Does a person have to wait until there is a % to be able to move with the >IFT?
Yesterday I moved an extra 1% into the S fund because it was the only one that had a none whole number (3.02%) so I went up to 4 on it, but the rest were at whole numbers so I didn't think I could move any of them.
There is no short answer. Even if the % that is shown happens to be a
whole number (3.00) when you do a <1%IFT on the TSP Website, it still
effects that fund. You seem to understand that a 3.15% reading can be
pumped up to 4.0%. But what happens when a different fund shows a
3.0% at the same time? Its important for you to understand the affect
on whole numbers. The best way is through an example;
Monday: You start off with the following percentages;
Lets make believe that all funds went up +0.25% on Monday.
If you
DIDN'T do a <1%IFT your account would look like this
on Tuesday;
94.25%-0%-2.25%-2.25%-1.25% Thinking
the next day will be positive, this will give you greater gains
if your right, because you have more money in the funds.
If you
DID do a <1%IFT and entered the same exact %'s
that the TSP website showed on Monday, then on Tuesday
you'll see the same percentages; 95%-0%-2%-2%-1%
However, the TSP will still enact the IFT. They will take all the
shares and sell them, configure your final account balance,
then redistribute your money at the percentages you ask for.
On a down day, this will buy more risk shares cheaper. On a up
day, this will lock a portion of your gain back into the (G).
More often then not, you'll see a mixture of percentages that
makes up your portfolio. But we can't just do One Fund IFT's.
Each fund requires a whole number or zero. So you must look
very close at how each fund is effected by doing a <1%IFT.
You might have the ability to pump the (C) Fund up to the
next highest whole number, while dumping all of your (S) back
into the (G). That is the hardest part when making the ultimate
decision. You must know how the <1%IFT will affect each fund
individually based on "what you believe" the end of the day will
look like. Surprises do happen at the end of the day.
One last thing to remember. If you do not do a <1%IFT and your fund
percentage drops below the next lowest percentage range, your now
stuck in that range. Example; 3.01% drops to 2.99%,,,, you can no
longer pump the 3.01% up to 4%. The maximum you can pump it up
to would now be 3%.
I hope I answered your question. It can be confusing at first. Good Luck !