Squalebear's Account Talk

I almost did the same as you. I left 40g and went 20 each, CSI. I would have done it yesterday but was not able to get onto TSP in time. I am hopefull for a few points next week (everything to be reported is already calculated in) and then plan on going back to the garage by around the 18th or 19th!
I almost did the same as you. I left 40g and went 20 each, CSI. I would have done it yesterday but was not able to get onto TSP in time. I am hopefull for a few points next week (everything to be reported is already calculated in) and then plan on going back to the garage by around the 18th or 19th!

Starting Wednesday of next week ! I feel it in ME bonez matey,,Arrrrrr ! :nuts:
CPI,,,,,,GDP,,,,,,,etc...... One day at a time ! We're not even half way thru
the year yet. " In May, we'll find a Way " ;)
Geez, I'm almost in positive territory YTD and still #160 on the Tracker! :blink:
Someone send me a flashlight, It's getting rather dark down here ! :nuts:
I always do my best work while I'm at the bottom of the well. Ferdinand shall we follow Boo to the sidelines. Hell no we won't go. We got gaps to close.
I always do my best work while I'm at the bottom of the well. Ferdinand shall we follow Boo to the sidelines. Hell no we won't go. We got gaps to close.

If they start closing those Gaps, then where will I buy my jeans ? :nuts:

I'm tell'n Mom your picking on me ! :D

I'll tell ya what, Just tell Boo to move over just a little bit so I can get my
toes dry. Like you said, this Bull Market (???) could last years and I truely
should have some dry gun powder in my mix anyway. Oh yes, tell Ferd to
keep on doing what ever it is, that he's doing. It appears to be working ! ;)
After those CSI gains moma and I will have a better weekend. Her because it is her weekend and I'll sleep better after those gains.

Enjoy the weekend.
After those CSI gains moma and I will have a better weekend. Her because it is her weekend and I'll sleep better after those gains.

Enjoy the weekend.

Unexpected (I) Fund gains put me over the top and into positive territory.:)

The Overpayment is back up to $0.26 TSP Cents. As you know, its been
fluxuating back and forth to the Deficit side. I'm feeling really good that
I chose today to lower my risk and diversify. I'm not out of the game, but
I too need some sleep at night. Then again, working on Morning Watch in
a Prison prevents that from happening. My weekend starts Monday morn
at 6:15am and ends 10:15pm Wednesday night. Just as a Vampire would,
I'll sleep soundly while the sun is high and normal people are accomplishing
their daily responsibilities. Boy, I went on a roll. Run-On sentences and all.

Eventually, the real money will go back to the Hampton's for the summer,
volume will lower and volitility will rise. Just my Opinion. Time will tell. ;)
Working in EM I'll be happy when H1N1 is resolved and Tornado season is over. Keeping us pretty busy right now.
I do believe that we will lose some steam. But I'm am not looking for us to return to the lows. It would not surprise me if we retraced about a 3rd of our gains and it would be tough to stay in when that starts to happen. At some point investors will move their money from complete safety (What ever they are comfortable with) and make their bed. At that point you have to ride it or lose it. That becomes your personal bottom, what it does after that is irrelevant.
You Sure are Positive - And, TSP Proved It!!!

Welcome to the land of positive returns.

I don't know about you, but I hadn't seen a montly return without the little (-) next to it for a very long time.

Like you, I moved some assets to safety. However, unlike you, I left about 2.5% - 3% on the table by bailing out a bit earlier.

If that raging bull Birch blows right by me I'm ok with it. Don't know who Fernidad is, but my guess is that some of that wind will carry me along. At a more pokey pace than Birch - but...

Just keeping an eye on all your IFTs:nuts:

I posted this on Medic's thread. Thought I was on yours. Copied and pasted it in the right thread.:embarrest::embarrest:

SB, Congratulations on going positive in the tracker yesterday.:D:D I am still a little bit behind you at -4+% in the tracker. In my real world account I need $400.00 and I will be at my 2009 starting balance. Lets hope next week can get me there.
Re: You Sure are Positive - And, TSP Proved It!!!

Welcome to the land of positive returns.
I don't know about you, but I hadn't seen a montly return without the
little (-) next to it for a very long time. Like you, I moved some assets to
safety. However, unlike you, I left about 2.5% - 3% on the table by bail'n
out a bit earlier. If that raging bull Birch blows right by me I'm ok with it.
Don't know who Fernidad is, but my guess is that some of that wind will
carry me along. At a more pokey pace than Birch - but...Just keeping an
eye on all your IFTs:nuts:

Last Year some saw 40% losses, let us not forget it. This year some are
happy just to break even at this point. Is this the beginning of the next
Bull Market? Thats still in question for me. Blame that on the pain we all
experienced. I think Ferdinand is the Bull, I never asked.

SB, Congratulations on going positive in the tracker yesterday. I am still
a little bit behind you at -4+% in the tracker. In my real world account I
need $400.00 and I will be at my 2009 starting balance. Lets hope next
week can get me there.

Me too ! Thanks for the Congrat's ! I'll try to keep it green, but I'm only
0.87% away from the red. :worried:

I'm $1056 away from 01-01-09. Next I'm going to
add up all my contributions and try to make that back so I'll feel even.
Heres to another green week!

Good Luck ! If I sat in the (G) from this point on I'd finish +2.65% YTD.
That's something I always try to keep in mind. But if this turns out to be
a real Bull, I'm gonna try to do better then that. ;)
not sure if i amposting this right,so please bear with me..this is squalebears wife .
sunday morning he had a massive heart attack ,he survived thank god!,he is in ccu an doing well.doctors are hopeful,they said the attack he had is almost always fatal,we were so lucky..anyway he wanted his tsp buddies to know.. the guys at work are doing the paperwork for volunteer leave time,first local than national.i will post more info when i have it.if you would like to email me .. (teddybear1980 at(@) comcast dot com) ,just keep him in your prayers . thank you ,kelly
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This is a shock, couldn't sleep and jumped on the Puter to see what's happening. We are all praying for a quick recovery. Take it easy, we'll be waiting for your return. Thanks Kelly.

Our prayers are with you and your family for a speedy recovery. Thank you for the information. Squalebear will be missed while he is recovering. Please tell SB that his Jedi apprentice says the "Force Is With Him"
Just a thought. Kelly if you are monitoring this site SB's TSP account should be moved into the G fund until he is strong enough to keep an eye on it himself. My opinion.