I read on another thread that the "Deficit Theory" I speak so frequently
talk about, might explain the "mystery money" that some how appears &
disappears from the I-Fund returns on a daily basis. I want to give all my
friends a brief understanding of what I look at & what I don't include.
I-Fund = Our TSP account made to "reflect" the MSCI EAFE INDEX
EFA = An ETF that was made to "reflect" the MSCI EAFE INDEX
As an investor in the TSP over the years, it quickly became apparent
by looking at this TSP Link
that all the Funds were
required to "reflect" their corresponding indexes.
For this to hold true, many facts had to be addressed by the Fund Mgrs.
Fees, Dollar Fluctuations, The Closing of the European & Asian Markets,
Dividends, Commissions......etc........ I was not interested (previously)
in learning so much about the specifics. That included Fair Value or any
other detail which caused the differences in their returns. But I tracked
the differences anyway. While doing so, I believed a pattern developed.
It was simple, right in my face and made all the sense in the world.
This pattern does not predict the future decisions Fund Mgrs. will make at
any given time. So "anything can happen" still exists. But the information I
get from this data, helps me understand a portion of the differences in the
daily returns. When I say portion, I believe that Fair Value (FV) plays an
even larger role in the differences.
Bottom Line: The YTD differences between the EFA and the I-Fund must
stay close to reflect one another. If today, the fund has a difference in
returns of say,,,,.25% I simply take the the .25% and multiply it by the
final tsp share price. That turns the difference into TSP CENTS. When the
Accumulative YTD difference reaches the twenty cent area, it's high.
.00 thru .09 Low Difference (It's goals are met)
.10 thru .15 Medium Difference
.16 thru .23 High Difference
On rare occassion you'll see an overpayment, instead of a deficit. Too
rare to mention right now. But FV is most definately is included within
these deficits. I invite anyone to combine the two and come up with a
more definative share price speculation. I am not qualified to speak of
FV just yet and time is not on my side as well. I hope this helps anyone
interested in why I don't believe this is a therory, but a required portion
of the TSP Fund Managers.