Squalebear's Account Talk

Looks like you only got singed a bit SB. I did not have much luck trying to jump in and out either but I will enter again soon.
Looks like you only got singed a bit SB. I did not have much luck trying to jump in and out either but I will enter again soon.

The O/D Tracker gives us a better idea as to the best time to jump
into the (I) Fund. I ignored the fact that the Deficit was already close
to zero. Instead, I watched the EAFE Index and US Futures most of the
early morning hours. The O/D Tracker said; its not the best time to go in.
A lesson to be learned, stock futures hold little weight concerning the rest
of the days trading and the O/D Tracker knows best. :(
One day at a time my dear, I participated in Self Defense Training last week (I manned up) and only experienced alittle soreness.

Hey buddy, I hope your working through things better than ok. That self defense stuff hurts, but I've found the more I do it, (stretching in particular) the more my back problems stay away.

Besides, sometimes that stuff is just plain ol fun :D
Hey buddy, I hope your working through things better than ok. That self defense stuff hurts, but I've found the more I do it, (stretching in particular) the more my back problems stay away.

Besides, sometimes that stuff is just plain ol fun :D

I sent the ES Manager and one of her Specialists an email with a Doctors
Slip attached which stated; "please excuse this patient from self defense
training due to his medical condition." This was sent a week before the
Training even began.

When I asked the Specialist, the day before the actual training, if she
saw my email she said "no". (staff are the source of my agony). She
was also the one who sent out an email to all staff which proclaimed
that a Doctors Note would be required if anyone couldn't participate. That
all started with a "mild disagreement" between her and another Officer.
So I went on to tell her exactly what the doctors slip said. Her response
was amazing. She asked; "Does the slip have a date on it for when you
can participate in Self Defense Training?" I told her "No" and she immediately
responded by telling me; "Then its no good." Since it was impossible for
me to get a new slip before returning the next day, I had no choice but
to participate. Since the time it would take, for my back to heal, couldn't
be truely documented, I again had no other alternative. I did what I was
told to do and participated in Self Defense. If I would have stood up to
her or made a stink out of her statement, I would still pay a price for opening
up my trap and she would have gotten it worse. It just seemed too much
to deal with.

Again, Its not the training that I dislike. I always find a way to have fun
while being thrown around like an old dish rag. Its incompetance and the
lack of common sense which kills me every time. Having to choose the
best solution between two evils (Back vs. Bureau) I took a chance and
sucessfully completed my task with minimum additional pain.

Call me a weak headed idiot (thats how I feel) but at the time, I just wanted
to get it over with so the idiots could leave me the heck alone.
Sorry buddy to hear your having issues with idiots at work. They cancelled our ART until further notice. Having our own issues.
I sent the ES Manager and one of her Specialists an email with a Doctors
Slip attached which stated; "please excuse this patient from self defense
training due to his medical condition." This was sent a week before the
Training even began.

When I asked the Specialist, the day before the actual training, if she
saw my email she said "no". (staff are the source of my agony). She
was also the one who sent out an email to all staff which proclaimed
that a Doctors Note would be required if anyone couldn't participate. That
all started with a "mild disagreement" between her and another Officer.
So I went on to tell her exactly what the doctors slip said. Her response
was amazing. She asked; "Does the slip have a date on it for when you
can participate in Self Defense Training?" I told her "No" and she immediately
responded by telling me; "Then its no good." Since it was impossible for
me to get a new slip before returning the next day, I had no choice but
to participate. Since the time it would take, for my back to heal, couldn't
be truely documented, I again had no other alternative. I did what I was
told to do and participated in Self Defense. If I would have stood up to
her or made a stink out of her statement, I would still pay a price for opening
up my trap and she would have gotten it worse. It just seemed too much
to deal with.

Again, Its not the training that I dislike. I always find a way to have fun
while being thrown around like an old dish rag. Its incompetance and the
lack of common sense which kills me every time. Having to choose the
best solution between two evils (Back vs. Bureau) I took a chance and
sucessfully completed my task with minimum additional pain.

Call me a weak headed idiot (thats how I feel) but at the time, I just wanted
to get it over with so the idiots could leave me the heck alone.
Make sure you file a CA-1 on the re-injury as a result of participating in training. Document, Document, Document! After you've done that, file a grievance or some type of complaint with the chain of command. You followed their stupid order, now make them pay for giving you a stupid order! I would print out the email you sent to them, along with the Dr. note, and keep it to prove you provided them notice of your injury and the need to hold off on training a little while. I'm also the type to file congressional inquiries, but you might want to keep that ace in the hole for now.

Hope you recover quickly.
Sorry buddy to hear your having issues with idiots at work. They cancelled our ART until further notice. Having our own issues.

Its across the country my friend. Just know that I'm hear for ya !
Keep your chin up and those eyes opened. We're seeing too much
in such a short amount of time. Please be careful ! :worried:
Make sure you file a CA-1 on the re-injury as a result of participating in training. Document, Document, Document! After you've done that, file a grievance or some type of complaint with the chain of command. You followed their stupid order, now make them pay for giving you a stupid order! I would print out the email you sent to them, along with the Dr. note, and keep it to prove you provided them notice of your injury and the need to hold off on training a little while. I'm also the type to file congressional inquiries, but you might want to keep that ace in the hole for now.

Hope you recover quickly.

Thanks for the advice VLM. Good suggestions and its appreciated ! ;)
A final note before I post the O/D Tracker. I'm a little tweeked about the rules established by the FRTIB (yet again). They've set up their monthly dates so we're not allowed to transfer our money and be in the market on the 1st trading day of any given month. For me, I had to wait until February 2nd to move my money into the market for February 3rd. What I think they should have done was allow IFT's as of January 31, 2009 in order to be in on February 2nd trading. This holds true for every month. On Friday - February 27th it would have been nice to be able to do a IFT at the noon deadline and be in the market on the first trading day of March (2nd). But no, anyone in the (G) without IFT's left will have to wait until Monday, March 2nd, 2009 to do a IFT and won't be in until the 3rd. Just another FRTIB rule that restricts our rights to manage our money. :mad:

SB, Where did you find this information. I have been in and out of the TSP site as well as the FRTIB website and I can not find this anywhere.:confused:
I haven't looked in the Federal Register though.
SB, Where did you find this information. I have been in and out of the TSP site as well as the FRTIB website and I can not find this anywhere.:confused:
I haven't looked in the Federal Register though.

Thats just the way it is. If you don't have an IFT left at the end of the month how are you going to get in till after the first? :confused:
SB, Where did you find this information. I have been in and out of the TSP site as well as the FRTIB website and I can not find this anywhere.:confused:
I haven't looked in the Federal Register though.

Kevin is correct. You can't move your money back into the risk funds
until the month changes. So, If the 1st falls on a Saturday, then you
must wait until Monday the 3rd before 12noon to do an IFT back in.
Even if you did do one on the 1st (Saturday),,,,it wouldn't go in until
Monday night for Tuesday trading. That means your money won't be
working for you until the 4th. Can anyone say; "THIS HOOVERS" :mad:
OK, OK!! I misunderstood. I thought the FRTIB pulled a fast one on us. I thought you where saying that you where not allowed to make a move until Tuesday. Brain freeze over. :)
OK, OK!! I misunderstood. I thought the FRTIB pulled a fast one on us. I thought you where saying that you where not allowed to make a move until Tuesday. Brain freeze over.

Easy Star Trooper :nuts: I'm not 10 Light-Years away, ya know ! :nuts:

No more Frosted's, from Wendy's, for you ! Brain Freeze can be dangerous.:nuts:

Glad we could help. Even if it was like a Gang Tackle ! :D
Thursday - February 05, 2009
The Fund Managers opted to make up some mistakes On Wednesday

by giving the (I) Fund a additional $0.05 TSP Cents. The (I) Fund
outperformed the EAFE which lead to the lowering of the deficit.
Being in the "Green Area of the O/D Tracker means the Fund Mgrs.
have gone in either direction in the past and today is no different.
At this very moment, the EAFE is up +0.42% and we can only hope
that the Jobs Report isn't as Bad as it's expected to be. If not, may
the pennies fall from heaven, right into your TSP Accounts.

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/01/09) -0.0000 tsp cents
(01/02/09) -0.0315 tsp cents

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/05/09) -0.2193 tsp cents
(01/06/09)+0.0027 tsp cents
(01/07/09) -0.4067tsp cents
(01/08/09) -0.1243 tsp cents
(01/09/09) -0.3787 tsp cents

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/12/09) -0.3663 tsp cents
(01/13/09) -0.1949 tsp cents
(01/14/09) -0.3111 tsp cents
(01/15/09)+0.0170 tsp cents
(01/16/09) -0.1785 tsp cents

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/19/09) -0.0040 tsp cents
(01/20/09) -0.3872 tsp cents
(01/21/09)+0.0993 tsp cents
(01/22/09) -0.1688 tsp cents
(01/23/09)+0.0226 tsp cents

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/26/09) -0.1724 tsp cents
(01/27/09) -0.1727 tsp cents
(01/28/09) -0.1729 tsp cents
(01/29/09) -0.3744 tsp cents
(01/30/09) -0.2566 tsp cents

.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(02/02/09) -0.0966 tsp cents
(02/03/09) -0.0500 tsp cents
(02/04/09) -0.2773 tsp cents
(02/05/09) -0.1558 tsp cents :confused:

------------------------------------------------- WE OWE THEM ---
+ .3000 thru +.3999 Elevated Overpayment, (Payback Imminent)
+ .2000 thru +.2999 High Overpayment, (Elevated Payback)
+ .1000 thru +.1999 Medium Overpayment (Flip - A - Coin)
+ .0000 thru +.0999 Low Overpayment (Goal is Met)
------------------------------------------------- THEY OWE US ----
-.0000 thru-.0999 Low Deficit (Goal is Met)
-.0100 thru-.1999 Medium Deficit (Flip A Coin) :confused:
-.2000 thru-.2999 High Deficit (Mid-Range Level)
-.3000 thru-.3999 Elavated Deficit, (Windfall Coming)
Thursday - February 05, 2009

YTD IDX returns: YTD TSP returns: YTD SB current returns:
$SPX= -06.35%.....C=...-06.12%...-7.0620% (my figures)
DWC.= -05.39%.....S=...-05.96%...
EAFE= -09.27%......I=...-10.49%...

MTD IDX returns: MTD TSP returns:MTD SB current returns:
$SPX=+02.47%.....C=...+02.50%...-0.2285%(my figures)

No, your eyes are not playing games with your head. I've taken
the AGG out of my reporting because its really serving no purpose.
The difference between the AGG and the (F) Fund stands at 2.42%
on a YTD basis. Being it only February and having such a difference
between the two (due in part because of AGG fees,dividends etc...)
I no longer see the advantage in tracking the two for comparison
purposes. Even Tom has been frustrated over their differences. So
there you have it. AGG is done. Should anyone find a Index or ETF
which closely reflects the (F) Funds daily returns, let us all know.
The difference between the AGG and the (F) Fund ...I no longer see the advantage in tracking the two for comparison purposes. Even Tom has been frustrated over their differences. So there you have it. AGG is done. Should anyone find a Index or ETF which closely reflects the (F) Funds daily returns, let us all know.
I think they pull the F Fund numbers out of a hat! :rolleyes: "Today's F Fund is ... 6 and 7/8!" :nuts:

I think they pull the F Fund numbers out of a hat! :rolleyes: "Today's F Fund is ... 6 and 7/8!" :nuts: Lady

Funny how we end up writing to each other at the same time ! :laugh:
The (F) gives me no satisfaction. Low gains when it goes up,,,,,,
low losses when it goes down,,,,,, and no way of telling when its
going to happen. I'll stick with the C.S.I. and park in the Garage
when the weather gets bad. ;)
Based on the recent (G) Fund Rate increase (it was 2.125%)
I think we'll see a .0024 TSP Cent gain in the (G) today. The
current rate is at 2.75% which equals to 0.0528846% daily.
Just how the Fund Managers wish to spread it out is anyones
guess, but I thought you'd like to know that the (G) payout
is abit better then it has been. ;)

Old Holdings:

New Holdings:

Should a down day occur, I'll be purchasing more shares at a cheaper
price within the (C) (S) and (F) Funds. Should a Up Day occur, I'll be
buying more shares at a higher rate. However, The large jump that the
(C) and (S) Funds are taking (percentage wise) by making a <1%IFT,
Will result in having more dollars at risk within (my goal) within those
two funds for Mondays Trading.

Gee, all that and without any IFT's left for the month. Hey, I gotta think
positive after making a crummy move on Wednesday and throwing away
my last regular IFT. Good Luck To Us All ! ;)