Today my TSP Account Percentages looked like this;
85%(G) 0%(F) 5%(C) 5%(S) 5%(I)
Based on my spreadsheet, if I did not make a <1% IFT my TSP account
percentages would have looked similar to this come Tuesday Morning;
85.22%(G) 0%(F) 4.95%(C) 4.89%(S) 4.94%(I)
I assumed before noon that the market was going to end negative. In
response, I went to the IFT webpage and saw I had 85-0-5-5-5 as I had
requested on Friday. But I didn't want my percentages to change as I've
mentioned just above. So I entered the exact same percentages into the
IFT webpage that were shown to begin with. 85-0-5-5-5. The IFT went
through without a hitch. I am now guaranteed to have 5% in each of the
risk funds come tomorrow.
The IFT resulted in the following;
0.22%(G) were sold. (having less shares)
0.05%(C) were bought. (having more shares)
0.11%(S) were bought. (having more shares)
0.06%.(I) were bought. (having more shares)
As far as $$Dollars$$ go, I won't have as much, in each of the risk funds,
that I had at the begining of Monday morning, however, I have a heck of
alot more money in those funds then I had at the close on Monday.