Silverbird's Account Talk

Oh, there is one more reason to invest now, I'm expecting the market to drop again and get "cheep" in the short term. If stocks are still going up-slope I can always buy some cheep F. Or so I hope,:toung: we'll see on Tuesday (next contribution day). But unless things really go ridiculous Northward, I'm not buying more G, I've got enough of that.
Nibble nibble, first new contribution with 6% instead of 5%
100% F COB 5/19 F looks Cheep.
With all the little new contributions this year, my IFT is now (rounded) 95% G, 1% F, 1% C, 3% S, 0% I
:nuts: ouch silly F. I want there to be more lending available for corporations. You know...bonds, not stocks.
Looks like no one wants to lend to corporations right now.
:nuts: ouch silly F. I want there to be more lending available for corporations. You know...bonds, not stocks.
Looks like no one wants to lend to corporations right now.

Well - I am way off orbit with the rest of the crowd here...:blink:

When we talk about 'resistence points' I guess all that stuff doesn't really mean a hill of beans to me...

The way I see it is: We are either in a TRUE Downward trend with occasional bounces and 'fluke rallies' - BUT THE TREND IS DOWNWARD

OR - It's totally the opposite

The only difference is when it 'rolls on the BOTTOM' - because a REAL TOP never rolls.

So if we weigh the expotential candlestick factor - and blend this with a backward reversal of the bollinger bands - multiple this by pi and then devide it by half the sun's radius ....

I'd say we are in a TRUE DOWNWARD TREND - and at least in the short term F Fund will pay off.


:embarrest: Back to 5% on the contributions...sigh. Need to look at the credit card first - luckily it's with a credit union and *doesn't* have silly lines on the contract that they can do anything they feel like. I'll just have to contribute more to retirement later....
Silver, Speaking of credit cards. Have you noticed a trend towards closing cards with low or no balances? My wife and I have had three closed involuntarily in the past three months. One we had for over 20 years. Not that we'll miss them. We kept them under the idea that it would help our credit score. Dave Ramsey would croak!:D We'll see if it affects our scores.
Don't really see the benefit to the credit card companies. As long as they were open there was a chance we might use them?
[You are not alone...]

Credit card companies are closing unused accounts
"....Have a credit card you haven't used in the last year or so? It might be canceled.
Numerous credit card companies are cutting costs by closing accounts due to inactivity, and they're doing it without warning.
Can this ding your credit score? The simple answer is: Yep.
"This is their legal right, but it can also negatively affect your credit score," Jonathan at My Money Blog reports....

....If an account you want to keep has been closed, Jason at Frugal Dad says you can call and ask that it be reopened."
Silverbird eyes the market, doesn't make sense.:suspicious: Things are looking better but they aren't exactly stellar! Need a little more "S" though....

New contributions 100 percent "S"
IFT still something like this: G 94%, F 1%, C 1%, S 4%, I < 0.5%
New contributions "S" again, this will not change my totals. I'd buy some "C" but *still* waiting for the other shoe to drop on financials.
Well I figured I'd use this place to give my farewell address.

I won't have internet access until Monday and wanted everyone to know it's been a real pleasure finding this site and being a part of this community.

If ya ever need a cozy place to just relax and kind of let your mind wonder - this is the place to come. Silverbird has every variety of tea you could imagine, a great assortment of coffees (and other drinks as well). You can usually find some fresh pastries laying around but it's more the atmosphere that brings me here more than anything else.

Well have a great weekend everyone - enjoy the fireworks - have some quality family time and take some time out just for you.

Happy 4th of July !!!!

New Contributions I
Yes, that's an looks cheep to me and I think in time it will go up.
Still over 92 percent G overall so this is a nibble.
Still expecting to be able to swoop in on a dive, the market has been going up a bit too quickly. Yes, long term the economy will do better. But I'm looking at the situation over 5 or so years, not tommorow. Bird is looking for an entrance. Cautious as usual....I seem to be best at seeing when to get out but not when to get in. :suspicious:
Upcoming Nibble for Tuesday, new contributions 100% C.
I really don't have enough in C right now, I've been leery because I think the finance companies still have lots of garbage in storage. But it appears that may already be baked in. Regardless in the long term, 1% C is too little.
IFT still at 92 G, 1%F, 1%C, 5%S, 1%I
Schwarzenegger signs up to state ‘garage sale’

Arnold Schwarzenegger has come up with a novel way to raise funds for cash-strapped California. He has ordered officials to sell surplus state property, with some of it signed by the movie star-turned governor to increase its value.
Under the “Great California Garage Sale”, thousands of items including signed cars, bookcases and even dentist chairs are up for grabs on Ebay and Craigslist. A warehouse in Sacramento, the state capital, is open for business this weekend where furniture and electronic goods will also be available....
The bird folds and waits for a new entry point.
99% G
1% F
Betting on the dip to go on for a while longer, then up again. Could be right, could be wrong....