Moderator | TSP Legend
Sometimes we all need to back off a little and catch up. Lately the Job has been interfering with my participation and it's hard to keep up. Might be you took on too much of a load and need to lighten up a little? Have a good one, spring is a great time of the year. We will all be waiting for your return.Squalebear Takes A Break !
April 24, 2009 7:02pm
From time to time, we all go through it. Its the feeling of having such an
enormous weight on your shoulders, too much on your plate, call it what
you will. Its hitting me hard and some of you know, its not the first time
this has happend to me. With that said, I'm going to be stepping away
from my daily participation for a while. (heck, I don't know if I can) But
I must try. I'm not going far, but I'm taking a step back. Its necessary.