Squalebear's Account Talk

I tried my 3rd move for the month on friday befor noon. I was 20G, 10F, 10C, 25S, 35I. I tried to move 15% from I and 5% from S into F, but got the red lettered error message saying I "already made 2 moves for the month and could only move into G". So I was stuck with the 10% in F, and moved 15% from I and 5% from S into G. Currently 40G, 10F, 10C, 20S, 20I.
Originally Posted by squalebear

Sorry about the CAPS, I wasn't yelling, just in too much of a hurry.
looks like that's what futurestrader did....for his third move (small % from S and I into G - not 100%). Now we see if he can make a 4th.
Hi Everyone, I'm back and paying the price for thinking I could still
break-dance after 20 years. "Don't Hurt'm Hammer" and "Can't Touch
This" holds a whole new meaning for me now! All worth it though. I'm
hoping to get back into the swing over the next couple of days and
thought I'd share some weekly info;

The differences between the (I) Fund and EFA for the Week prior ended: -0.45% OR -0.11 TSP Cents

DATE---I-FUND%vsEFA%-----YTD%---------TSP Cents

5/05/08_____ +.122%_________-0.33%______ -0.08 tsp cents
5/06/08_____ -.578%_________-0.91%______ -0.22 tsp cents
5/07/08_____ +.505%_________-0.40%______ -0.10 tsp cents
5/08/08_____ +.305%_________-0.10%______ -0.02 tsp cents
5/09/08_____ -.364%_________ -0.46%______ -0.11 tsp cents

As you can see above, the (I) Fund Outperformed the EFA by .122% and
resulted in the lowering of the deficit of -.33% YTD, this translated into
single digit TSP Cents. But wait ! Tuesday the (I) Fund Underperformed
by a whopping -.578% (ouch) and drove the deficit the roof -0.22 TSP
Cents. It only took two days to get the deficit back to single digits.This
week, anyone jumping in the (I) Fund at the close of business on Tuesday
might have thought the -.91% deficit would certainly payoff. But alas, the
next day (Wednesday) was a painfully bad day and the deficit was used
to give the (I) Fund less of a lose then the EFA. If the deficit was in the
single digit area on Wednesday, the (I) Fund would have felt the full brunt
of a very bad day. Thursady was a great rebound day in the market and
the (I) Fund Outperformed the EFA and drove the deficit back down to
it's aspired single digits for the second time in one week. Friday closed
the week by leaving the deficit where it began on Monday at the medium
level of -0.11 tsp cents.

-.05 thru -.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
+.00 thru +.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met)
+.10 thru +.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin) :worried:
+.16 thru +.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher, but has)
Too much booty-shakin' SB! Must have been one heck of a reception. Glad you helped give the kids such a nice sendoff. What a great dad you are!:)
Too much booty-shakin' SB! Must have been one heck of a reception. Glad you helped give the kids such a nice sendoff. What a great dad you are!:)

Thanks L2R, it was better then I could ever hoped for. Now, 2 families
are one and we're pretty lucky because our families truly compliment
each other.

And yes, rump-shakin put me on oxygen for a while. With 7 of my fellow
officers and approximately 200 guests will atest to (photos & video), SB
was "rock'n" and still knows how to "bring it down" for an audience.
Thanks L2R, it was better then I could ever hoped for. Now, 2 families
are one and we're pretty lucky because our families truly compliment
each other.

And yes, rump-shakin put me on oxygen for a while. With 7 of my fellow
officers and approximately 200 guests will atest to (photos & video), SB
was "rock'n" and still knows how to "bring it down" for an audience.
um....what's the name of the thread in the Lounge for this "must-see" vid?;)
SB, Nice to hear you survived. I can only imagine what it will be like when my daughters decide to get married. :) The mrs. might drive me to drink. :D Getting back into the game with a clear head is a plus. Now that we have limits.
If the TSP Funds closed exactly as the Indexes and there was no such
thing as Fair Value, Currency Rates and Management Intervention, the
TSP closing prices would look something like this;

(G) = 12.44 per share / +0.01cents / +0.08%
(C) = 15.94 per share / +0.17cents / +1.08%
(S) = 19.25 per share / +0.20cents / +1.05%
(F) = 12.18 per share / -0.02cents / -0.25%
(I) = 24.06 per share / +0.24cents / +1.01%

The (C) and (G) prices will be very close when the share prices update
on the TSP Webite come 7:30pm. I'm hoping for the (G) to come in with
a penny today, but that could happen tomarrow.

The (F) (S) and (I) have the above factors (and more) which will make
their final returns different then estimated above. Here's hoping the up
side differences are seen for those who are in those particular funds.
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I'm still in G thinking oh why didnt I get back in the market when I had the chance. But I also think that the buying/selling volumes were low and today is a sort of a trap before a huge fall. I still expect a DOW to rise above 13200 before June. I expect the market to skyrocket to the moon when the olympic game starts.
I'm still in G thinking oh why didnt I get back in the market when I had the chance. But I also think that the buying/selling volumes were low and today is a sort of a trap before a huge fall. I still expect a DOW to rise above 13200 before June. I expect the market to skyrocket to the moon when the olympic game starts.

It's a long year and there will be plenty of opportunity to jump in on a
low period. Even low volume rallies can provide us with a +1% gain. It's
like a Hit & Run type thing. But with limits, one must be more pickier. If
your a buy and hold kind of investor, I tend to think that anything more
then a 1.50% lose would give greater creedance to jumping in on the
rebound, even in low volume.

Good Day today and the returns for the (I) Fund drove the deficit back down to it's single digit aspirations of 0.05 TSP Cents.
Don't you love it when the EFA gains 1.00%, but the (I) Fund gains 1.26%. Heck all funds stood tall, even the (F) Fund did
better then it's counterpart (AGG) by 0.10%. Ya can't win if you don't play, however, if tomarrow gives us another GREEN day
before noon, I'll be strongly considering an IFT to take some off the table. Maybe in 5% - 10% slices back to the (G). I stand
at 50%(G)30%(C)20%(S) for Tuesday. I'm up +5.61%YTD and realize we're only in the 5th Month of a long year. To be totaly
honest concerning my feelings, about how my IFT's worked so far in May, I believe I jumped the gun too fast early on. With
only 50% at risk, I feel that I needed to be a little more patient so early in the Month. But, you must live with your decisions
and reset your goals when things don't turn out as expected. I'm happy to be up YTD and have plenty of time to hit Double
Digits before the years out.
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OK, my last IFT took me to 50%(G) 30%(C) 20%(S)
Over the coarse of time, the percentages changed
based on gains & loses within each fund.

Today, I was allocated at: 49.86%(G) 30.03%(C) 20.11%(S)

I made an IFT as follows; 54%(G) 31%(C) 15%(S)

Take Note, that while my goal was to lower my stake in the (S), the
software allowed me to add to my stake into the (C) by almost a full
1% (.97%). So it's now a point of fact. Rounding up can be utilized
to increase one fund from (.01% thru .99%) when you've used all of
your unrestricted IFT's and can only go back to the (G). Even if the
increase of value is less the 1%, I thought some of you would like to
know how this turned out.

You just tried what I was looking to try. I think most everybody is looking for a loophole. Anyway, this is what TSP just allowed me. I was 50%G/10%F/10%C/10%S/20%I and allocated 49.7/9.94/10.06/10.06/20.15. I moved 5% from F to G and tried 1%/2%/2% to C/S/I and got the red warning. "Danger, Danger Will Robinson". So I tried 55%G/2%F/11%C/11%S/21%I. It accepted my ITF. So the system allowed me a 1% increase into three different funds. Now we just have to figure out the max transfer to F/C/S/I vs max transfer to G. GL to all of us.

You just tried what I was looking to try. I think most everybody is looking for a loophole. Anyway, this is what TSP just allowed me. I was 50%G/10%F/10%C/10%S/20%I and allocated 49.7/9.94/10.06/10.06/20.15. I moved 5% from F to G and tried 1%/2%/2% to C/S/I and got the red warning. "Danger, Danger Will Robinson". So I tried 55%G/2%F/11%C/11%S/21%I. It accepted my ITF. So the system allowed me a 1% increase into three different funds. Now we just have to figure out the max transfer to F/C/S/I vs max transfer to G. GL to all of us.
And I really think this information should be via PM....FRTIB is monitoring.;)
With all due respect to your feelings concerning the Board, they are
fully aware of their software capabilities and I don't care what they
see anymore. That would include any inflamitory comments concerning
their incompetance or failures I have pressing against my brain. Sorry,
not mad at your entry. I'm angry that they have made us paranoid over
our freedom of expression. I won't back down, they'll do as they will !
SB, please see PM. :)

All, we need to avoid comments like "we're all looking for a loophole." They're looking for ways to further restrict us - they're already planning something for G Fund. Please don't give them any ammunition. :)
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SB, please see PM. :)

All, we need to avoid comments like "we're all looking for a loophole." They're looking for ways to further restrict us - they're already planning something for G Fund. Please don't give them any ammunition. :)

Gotcha :D
While the S&P 500 has been slightly down most of the day, its now slightly
up. The Whilshire4500 is having a great day (tech stocks ?). The EAFE is
doing the slow-poke on the down side.

3:35pm will be interesting. Will it holds and add more gains ?
Will it closed unchanged from yesterday ? Or, will you see a
selling rampage ? Stay Tuned folks, lets see if the Dow can
overcome the bear push.
May 13, 2008 The Dow/S&P 500 Ratio
Imagine if the Dow was 3,000 points higher than it is today. That’s where it would be if it had merely kept pace with the S&P 500 over the last few decades.

The Dow used to be about 10 or 11 times the S&P 500 (I’m referring to the index number, not market cap), but the ratio slowly sank for a long time.

The Dow/S&P 500 hit its low point in 1985 when the Dow was less than seven times the S&P. Since then, the Dow has had a bit of
a comeback. In 2002, the ratio broke 9.5 for the first time in over 25 years. After falling back some from 2002 to 2004, the Dow has
outpaced the S&P 500 over the last two years.

Hey SB,

Got a minute? Take a look at the P&F Chart School thread. I'd like your opinion on those thoughts. TIA.:)