I'm still in G thinking oh why didnt I get back in the market when I had the chance. But I also think that the buying/selling volumes were low and today is a sort of a trap before a huge fall. I still expect a DOW to rise above 13200 before June. I expect the market to skyrocket to the moon when the olympic game starts.
It's a long year and there will be plenty of opportunity to jump in on a
low period. Even low volume rallies can provide us with a +1% gain. It's
like a Hit & Run type thing. But with limits, one must be more pickier. If
your a buy and hold kind of investor, I tend to think that anything more
then a 1.50% lose would give greater creedance to jumping in on the
rebound, even in low volume.
Good Day today and the returns for the (I) Fund drove the deficit back down to it's single digit aspirations of 0.05 TSP Cents.
Don't you love it when the EFA gains 1.00%, but the (I) Fund gains 1.26%. Heck all funds stood tall, even the (F) Fund did
better then it's counterpart (AGG) by 0.10%. Ya can't win if you don't play, however, if tomarrow gives us another GREEN day
before noon, I'll be strongly considering an IFT to take some off the table. Maybe in 5% - 10% slices back to the (G). I stand
at 50%(G)30%(C)20%(S) for Tuesday. I'm up +5.61%YTD and realize we're only in the 5th Month of a long year. To be totaly
honest concerning my feelings, about how my IFT's worked so far in May, I believe I jumped the gun too fast early on. With
only 50% at risk, I feel that I needed to be a little more patient so early in the Month. But, you must live with your decisions
and reset your goals when things don't turn out as expected. I'm happy to be up YTD and have plenty of time to hit Double
Digits before the years out.