Squalebear's Account Talk

If your holding steady (that is your not using the IFT's to move your shares around). Also don't understand the $2.00 per share more cost?

Sorry, should have explained better. If you bought shares in G yesterday vs C, it would have cost you $1.83 more per share. G fund closed at $12.8925 and C fund closed at 11.0657.
SB, good to "see" you at the computer for a bit! :cool:

Someone PM'd me this morning with a request for your HR office's telephone and FAX numbers because their agency's leave donation form requests this information. Could you (or anyone else who has already obtained this info because of a similar request) PM me with this information so I can get it to the requester? And just a reminder that it needs to be shared by PM rather than on the MB. :o

Thanks! :)

I've aired a lot of my life out over the few weeks I was around Lake Superior and am trying to come back here as a different person.

Anyway I was kind of scared to come back here - because I just can't deal with the thought of losing you. I realize that has to sound like the most selfish - insensitive - heartless - and maybe cruel thing anyone could say but I need to try to keep things at an arms distance and not get too involved; and not just you but with everyone. But that is pretty much impossible to do with you and that's just the way it is.

Driving home the other evening AC/DC's 'Let There Be Rock' came on the radio. With that I had my 'unique vision of heaven'. Amazingly enough I'm standing on top of this huge brick wall playing the guitar to that song and was there waiting for you. For some reason I saw that as the coolest and most perfect way to welcome you when you arrived - and I was playing it way beyond AC/DC. Well for some reason both of us were wearing scarfs and we could fly around whle jamming (you got a guitar and joined me) and our scarfs would fly in the wind and it was really cool.

Anyway - I do love ya - and you will always be my little brother. Some things just can't be changed.

SB, good to "see" you at the computer for a bit! :cool:

Someone PM'd me this morning with a request for your HR office's telephone and FAX numbers because their agency's leave donation form requests this information. Could you (or anyone else who has already obtained this info because of a similar request) PM me with this information so I can get it to the requester? And just a reminder that it needs to be shared by PM rather than on the MB. :o

Thanks! :)


I'll send it after my next patient. - by PM
I know a guy that has seven stents - even had one placed through a vessel in his back. Steady won't have to worry for a long time and remember don't mow the lawn all at once, take your time.
I know a guy that has seven stents - even had one placed through a vessel in his back. Steady won't have to worry for a long time and remember don't mow the lawn all at once, take your time.
Excellent post! :) My father-in-law had 5 stents and it gave him 20+ years.

I do love ya - and you will always be my little brother. Some things
just can't be changed. I'll send it after my next patient. - by PM

An old saying comes to mind;

"it is better to have Loved and Lost, then never to have Loved at all".

Blessed are those who give there Love so freely and without reservation or forethought. Even though, in their heart of hearts, they know that the man upstairs has the last word and the lose of such friends would be a cross and thorny crown to bare well after.

Such is a person like Steady ! A man who crosses all boundries by sharing the words which flow from his heart ! Bless you my big brother, your message was more timely then I can say !
I know a guy that has seven stents - even had one placed through a vessel in his back. Steady won't have to worry for a long time and remember don't mow the lawn all at once, take your time.

Birch, I'll never forget the first time we met (clashed) as I unknowingly came to
the aid of a member who never needed such intervention. Boy was I embarrassed.
Come to think of it, it was Steady who had to explain to me about the unique
relationship you shared with that fair maiden.

I apologize for sounding like Mashed Potatoes lately. I guess under the minor
circumstance I've seen as of late, you'll surely understand why I wanted to let
you know that your special and well respected by most. ;)

I'll take your advise and live by it. One step at a time, One day at a time. :)
A final thought before this drug enduced ensomnia wear's off.

I'm relieved to announce that I no longer go to sleep worried
that I may never wake up. Each day has brought me new
accomplishments and I know how blessed I am to have the
ability to say that. I struggle from day to day with the thoughts
of losing my Law Enforcement position, not being able to provider
for my family and possibly losing the home that we worked so
hard to have. Not having any control over such matters weigh's
heavy on me. For us, there will be no bus to move, like on TV.
I say a prayer each day and do as I'm told by those who love
and care for me. For now, that's all I can do. The future is
uncertain and I should clearly be focused on the blessing of
having one. Some days are good ones, others are more difficult
then one can imagine. Life truely can be turned on a dime. But
what doesn't kill us (I've heard) tends to make us stronger. I know
this much for certain; family and friends have seen me through
such times. So much so, that I am left humbled and feeling
undeserved of such a miracle. :embarrest:

I've been thru what you're going thru and then some and I've bounced my to my same old onery hard working self that I used to be. Better diet and no smoking and exericise can sure do wonders. Be patient and you'll rebound. I think about you everyday and hope and pray that things are going well and getting better.

I've been out of the loop for a few months (busy busy busy)...

After reading through the last few pages of your thread, I am happy to see that you are doing well.

Take it easy, and live in the moment.:)

My Jedi Master and friend. The Force is stronger now that you have returned. Do not stress or worry over the things you have no control of but enjoy the things you do.
SB, Do not stress or worry over the things you have no control of but enjoy the things you do.
I'm giving it my best shot Nasa ,,,, this too shall pass and there will be balance once again ! ;)

Words of wisdom, Squalebear
Thanks ECC, it's not often, but I do have my moments, and now, I'm living them ! ;)

I am happy to see that you are doing well. Live in the moment.
Considering to last few weeks, I'm happy with Chocolate Milk and a Salad. Thanks Rod ! :D

Squalebear, I've been thru what you're going thru. I think about you everyday and hope and pray that things are going well and getting better.CB
CB, A day doesn't go by, that I'm not wondering how everyone's doing.
I can't wait until sitting at this computer doesn't wipe me out. When that
happens, I will exhaust you with dribble and tripe. Oh yes, the good old days ! :nuts:
So good to hear from YOU, big guy. I've been out of town all weekend, catching up myself. And yes, we look forward to being happily exhausted once more-all in good time. :cheesy:
I'm relieved to announce that I no longer go to sleep worried that I may never wake up.

I'm so happy to hear this my wonderful bother and friend. Your peace of mind means way more to me than anything the Markets can do - and I'm amazed with the outpouring of genuine love from so many on this site.

Each day has brought me new accomplishments and I know how blessed I am to have the ability to say that.

That's by far the best way to look at things and that will all the more give you strength to move on to even greater accomplishments. You are 'Blessed Squale' and you've been a huge 'Blessing' to us.

I struggle from day to day with the thoughts of losing my Law Enforcement position,

This has to be an extremely hard transition as you had struggled so hard to stay on until you retired. I HAVE TO BELIEVE that this is working out for the BEST and in time we will all come to see this. You are way more defined by who you are and what you represent and how you live your life my friend and not by being a 'law enforcement' person. Your 'Character' and the 'Quality' that makes you Squalebear is what we all love and admire.

not being able to provide for my family

Providing for them is more than Money and it has been throughout the years. The characteristics that make you who you are and what you have been over the years is what Kelly and the others need more than anything else. That is far superior to the Money and no amount of Money could ever make a person Loving, Thoughtful, Sensitive, Warm and Caring. Your 'heart and mind' and the life you have is a very rare TREASURE in this world and no one could more convince you of this truth than Kelly. So here I would say 'Ask her'.

I also have to believe that your years of service will pay off and that when all is said and done - and HR has finally completed the 'red tape' that your income will be sufficient.

and possibly losing the home that we worked so hard to have.

Squale, I have had many homes over the years and in retrospect each and everyone was mainly 'an investment'. Once you sell a home and move to another you realize that's all it was. We don't know what the future holds but MAYBE - Just Maybe - you are meant to move to a home that does not require so much work to keep up.

Not having any control over such matters weigh's heavy on me. For us, there will be no bus to move, like on TV.

These 'uncertainties' - or the LIMBO is often the hardest thing to deal with. They can largely defeat us - or they can make us even stronger by forcing us to have a greater faith. The key is recognizing 'these matters are beyond your control' BUT DO NOT RESIGN TO MISERY AND GIVE UP - But grow stronger and increase your faith and build up your hope. YOU STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR AND A LONG LIFE AHEAD.

I say a prayer each day and do as I'm told by those who love and care for me.

Start each and every day by 'Thanking God for another day of life and showing a genuine gratitude for all you have and all that day has to offer'.

Prayer has to be a natural part of your life and more of a consistent theme to your existence. Nothing could give you more hope and more strength - and nothing could possibly bring you more to the realization of how wonderful your life 'really is'.

For now, that's all I can do.

And that's perhaps the most essential truth we could ever learn.

The future is uncertain and I should clearly be focused on the blessing of having one. Some days are good ones, others are more difficult then one can imagine.

Squale - this is equally true for each and everyone of us. You are stressing a TRUTH that goes across the board to every person that has breath and life.

Life truely can be turned on a dime. But what doesn't kill us (I've heard) tends to make us stronger.

For those who develop the needed mindset - strength will increase and they will honestly prosper. Again this TRUTH applies to every one of us - but DISPAIR is always trying to rob the person and take away the strength. YOU ARE VERY MUCH DEVELOPING THE MINDSET THAT WILL MAKE YOU STRONGER AND NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY MAKE ME HAPPIER.

I know this much for certain; family and friends have seen me through such times. So much so, that I am left humbled and feeling undeserved of such a miracle. :embarrest:

You don't deserve it my wonderful little brother - none of us do. It is this undeniable 'HUMILITY' that makes our hearts long to reach out and love you and give you all the support we can. It is that amazing 'richness in your character' - that admire so much and all the other things that truly make you 'Squalebear'. But deep down you are flawed just like ME and everyone else. But that's cool my friend because we are all in this boat together and whatever any of us do for you - YOU MORE THAN DO FOR US.
It is that amazing 'richness in your character' - that makes us admire you so much and all the other things that truly make you 'Squalebear'. But deep down you are flawed just like ME and everyone else. But that's cool my friend because we are all in this boat together and whatever any of us do for you - YOU MORE THAN DO FOR US.

Sorry Squale - I tried to edit this but time ran out.

Anyway I missed putting a few works in when I ran to get the next patient. :embarrest::o

So I corrected it in the Quote here