Sorry about the delayed commentary, hard night last night with very
little time. It appears that we are at, or just above the $0.25 TSP
Cent Level. The key doesn't cover anything higher, BUT, we have
seen it higher. In fact, alot higher. Let me refresh thy memory. In
June of 2008 we saw a very surprising spike to the Overpayment
Side. Coincidentally or not, this was done just before the Big Bank
Liquidity Scare and just before the Markets hit the skids. I don't
know if this is a tell-tail sign that bad things are around the corner.
However, should this Overpayment continue to go higher without
a payback, the Fund Managers might be stacking $$$$ into the (I)
Fund for reasons yet to be known by the common investor. Just
food for thought as this could change as early as todays closing.
.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(12/29/08)+0.1839 tsp cents
(12/30/08)+0.1604 tsp cents
(12/31/08)+0.0608 tsp cents
(01/01/09)+0.0000 tsp cents(HOLIDAY)
(01/02/09)+0.1093 tsp cents
.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/05/09)+0.1607 tsp cents
(01/06/09)+0.2059 tsp cents
(01/07/09)+0.2526 tsp cents
------------------------------------------------- WE OWE THEM ---
+ .1500 thru +.2500 Elavated Overpayment, (Payback Imminent)
+ .1000 thru +.1500 Medium Overpayment (Mid-Range Level)
+ .0500 thru +.1000 Low Overpayment, (Flip A Coin)
+ .0000 thru +.0500 Minimum Overpayment (Goal is Met)
------------------------------------------------- THEY OWE US ----
-.0000 thru-.0500 Low Deficit (Goal is Met)
-.0500 thru-.1000 Medium Deficit (Flip A Coin)
-.1000 thru-.1500 High Deficit (Mid-Range Level)
-.1500 thru-.2500 Elavated Deficit, (Windfall Coming)
little time. It appears that we are at, or just above the $0.25 TSP
Cent Level. The key doesn't cover anything higher, BUT, we have
seen it higher. In fact, alot higher. Let me refresh thy memory. In
June of 2008 we saw a very surprising spike to the Overpayment
Side. Coincidentally or not, this was done just before the Big Bank
Liquidity Scare and just before the Markets hit the skids. I don't
know if this is a tell-tail sign that bad things are around the corner.
However, should this Overpayment continue to go higher without
a payback, the Fund Managers might be stacking $$$$ into the (I)
Fund for reasons yet to be known by the common investor. Just
food for thought as this could change as early as todays closing.
.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(12/29/08)+0.1839 tsp cents
(12/30/08)+0.1604 tsp cents
(12/31/08)+0.0608 tsp cents
(01/01/09)+0.0000 tsp cents(HOLIDAY)
(01/02/09)+0.1093 tsp cents
.....DATE..........YTD TSP CENTS.....
(01/05/09)+0.1607 tsp cents
(01/06/09)+0.2059 tsp cents
(01/07/09)+0.2526 tsp cents

------------------------------------------------- WE OWE THEM ---
+ .1500 thru +.2500 Elavated Overpayment, (Payback Imminent)

+ .1000 thru +.1500 Medium Overpayment (Mid-Range Level)
+ .0500 thru +.1000 Low Overpayment, (Flip A Coin)
+ .0000 thru +.0500 Minimum Overpayment (Goal is Met)
------------------------------------------------- THEY OWE US ----
-.0000 thru-.0500 Low Deficit (Goal is Met)
-.0500 thru-.1000 Medium Deficit (Flip A Coin)
-.1000 thru-.1500 High Deficit (Mid-Range Level)
-.1500 thru-.2500 Elavated Deficit, (Windfall Coming)