I stand corrected. The article is indeed a 2002 article.
L2R, Thanks for bringing that to our (my) attention. I don't know why
I thought (I actually looked) it was current. And please, always jump
in - I make boo-boo's alot.
Steady, I really don't fall into much of the hype, rumors etc.... but my
feelings about our limits are still raw. The minute I read the 2002 article,
I saw red and grabbed my M-16. I'll be more cautious in the future.
Dr Faustus, I clearly remember RIF's (Reduction In Force) and Budget
Impasses being talked about just after the BOP National Lockdown.
Non essentials stayed home a day or two, Officers worked without pay.
Eventually, we all received back pay. Politics, Payroll & Retirement Funds
are a deadly little mix that we have no control over. The shell game, is
indeed, in full swing dispite my above mentioned error.
With that said, Bronchitis and Graveyard shifts are calling me to bed.
I'll touch base a little later to see if the rebound off the lows continued
as it is doing now. May they all turn Green to end a glorious week.