SB my friend I need a t
ourniquet on all extremities.
Excellant My Friend ! Now go outside and run up and down the road a
few times. Finally, we'll be able to proclaim "Blood In The Streets" and
the next 6 year Bull Market can finally begin ! :nuts:
Your pain is shared by many. 2008 left many accounts down -40%
In 2009 we're down -25% and there's 60 members in the Automated
Tracker doing worse then -17% (your YTD %).
Look, there's a long 10 months ahead of you. Each month will bring you
the opportunity to slowly dig yourself out of that area. Stay focused ahead
and be patient. Take a look at the Automated Tracker's worse performers
and notice how many are in (up to their eye balls) with the hope of a near
term bounce to Penny Heaven. Then take note of how many members are
100% (G) Funders in the Top 50. Emotions vs. Capitol Preservation can
be like a two sided coin. I'm not saying who's right or who's wrong, but
I can't help but think that emotions play a larger role at the bottom of
the return scale. Your currently beating the C,S and I on a YTD basis.
Even if it hurts, your better off then following the TSP's published game
plan. Keep that Jedi chin held high and if your focused (use the force)
you'll likely feel better in the near future. Being #86 on the Tracker
myself gives me that burning sensation too. But I practiced what I just
preached and find that it works for me and keeps me cautious, but
optomistic. I hope it works for you my good friend. :embarrest: