Although future surgery is not out of the picture, my injury has become a little more tolerable.
I'm in the dark. What injury??
I wanted more relief and asked the doctor for a stronger Anti-Inflamitory. The result put me on my knees praying for my chest pains to stop and not let it be a heart attack.
Anti-inflammatories can tear the stomach up - cause some heart burn or worse.
He answered my prayers by allowing it to be severe heartburn which broke me into a fear of kicking the bucket.
He is now allowing you to have more LEAVE - For free with no strings attached.
One day at a time, right ! I'm now out of Leave and face going to work on a daily basis in less then ideal condition.
Do you honestly think I would let my little brother be forced to work when he needs a little more time off??
In a Prison setting, no less. I have no choice. It's LWOP otherwise.
Listen Squalebear I have over 240 hours right now and I get over 5 weeks of AL a year. AL is like money - it is meant to be given and used as the need arises. PM me your name and where you work and I'll have HR transfer a week or two.
If surgery becomes the ultimate reality, the thought of medical retirement
might need to be researched to protect my family. But I don't want to
get ahead of myself. I have to take this "one day at a time".
Let's start with today - I can give you at least 2 weeks but I don't want it wasted; I want to know they will really count for something.
I try every day to stay positive and focus on things that bring me an escape from the pain. Your posts always manage to do just that for me.
PM me the info I need or you'll have a far greater pain from me kicking your ass. Seriously let me help out - I've got more than enough AL and nothing would honor me more - I PROMISE I really mean that.
Making some money in the market doesn't compare to the relief I get from your written word. For that, I wish to thank you. Chin up ! Go EAGLES !