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If you look at the 1929-1932 Dow chart. You will see that if we blindly assume a depression in the making, then based on a simlar timeline, we are actually going to correct about 2-3 percent more, then we are going to have a Bear Market rally of about 13 percent. After that, you don't want to go anywhere near the markets until the Grim Reaper has finished taking out all the wealth.^dji;range=19281001,19400701;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on
We are definitely on on a path of destruction of wealth. Forget about being scared now, this is life/financial preservation. Until the markets decisively move off the 1929-1932 timeline, I'm going to assume the worst and look be ready to catch this last big rally. I fear that large market plunges are now coming. At some point we will move off this depression timeline, however, I believe we will have fallen 60-70 percent. These plunges will be spread out but a major one is coming after this upcoming rally.
I hope I'm wrong, but Obama and House/Senate appear to be trying to save a drowning automobile/banking/Housing markets that frankly are caving in.
Now, have a good weekend and remember, worry about the things in your control and forget about the rest.
This is mostly conjecture and is really only dependent on similar path of destruction.
2010 Federal Pay Raise 2%, Obama Proposes
February 27, 2009
In his budget proposal released yesterday, President Obama offered only a 2 percent increase in the 2010 federal pay raise for active employees -- a significant cut from last year's 3.9 percent adjustment, and 3.5 percent the year prior.
Obama proposed a 2010 pay raise for the uniformed military of 2.9 percent. "As families are tightening their belts in this economic crisis across the country, the president ordered a freeze of White House senior staff pay," the budget states. "Federal employees also will be asked to do their part." The budget also says that the proposal puts "federal pay and benefit practices more in line with the private sector."Some unions representing federal employees disagree with the proposal. "We understand that these are tough times, but we are very concerned about breaking the historic linkage of civilian and military pay parity," said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). "We want to find out why these pay raise numbers came out the way they did," the NTEU leader further stated, "and what went into the analysis regarding pay parity. We also want to know what other proposals the administration will be pursuing this year that will affect federal workers." Kelley added that military and federal civilian employees work side by side in support of our nation's security. other unions have shown more acceptance to Obama's proposed 2010 federal pay raise.
"AFGE is not happy with less than a full comparability pay raise but understand it given the severity of our nation's economic situation, including the crisis for public workers at the state and local level," said American Federation of Government Employees National President John Gage. "We understand that only modest steps can be taken this year to close the remaining pay gap between the federal and non-federal salaries." Historically, Congressional actions during the annual federal pay raise process bolster the figure that is originally proposed by a president. Actual pay raise figures -- with their locality adjustments -- are not usually issued until December of each year.
To relieve the strain on our forces, my budget increases the number of our soldiers and Marines. And to keep our sacred trust with those who serve, we will raise their pay and give our veterans the expanded health care and benefits that they have earned.
I'd take no raise if they would cut the budget in all areas to something the country can fund. It would be better overall IMO.
I'd take no raise if they would cut the budget in all areas to something the country can fund. It would be better overall IMO.
I'd take no raise if they would cut the budget in all areas to something the country can fund. It would be better overall IMO.
Unfortunately poloticians don't troll this MB for advice. And they would never approve of that anyway because then they would have to do the prudent thing to their own pay. There is where I like to see a pay as you go. Actually do something for your paycheck. (What a novel idea):laugh: