Squalebear's Account Talk

Momentum is not only lost, the Market is falling strong. YUK !
In comparison to the 1.19% gain the S&P500 was showing earlier.
Well, Its time for a Graveyard Shift nap. It's (MY) monday tonight
and Poooh! is the only thing that comes to mind. Hoping for some
last minute buying, but the (F) is going positve as I write. I'm sure
a deficit update will be forthcoming soon. May it stay Green for all.
Whipsaw Wednesday on OPEX week...program trading kicking in..they didn't get it down as far as they wanted last Friday.:p:blink:
The S&P Futures are up .38% and the FTSE is up .41%
Looks like a good start, but so did yesterday. After 2:30pm
Whipsaw gave us Whiplash. I'm thinking that I'll leave my
10%(C) & 10%(S) alone until Friday. Good Luck Evry1 !

(5/12/08) +.258% -0.05 tsp cents
(5/13/08) - .324% -0.13 tsp cents
(5/14/08) +.292% -0.06 tsp cents

-.05 thru -.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
+.00 thru +.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met) :toung:
+.10 thru +.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin)
+.16 thru +.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher)
The S&P Futures are up .38% and the FTSE is up .41% Looks like a good start, but so did yesterday.
Good Luck Evry1 ! :toung:

That's a perfect way to start my day. THANK YOU!!

That they are up .38%/.41% means despite the widespread fear (or concerns) the general MB has - the Markets are still holding and the strengh to sustain them remains intact.

Most of us have a tendency to bail after a few good days (and here I am not saying that's good or bad) I'm simply saying that as a whole we are highly conditioned to unlimited ITFs with fairly frequent adjustments.

If you look strictly at the S&P 500 over the past few months - the strength is far over the weakness with a growing gain (BULL) so I'm in to stay awhile longer. I need to run and drink another glass of Birch Juice.

Made my 4th IFT today. It allowed me to move 1% into the G and 1% into the I. Good Luck, today the market looks pretty squirrelly. :(
i have 6 years to go so i need to be somewhat conservative !!! i'm not skerred just trying to get close to the 0.00% (break even point) for the year mark, they say u don't lose till u sell, don't want to lose my shares. i have been 100% I since before the first of the year.
I made a IFT (my last for the month of May) to 100% (G)
As I said on the Tracker, Something inside is telling me that
a downturn is coming and it may not wait for Monday. Friday
could get ugly. With only 20% at risk, I'll take my gains today
and hide until June 1st. Of coarse, there's still a (G) Penny or
two I'll get.

Or, maybe because I made so many moves so early in the month,
I have very little to gain or lose at this stage and the (G) is more
inviting with so little to play with. Let it be known now, I'm going
to try to be more patient going into June. Heck, give me 15 days
and I'll probably forget I even said it.:confused:
i have 6 years to go so i need to be somewhat conservative !!! i'm not skerred just trying to get close to the 0.00% (break even point) for the year mark, they say u don't lose till u sell, don't want to lose my shares. i have been 100% I since before the first of the year.

100% (I) scares the hell out of me, big guy. So obviously your not shy
when it comes to taking risks. Today would be a prime example of what
I loved to see when unlimited in my IFT. The EFA is now up +1.02%. I'd
take half off the table. If it rose the next day, maybe a quarter would
come off as well. But thats a thing of the past.

Short term gains now mean weekly or biweekly, instead of daily.
With 6 years left to go, you have time, but not alot ! Be careful
my friend, it's easier to lose 3% in one day then gaining 3% in
one month.
This is a portion of a May 15, 2008 article within a link that Frixxx posted
within a Barclays Thread. I guess they ran out of Social Security Funds
they can play with. Anyone who doesn't think that Barclays & Bush are
behind the Boards limits, have their heads in a very dark area. :worried:

"The Treasury Department is expected to borrow up to $40 billion from one federal retirement account, the so-called "G Fund." The Clinton administration borrowed $39.8 billion from the Civil Service Retirement Fund and $21.5 billion from the G Fund in November 1995, during its infamous budget battle with congressional Republicans. Republicans denounced the move at the time." :blink:

http://www.apwu.org/news/nsb/2002/nsb06-2002-031502.htm :suspicious:

I apologize for hopping in here on this but that article is from 03/15/2002, not this year. However, "borrowing" from the trust funds is nothing new. They do this every year when they reach the debt ceiling and it's legal. Congress wrote it into the law that created FERS. None of the so-called "trust funds" are safe. There's a old thread in one of the forums about "tinkering with the G fund" or some such. You can also google "debt ceiling and trust funds" and get articles going all the way back to 1987 on it.
Anyone who doesn't think that Barclays & Bush are behind the Boards limits, have their heads in a very dark area. :worried:

"The Treasury Department is expected to borrow up to $40 billion from the "G Fund." :suspicious:

The government operates on a system that is wholly unique to them in terms of how they obtain money, how they spend it, and how they keep their records. Some of our posts (as good as our intentions may be) can be costly. Don't get caught up in the hype.
I remember the Clinton budget fiasco and how upset I was when I learned that they gov't was going to raid our "protected" funds. I guess its all just a shell game.
I stand corrected. The article is indeed a 2002 article.

L2R, Thanks for bringing that to our (my) attention. I don't know why
I thought (I actually looked) it was current. And please, always jump
in - I make boo-boo's alot. :)

Steady, I really don't fall into much of the hype, rumors etc.... but my
feelings about our limits are still raw. The minute I read the 2002 article,
I saw red and grabbed my M-16. I'll be more cautious in the future.

Dr Faustus, I clearly remember RIF's (Reduction In Force) and Budget
Impasses being talked about just after the BOP National Lockdown.
Non essentials stayed home a day or two, Officers worked without pay.
Eventually, we all received back pay. Politics, Payroll & Retirement Funds
are a deadly little mix that we have no control over. The shell game, is
indeed, in full swing dispite my above mentioned error.

With that said, Bronchitis and Graveyard shifts are calling me to bed.
I'll touch base a little later to see if the rebound off the lows continued
as it is doing now. May they all turn Green to end a glorious week.
Dr Faustus, I clearly remember RIF's (Reduction In Force) and Budget
Impasses being talked about just after the BOP National Lockdown.
Non essentials stayed home a day or two, Officers worked without pay.
Eventually, we all received back pay. Politics, Payroll & Retirement Funds
are a deadly little mix that we have no control over. The shell game, is
indeed, in full swing dispite my above mentioned error.

With that said, Bronchitis and Graveyard shifts are calling me to bed.
I'll touch base a little later to see if the rebound off the lows continued
as it is doing now. May they all turn Green to end a glorious week.

Squalbear, The reductions and raiding the retirement funds are alive and well today.

DOD were given marching orders to reduce the payrolls by 122,000 by Sept. 30, 2008.

We are just wrapping up round one with VERA/VSIP that is allowing me to retire seven months before I planned. The results are only 1/3 of what they wanted to reduce to prevent a RIF. All of the other DOD orgs are experiencing similar results. (less taking than needed).

It works for me but I have kids working for FEDs that may have a tough time ahead.

Since I am CSRS the impact of going early will only be slight.

Squalbear, The reductions and raiding the retirement funds are alive and well today.
DOD were given marching orders to reduce the payrolls by 122,000 by Sept. 30, 2008.
We are just wrapping up round one with VERA/VSIP that is allowing me to retire seven
months before I planned. The results are only 1/3 of what they wanted to reduce to
prevent a RIF. All of the other DOD orgs are experiencing similar results. (less taking
than needed). It works for me but I have kids working for FEDs that may have a tough
time ahead. Since I am CSRS the impact of going early will only be slight.

BlueMax, thank goodness your CSRS had little effect. In this transiant
world of ours, it's pretty tough to catch a job you can call your own for
20-30 years. The days of staying at IBM all your working life is over.
Downsizing, Global Export of American Jobs makes working as a Fed the
best game in town for job security. Don't get me wrong, its getting harder
each day and there's plenty to be fixed (Budgets etc....). Here's hoping
your children "stay safe" and learn through our mistakes. If that should
happen, they'll be better off then we are.
Steady, I really don't fall into much of the hype, rumors etc.... but my feelings about our limits are still raw. The minute I read the 2002 article, I saw red and grabbed my M-16. I'll be more cautious in the future.

Hey my friend - everything's cool :cool:

Have a good weekend ;):)
Hey everyone,

Sorry about those links. I knew they were dated but I mentioned it in my post when they were written.

I take the blame for lighting the fire (and then running). :cool:
Last edited:
(5/12/08) +.258% -0.05 tsp cents
(5/13/08) - .324% -0.13 tsp cents
(5/14/08) +.292% -0.06 tsp cents
(5/15/08) - .079% -0.08 tsp cents
(5/16/08) - .099% -0.10 tsp cents

-.05 thru -.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
+.00 thru +.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met)
+.10 thru +.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin) :suspicious:
+.16 thru +.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher)
(5/05/08) +.122% -0.08 tsp cents
(5/06/08) -.578% -0.22 tsp cents
(5/07/08) +.505% -0.10 tsp cents
(5/08/08) +.305% -0.02 tsp cents
(5/09/08) -.364% -0.11 tsp cents

(5/12/08) +.258% -0.05 tsp cents
(5/13/08) - .324% -0.13 tsp cents
(5/14/08) +.292% -0.06 tsp cents
(5/15/08) - .079% -0.08 tsp cents
(5/16/08) - .099% -0.10 tsp cents :suspicious:

+.05 thru +.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (rare)
-.00 thru -.09 Low Difference (It's goals are met)
-.10 thru -.15 Medium Difference (Flip A Coin) :suspicious:
-.16 thru -.23 High Difference (rarely goes higher)[/quote]
The EFA is now +0.03% YTD over its 2008 High Closing Price.
The (I) Fund is -0.40% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price.
The (S) Fund is -0.76% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price
The (C) Fund is -2.17% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price
The EFA is now +0.03% YTD over its 2008 High Closing Price.
The (I) Fund is -0.40% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price.
The (S) Fund is -0.76% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price
The (C) Fund is -2.17% YTD under its 2008 High Closing Price

That was my basis for going 100% C Fund. On the whole I and S will usually gain at a better pace when things are going up - but my fear was the others may top out soon - while hopefully C will continue.

This is good info. Thanks SB