Squalebear's Account Talk

geeez, leave the nest for a few days and look what happens. The market
takes a crap and everyone gathers to my thread to party without me ! :nuts:

The party is now in full swing for the first time since you left.

THANK YOU !! So much for keeping us in touch and letting us get a glimse of that incredible 'other half' that makes you so special.

thats about all the energy i have right now, but i wanted to let everyone know;
prayers do work
It's amazing how simple things are meant to be and how complicated we continually make them. Squale - we are all so incredibly flawed and have such amazing limitations (me especially and I am the ultimate example). But somewhere down the line hopefully we can come to a point where we accept our flawed condition and all the more accept the perfection that God alone is capable of possessing.

Then we have the opportunity to 'let go' of our flawed ownership and allow the One who is the Author and Perfector of our Faith and the Maker and Sustainer of all LIFE to become the core of our existence. It is only as we allow this core to take root and and to grow and blossom and bear fruit that we can even remotely understand who we are and why we are here.

So yes !! My little brother - prayers do work - but only because they stem from a core that is beyond 'our flawed condition' - only because we have the ability to 'let go of our control' and let God do what God alone is capable of doing - so it is God's power coming to life and doing the wonderful works.

PRAYER works because it comes from the ULTIMATE SOURCE - and the more we (who are sending the prayers) let this be Natural and FULL and pour out of us freely and unrestrained - the greater that POWER can do all it's meant to do; Equally - the more the Receiver opens themselves 'Naturally and Fully' the deeper the prayers can work.

and my writing this is a prime example of yours at work ! ;)

Squale - in my 'male wired - short sighted - ready to Fix' make up I put out all your information in my 'desperate attempts' to make sure you got 'the TIME' you needed. The thought of this being exposed to the entire world and the possibility of others doing something malicious never even remotely occured. Thank goodness for people like Nasa - and the Moderators. And same thing with me asking for your telephone # - so I could talk to you. BTW - I tried both yesterday but it didn't work out. Perhaps it was simply meant to test my patience - but I'm good just knowing you're here and I have all the hope in the world that you'll get better and better.

I have a REAL PEACE - and I hope you do too.

teddybear and i have been touched by the angels ! Thank you ! :)

So have we my little brother ;) - Thank you too because you forced us to go beyond our own strength and find something far better.
Good to see you make a comeback! Thanks for the post, I hope it wasn't too painful.

There are some good Health forums out there , let me know if I can help in any way...Jason
:laugh: Hey SB, the "check ins" on your account talk while you were gone weren't the party. The party's taking place now. You can't hold a picnic without the Bear, you know. Good to see you!:D
hi everyone, just an update. the dr. says 3-4 months before he can think
about resuming activitity and he got in trouble for sneeking on the
computer. I went easy on him. he won't be able to be a Fed Officer
anymore and that came straight from the doc. anybody interested in
donating leave needs to see their HRMs. the institution said everything is
ready. my hubby is too proud to ask, but he runs out next week and I'm
trying to keep him away from the budget. you must already know how
hard that will be and how worried he'll become.
Squale - I LOVE YOU !! and only have a minute.

This is not the END - It's just the beginning !! :D

Listen my sweet friend - you just hang in there OK

A lot of us have already been to HR and things will go through soon.

AS ALWAYS - SOME OF OUR MOST TRYING MOMENTS IN LIFE - ARE OFTEN 'BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE' and only in retrospect do we finally come to the LIGHT and think 'Wow - did that work out'

All the more our prayers are pouring out on your behalf.

keep us posted -

Strive to be optimistic Squale - and let that 'Teddy' sooth ya and love ya through and through

See ya tomorrow,

Kelly I'm so pushed for time - just noticed it's from you - forgive me. Have a meeting an hour away I that I need to get to in 45 minuts (embarred face)

He getting 2 weeks from me and others have donated time too - not sure how much altogether but please know it's coming and will be through soon.

One day at a time Kelly - I may be able to give more and I'll certainly do what I can. We love you too.
Kelly, Glad to here SB is doing better. Sounds like you have one stubborn bear on your hands.:D Talk to everyone when I get back from vacation.
hi everyone, just an update. the dr. says 3-4 months before he can think about resuming activitity and he got in trouble for sneeking on the computer. I went easy on him. he won't be able to be a Fed Officer anymore and that came straight from the doc.

anybody interested in donating leave needs to see their HRMs. the institution said everything is ready. my hubby is too proud to ask, but he runs out next week and I'm trying to keep him away from the budget. you must already know how hard that will be and how worried he'll become.

Squale and Teddy,
I'm going to write you a book today - because I've had so much on my mind and in my heart. Woke in the middle of the night (when my thoughts are the freshest) - after a few hours of hard sleep - and thought of so many things.

Looking at your heart - and the other organ systems - from a purely Mechanical Perspective GETTING REST AND AVOIDING STRESS ARE THE GREATEST KEYS TO THE MOST COMPLETE RECOVERY.

One system can not sustain significant damage without impacting on other organ systems. We have One Body with a wide variety of systems and ALWAYS AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION THE BRAIN is the most important. Now your heart (from a Mechanical Perspective) is nothing more than a pump that is fed and controlled by numerous factors. All that happened with you (and I am not making light of your situation) - but all that happened is simply part of the overall structure became damaged. The chambers that were there before the heart attack are still there - the valves that control the blood from one chamber to the next are still there as well. The electrical impulses and the chemical reactions and interchanges are still doing their thing and YOU - YOUR HEART - and the OTHER SYSTEMS are simply undergoing a 'Brief Transition'.

During this TRANSITION - it is very important to get your rest and REST CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED with little to NO STRESS, ANXIETY, or DEPRESSION.

Squale, please know that Anxiety and Depression do not mean you are 'Mentally Weak' - ANXIETY and DEPRESSION are physical manifestations of REAL CHEMICAL CHANGES ongoing in the BRAIN so it is a PHYSICAL (OR MECHANICAL PROBLEM) very similiar to your heart. You're my little brother, Squale, and you know I love you and care for you as much as I can.

PLEASE talk with your doctor(s) and let them know your big brother, who practices psychiatry - has many patient who were started on an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication shortly after their heart attacks and they all noted a 'significant improvement'.

These medications will not make you a zombie, will not dull you to the world, will in no way make you any LESS OF A PERSON; but just the opposite - they will help boost your energy, let you think more clearly, give you a better rest and help you immensely with the TRANSITION you are undergoing.


Your job has been VERY STRESSFUL - and this was hugely complicated with INJURIES to your Neurological System with herniated and damaged discs (and probably damaged vertebrae) let alone the Musculoskeletal System - with ongoing tension and pain in your neck and back.


he won't be able to be a Fed Officer anymore and that came straight from the doc.

I believe that came from a Higher Souce - much higher.

You're not the sweetest man alive and the wonderful husband you are because you're a Fed Officer - and nor are you my brother because of that either. It was simply a hat you wore - but you served your time - YOU ROSE TO SENIOR OFFICER - and now it's time to let it go. DEEP DOWN I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN LONGING TO LET IT GO SQUALE - TO NOT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH ALL THE STRESS AND HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE WHOLE ENVIRONMENT - ESPECIALLY WITH ALL THE COMPLICATIONS YOU'VE RECENTLY RECEIVED. SO THIS IS YOUR GIFT SQUALE - WHEN THE DOCTOR SAYS YOU WON'T BE A SENIOR OFFICIER ANYMORE HE IS SAYING:

YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO WAIT TO UNDERGO ANOTHER YEAR OR MORE OF AGONY TO GET EVERYTHING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO GET -FOR I AM GRANTING YOU DISABILITY AND ALL THE BENEFITS THAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO. So breath easy my dear wonderful brother and be at peace. You are NOT AN INVALID - AND LIFE IS NOT MEANT TO END. It's totally the opposite - YOU ARE NOW MEANT TO LIVE MORE THAN EVER - It's simply time to say good bye and good riddance to all the stress and bull sh** (guy talk Kelly) associated with WORK - and HELLO TO LIFE AND RETIREMENT.

Okay - I've got a lot to catch up on - but will close here for now and call this Chapter One.

Will let ya digest all this and mull it over
Steady, Your simply one of a kind and a good friend ta boot ! Kelly has
agreed to extending my Internet Time, but not by too much. The smallest
tasks (like sitting at the computer) seem's to wipe me out quickly.

If anyone knows of a Attorney who handles Federal Disability and
Retirement, please drop me a PM. I'm thinking it'll be best for the
professionals to work out the Legalities and Time Requirements so
I can concentrate on getting well.

Thanks everyone for the prayers, warm wishes and being there for Kelly.
I have no other words which could accurately describe how much we
appreciated the type of response we received by those here at TSPTalk. ;)

IFT completed for COB today. 67-15-6-6-6
Welcome back SB!! We'll continue to keep you in our prayers. Take your time on the come back trail and don't let Teddybear wear her self out taking care of you.--Ron
It is so good to see you on!!!

This is very awkward for me because I'm so afraid I'll say the wrong thing .... and I just can't bare to think of doing that...

BUT - maybe the best place to start is letting Kelly talk with your HR Department and see what they can do - and if anything can be done to get the ball rolling to make sure that all your needs are met.

A psychiatrist that worked with me (here) was in the hospital for at least a half a year and they worked something out for him.

Anyway - I really hope you can find whatever you need - because the sooner you can put these things to rest the quicker you can relax and know 'everything is good'.
I come back from travel and I read about this. I was shocked, but thank God your Ok.
some suggested reading for u about the importance of magnesium and heart health. There are many poisons in everyday food that removes the mag and other nutrients from the body.
pm me if u want to talk about nutrition and health. and remember I'm right down the road from u.
God Bless
Squale and Teddy, the "Family" is delighted you're (he's) home. I've had 2 fed friends take disability retirement over the years, they had supervisor support for the retirements and didn't seem like they really had to fight to get approval when they had that kind of support, just took time to work through the paper process. So, I doubt you'll have to fight very hard to get it, it will still be an endurance ride tho getting through the process. If at any point,tho you think you really do need an attorney to expedite matters, I googled "federal disability retirement attorney" a little bit ago, and found a number of attorney practices that handle that type of federal case. You'd need to do some legwork on the computer and phone to get a sense of which of them might be most effective and affordable, but they are out there, just check the web. Really good to hear from you, Squale, please take it slow and no frets, my friend.
Just a repeat of my PM for anyone else who is wondering. I went through the disability process a year and a half ago. My HR department was a helpful one and it took about ten weeks. I didn't have attorney help. My social security disability application is still officially in process although I got preliminary word what the decision was a couple of days ago. So that took about 18 months off and on, but it was because of a peculiar situation.

And, FYI SB, I'm going to try (and 'try' is really the operative word here) to do some intermittent work here and there for my old agency now because they sent me an SOS a short time ago.

Anyway, if you have any questions about process I'll try to answer if I can. Don't know how comparable BOP process is to my DOI experience but there should be similarities.

Take care, my friend,
Great to see you're home SB, relax and if I was you I'd do what Kelly says if you know what's good for you!!! Give it time and you'll be better than ever. I don't know about you but I'm ready to retire today, but have to wait until Jan. 2nd:worried:
This is very awkward for me because I'm so afraid I'll say the wrong thing .... BUT - maybe the best place to start is letting Kelly talk with your HR Department and see what they can do - and if anything can be done to get the ball rolling to make sure that all your needs are met.

From my heart to yours - hoping it was good advice

I've had 2 fed friends take disability retirement over the years, they had supervisor support for the retirements and didn't seem like they really had to fight to get approval when they had that kind of support, just took time to work through the paper process. :D

So, I doubt you'll have to fight very hard to get it, it will still be an endurance ride tho getting through the process.

If at any point,tho you think you really do need an attorney to expedite matters, I googled "federal disability retirement attorney" a little bit ago, and found a number of attorney practices that handle that type of federal case. You'd need to do some legwork on the computer and phone to get a sense of which of them might be most effective and affordable, but they are out there, just check the web. Really good to hear from you, Squale, please take it slow and no frets, my friend.

With friends like this there is no way you could ever lose

Just a repeat of my PM for anyone else who is wondering. I went through the disability process a year and a half ago. My HR department was a helpful one and it took about ten weeks. :DI didn't have attorney help. My social security disability application is still officially in process although I got preliminary word what the decision was a couple of days ago. So that took about 18 months off and on, but it was because of a peculiar situation.

Who could know better than someone who's been through it !!!

And, FYI SB, I'm going to try (and 'try' is really the operative word here) to do some intermittent work here and there for my old agency now because they sent me an SOS a short time ago.

Anyway, if you have any questions about process I'll try to answer if I can. Don't know how comparable BOP process is to my DOI experience but there should be similarities.

Take care, my friend,

Squale and Kelly ---

I think we're seeing that life is much better than what we could have imagined. It would be SO MUCH BETTER if you did not have to feel you needed an Attorney - and I really doubt you do.

If I'm 'getting touched' by all these posts - wow I can imagine how you guys must feel :);)
Stay away from all carbonated drinks...cocoa cola, pepsi etc. They pull alot of minerals out of your body! Plus they can cause you to gain weight as they have alot of sugar in them. Carbonated drinks assist in rotting your teeth. It's better to drink tea...iced or hot, lemonade, etc. Use less sugar please! Enjoy! The web is full of articles about the importance of minerals on your heart. Check w/Mayo or Cleveland Clinic.