Well, I guess I'll keep out of C for a bit...Ohhh, *special* investment vehicles. So special!

Lights are good, but only after the roaches have run.
Tempted to Buy Bank Stocks? Better Think Twice
"....The biggest bad surprise for investors in bank stocks, though, could come from pools of so-called shadow assets that have been following around these banks for years. In the earlier part of this decade, banks set up a number of financing arrangements called special investment vehicles or variable interest entities. These arrangements each had different functions, but they were generally known as special purpose entities and they had the effect of keeping certain loans off bank ledgers.
A recent change in accounting rules means that banks are going to have to bring those loans back on their books by the end of this year. The biggest fear is that banks will start recording losses from these loans that investors weren't expecting. There's a second problem related to shadow assets: Regulators say that banks must hold capital equal to at least 5% of their assets to be considered healthy. Citigroup, to take one example, has about $850 billion in special purpose entities. That means to reincorporate those assets by the end of this year, Citigroup will have to come up with $42 billion in new capital — money that will have to come from Uncle Sam, which could further dilute the value of Citi's shares.
"The change in the way banks have to account for these special purpose entities will mean great danger for their capital ratios," says corporate accounting expert Robert Willens...."