovery. The spotters are only for a short time my friend and seriously this is just a 'little blimp' on the screen in a long movie.

I'm sure your doctor has already gone over all this - but movement and activity after a heart attack has to start slow and gradually you return to life 'as normal'. PLEASE KNOW THIS IS ONLY FOR A SHORT TRANSITION OF RECOVERY - BUT YOU REALLY NEED TO TAKE THINGS SLOW AND LET YOUR BODY/MIND/SPIRIT HEAL.

The blood thinners are to disolve away - and prevent as much as possible - any other little 'plugs' (or clots) from shutting down any other sources of blood flow. That is what happened - with you - just a tiny segment of the blood stream got plugged up and shut down.

But the unknown can be scarey. The future is unsure and I've never found myself feeling so worried about the future before.

Oh Squale - this is where God has everything to do with healthcare and without that Devine and Thoroughly Wonderful intervention the future would be incredibly scarey. I don't want to lay anything heavy upon you Squale - or throw you into an uncomfortable situation - reflecting on 'deeper matters' you may not be ready to deal with BUT WV-girl had put it so well before when she said, 'We are Spiritual Beings in a Physical Body'. Without the Spirit we are reduced down to nothing more than rocks and have no more value than weeds. But we are so much more than that and LIFE is so much more than our body. 'I KNOW NOT WHAT MY FUTURE HOLDS BUT I KNOW WHO HOLDS MY FUTURE' - This is our ultimate hope and the groundwork for every day of life. I believe you will have many more years on this wonderful Earth Squale and you and Teddybear will probably come to know a HAPPINESS you'd not known before - because the huge stresses associated with 'work' will be a thing of the past and you can finally 'let down' - relax - and smell the roses you didn't even know were all around you.

The UNKNOWN is the scarest thing we confront Squale and each and everyone of us faces 'the UNKNOWN' almost every day. I face it over and over Squale - if you only knew. This is why it is so important to have our grounding in something BIGGER than ourselves - and why it is so essential to be brought into a higher reality and a deeper and more comprehensive awareness that something so far beyond all of us is working second by second on our behalf - AND HAS FULL AND TOTAL CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING. This is the ULTIMATE SOURCE OF HOPE - THE ULTIMATE SOURCE OF LIFE - AND THE RICHEST SOURCE OF PEACE AND JOY POSSIBLE. We only find THIS in our willingness to let go of our control and saying 'Please dear God - let me feel your control and let me honestly bask in Your Presense' - Show me what I am missing - and let no part of me be outside of Your Full and Complete Control - Take me for I am Yours - totally yours and I fully acknowledge this wonderful truth. Let me know Your Love like never before - let me drown myself in Your Peace - and more than anything esle let me Lose myself in YOU.


I was always able to grab the BuLL By The Horns.

This is EVERY ONE of US - Squale; and you will continue doing this throughout the years. We all grab 'the Bull by the Horns' it's part of our nature - guy or gal - it makes no difference - we have this enoromous thirst to 'be in charge' - and if we are very lucky and live long enough we come to realize way down the line - it's better to give control over to Him. Way - WAY Easier to let go and let God.

Now, I'm being watched when I walk to the bathroom. It certainly is a big change for every member of my family. For me, its just something I'll need to get use to.

If it were any of them - who would ever be able to hold you back or keep you from watching? Squale you have the most wonderful love flowing from Kelly and the others - you have SO MUCH and I'm really happy for you.

NO - my dear confused Bear Cub (grown and big) - it is not something you have to get use to. Squale I know it seems like forever when you're forced to live 'moment by moment' in such a HUGE TRANSITION - But it was just 'One Little Plug' my dear friend and you'll get stronger and stronger as the days pass and they won't have to watch you .... and you'll be driving over to see your big brother ... and we may even go down to FL to see my big brother. So don't get discouraged my friend - this is something the body takes very serious and some things just can not be rushed.

I love you Squale - we all do.

Thank you so much for writting - and especially for being so honest and open with your feelings.

A big hug from me - to you Kelly and everyone else out there,

Squalebear and Teddybear,

I am the 'good fairy' that sprinkles 'magic dust' in a wide variety of ways - and when I send my dust in your direction then good things will happen.

On 5/18/09 our Chief, Human Resources pushed your 2 weeks of full pay and total benefits through and on 5/20/09 it was completed.

Kelly - PLEASE - it was nothing; plus this is my little brother we're talking about here. If you want in any measure to thank me then run your hand gently across his face and look at him with your 'puppy dog eyes' and just tell him how precious he is and how much you love him and how you swell with pride when you see how deeply he's touched so many lives and how loved and admired he is.

Squale - read over my previous note - this is honestly the simpliest and most natural thing we could do; it is not complicated at all but mankind has immensely complicated the whole concept of a deep and lasting relationship over the centuries. So ignore everything else you've heard and let it be simple - let it be real - and find His Peace and A Hope and A Strength that is forever life changing.

Squalebear and Teddybear,

I am the 'good fairy' that sprinkles 'magic dust' in a wide variety of ways - and when I send my dust in your direction then good things will happen.

- and find His Peace and A Hope and A Strength that is forever life changing.



FCI Fairton notified me that hours had been donated from other
Agencies. I instantly knew that you were on the scene as a first
responder. Kelly and I couldn't be more greatful. So far, I've been
given a few extra weeks and it couldn't have come at a better
time. By this Saturday, I would have reached 20 hours of LWOP.
Your generosity gives us some much needed time to prepare for
the future and concentrate on wellness, as opposed to worrying
about and prioritizing the bills . Bless You. :)

FCI Fairton notified me that hours had been donated from other Agencies. I instantly knew that you were on the scene as a first responder.

My wonderful brother - it was yours all along and of course I'm a first responder.

Kelly and I couldn't be more greatful.

Trust me I know that and that's a huge gift to me. When I give anything to anyone it is not the value of the gift that makes it special - it is wholly how it is received. If it is accepted in the manner you and Kelly received it then both of us are blessed.

So far, I've been given a few extra weeks and it couldn't have come at a better time.

To God be the glory - GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE. He provided the Job whereby I was able to store up the time you needed. He blessed me with a 'little brother' - and gave me the love and dedication to take care of him. He alone could have made the few extra weeks go through all the channels in only 2 days. Ultimately I can take absolutely nothing - even my genuine feelings of loving care and wanting to give what I can; I am nothing and He is everything.

By this Saturday, I would have reached 20 hours of LWOP.
Others are responding too by dear brother - and no matter who gives it or how much you receive it all stems from a greater source.

Your generosity gives us some much needed time to prepare for the future and concentrate on wellness,
Squale - I love you and I care the world about you and I have no idea how to explain it. Again I have to defer everything over to Him because He alone could stir my heart the way He has; Only God could connect me with your sweetness and the many attributes that make you so special. Only GOD could have turned you into my little brother and brought me where I am. So again I can take nothing but I am so grateful for what He allowed to transpire. Yes this was definately given to put your minds at ease; to let your wellness flow freely and ULTIMATELY for you to find a 'brighter future filled with promise and hope'.

as opposed to worrying about and prioritizing the bills . Bless You. :)

Things will work out Squale - the last thing you need are stress and uncertainties striving to beat down and destroy your wellness and peace of mind. This 'heart attack' was not meant to punish you - it is a gift - and you will get stronger and in the long run you'll be better off. Squale more than ever you need to be grounded in 'Trust' and move forward with a level head.

I am very blessed knowing you're getting stronger and that you'll be around for years to come. I can now take a little break for a few weeks and be at peace - so THANK YOU TOO.


Went through a triple bypass 2 years ago (genes inherited from my maternal grandfather :cheesy:) although there wasn't much damage at all. When the actual attack happened I just had a slight pain in my left shoulder after experiencing some angina.

SG, et al, are right. Take it slow but steady and the recovery happens. May not seem like it at the start but as in most things in life the goal is attainable if you just apply yourself with a good game plan and the rehab folks can help you and give you a good game plan to work to.

PM me with the info on leave donation as I couldn't figure out what was going on in that previous thread but I'd be happy to send some your way. I'm an electrical engineer and work better with pictures:laugh:

email is: ******
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Went through a triple bypass 2 years ago (genes inherited from my maternal grandfather :cheesy:) although there wasn't much damage at all. When the actual attack happened I just had a slight pain in my left shoulder after experiencing some angina.

SG, et al, are right. Take it slow but steady and the recovery happens. May not seem like it at the start but as in most things in life the goal is attainable if you just apply yourself with a good game plan and the rehab folks can help you and give you a good game plan to work to.

PM me with the info on leave donation as I couldn't figure out what was going on in that previous thread but I'd be happy to send some your way. I'm an electrical engineer and work better with pictures

email is: ************

Mark, I sent you an email and Thank You
I just sent you a PM with the leave donation information. Thank you again for your kindness! :)


Thanks Lady, Your the best ! As Mod, could you do Pigeonguy a favor by
deleting his personal email address from my thread. Just to avoid spam &
other problems from developing from it being posted here. Thanks ! ;)
Thanks Lady, Your the best ! As Mod, could you do Pigeonguy a favor by
deleting his personal email address from my thread. Just to avoid spam &
other problems from developing from it being posted here. Thanks ! ;)
Excellent idea, brother SB. It's done. And glad to see you're feeling better enough to look at posts. Hang in there. :)

All our very best,
What a great TSP month ! I beat every fund except for the (I) Fund
which ended the month with a +13.30% gain. Even the (F) Fund kicked
some TSP Booty today ! I had no clue that the closing minutes would
pull off a rally as it did. I made a IFT back to the (G) Fund to start the
new month off (June). More and more are calling for a continuation of
this rally. I'm hoping for a quick pullback to consolidate recent gains &
allow for a better entry on a dip. Anyway +5.64% for May has taken
me to "even" as I recouped all my losses and contributions YTD. Here's
hoping June is just as kind.

On a personal note: I'm doing well and taking this thing one day at a time.
I already have the HRM asking me how long before I decide my future. I'm
taking everything slow and the answers will come when its time. Many of
you have donated Annual Leave to my cause, and for that, I'll be forever
greatful and extremely embarrassed that I found myself in such a position.
I've been blessed in so many ways and never truely knew how close the
end was. The Cardiologist called it "the widow maker" and the life changing
event will forever be a reminder of how close I came. I'm doing what I'm
told and following the bosses directions. Heck, I'm even listening to the
Cardiologist too ! ;)
+5.64% for May has taken
me to "even" as I recouped all my losses and contributions YTD. Here's
hoping June is just as kind. Me too! Good job, SB. good job.

On a personal note: I'm doing well.I'm taking everything slow and the answers will come when its time. Many of you have donated Annual Leave to my cause, and more should be coming your way soon, buddy bear, papers got sent in today finally. Sorry I'm such a slug, started out strong then got sidetracked. Glad others stepped up faster to fill the gap.

I'm doing what I'm told and following the bosses directions. Heck, I'm even listening to the Cardiologist too ! ;)
Awww, its so good to see you keeping that wonderful sense of humor, my friend. Kelly must be really keeping a close eye on you when you're on the computer, otherwise you'd be probably saying what a little tyrant she is these days. :toung:

Just cause I'm thinkin of you today and laughter's the best medicine....here's something to make you laugh, wish I could find a youtube for it, but there's only one and can't tell what he's saying. Find the song someday and listen to it if you've never heard it. It's way better when sung as only Jimmy Buffet can sing it. :D

Well, like to explain to you all before,
I ain't no drinkin' man
I tried it once and it got me highly irregular
And I swore I'd never do it again
I promised my brother in-law that I'd go up watch his still
While he went in to town to vote
It was right up on the mountain
where the map said it would be
Friends let me tell you one thing,
though it wasn't no ordinary still
It stood up on that mountainside
like a hugh golden opal

God's yeller moon shinin' on the cool clear evenin'
God's little lanterns twinklin' on and off in the heavens
Like I explain'd to you once before I ain't no drinkin' man
But temptation got the best of me
And I took a slash
That yella whiskey runnin' down my throat
like honey dew vine water

And I took another slash,
Took another'n an another'n an another'n
For you knew I'd downed one whole jug of that ****
and commenced to gettin' hot flashes
Goose pimples was runnin' up and down my body
And a feelin' came over me
like somethin' I'd never experienced before
It was like, like I was in love
In love for the first time, with anything that moved
Animate, inanimate it didn't matter
It's like there's a great neon sign flashin' on an' off
in my brain sayin' "Jimmy Buffett there's a great day a comin'"
`Cause I was drunk
I wasn't knee crawlin', slip slidin', Reggie Youngin'
Commode huggin' drunk

I was God's own drunk and a fearless man
And that's when I first saw the bear
He was a Kodiak lookin' fella `bout nineteen feet tall
He rambled up over the hill
expectin' me to do one of two things,
Flip or fly, I didn't do either one
It hung him up

He started sniffin' around my body tryin' to smell fear
But he ain't gonna smell no fear `cause
I'm God's own drunk and a fearless man
It hung him up
He looked right in my eyes, and my eyes
was a lot redder than his was
It hung him up

So I approached him, I said "Mr. Bear, I love
every hair on your twenty-seven acre body
I know you got a lot of friends over there
on the other side of the hill
There's ole' rare bear, tall bear, Freddy bear, Kelly bear
Really bear, smelly the bear, smokey the bear,
pokey the bear
I want you to go back over there tonight
And tell them I'm feelin' right
You tell them I love each and everyone of them
like a brother and a sister

But if they give me any trouble tonight
I'm gonna run every God damn one of them off the hill"
He took two steps backwards and didn't know what to think
Neither did I but bein' charitable and cautious
Well hell I approached him again
I said "Mr. Bear, You know in the eyes of the Lord
we're both beasts when it comes right down to it

So I want you to be my buddy, Buddy bear"
So I took ole' buddy bear by his island size paw
and I led him over to the still
He's a sniffin' around that thing cause
he's smellin' somethin' good
I gave him one of them jugs of honey dew vine water
He downed it up right
Looked like one of them damn bears in the circus

Sippin' sasparilly in the moonlight
I gave him another'n an another'n an another'n
For I knew it he downed eight of them
and commenced to doin' the bear dance
Two snips, a snort, a fly turn, and a grunt
It was so simple like the jitter bug
It plum evaded me

We worked ourselves into a tumultuous uproar
And I was awful tired and went over to the hillside
and I laid down and went to sleep
Slept for four hours and dreampt me some tremulous dreams
When I woke up, there was God's yeller moon
shinin' on the clear cool evenin'

God's little lanterns twinklin' on and off
in the heavens
My buddy the bear was a missin'
Want to know something else friends and neighbors
So was that still ;)
Be well SB, g'nite

Never trust a Dancing Bear with your Moon Shine ! :nuts:

Words to live by ! :laugh: Thanks Alevin, great timing

as a laugh was truely needed ! ;) Your the best ! :)