Show-me Account Talk

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It was my original plan after all the research I did this weekend. I need to stick to my guns. F fund really need a rest and C fund could go higher but risk is to high for me at this point.

I want to stay in but the H&S and the breakdown of the apex has me conserned.
I should leave half in the C fund to hedge my bet tomorrow will finish the five day period better.
Gotta love the shorts at the end of the day. Gave us a nice little rally at the close. I hope the momo carries into the open and the rest of the day tomorrow. I'm not gonna be long stocks after that though.
Wow! What a ride...

Last minute short covering saved our butts today.:D


Gotta love the shorts at the end of the day. Gave us a nice little rally at the close. I hope the momo carries into the open and the rest of the day tomorrow. I'm not gonna be long stocks after that though.

What a day is right. Thanx! The volitility will get you spinning. Check out the S fund, way oversold!!! Down seven in a row, I'm thinking a green day is due.$EMW&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p51972347693

Good luck!
After sleeping on it yesterday was classic political shuffling. Treasury Secretary Paulson comes out in a press conference and basically sez "NOTHING". "No easy answer to mortgage woes." LOL No Shiite!

Then the President comes out and sez "NOTHING" too. Economic stimulus package is thrown around but no details. And, the market is unfazed.

Now what this sound like to me is that the PPT don't have a clue how to fix this one and the are buying time. Treasury auctions are not working. Fed cuts are not working. CONSUMER DRIVEN ECONOMY people! If the consumer has shot their wad during the Holidays and on fuel and energy what is left. Job market is contracting and the consumers that are making a buck are scared and starting to squirrel it away. Bout time!

What say you?

Good luck today! The S fund should throw some coins out today and the F fund should take a rest. Believe nothing until the closing bell. lol :nuts:
Hey Show-me,
IMO, I definitely agree with there being alot of blathering - listening for real answers, but any given? I also doubt rate cuts will do any good - but market sure is eating it up (just on the speculation) - for now!

As to other question, data due out today is really last weeks news (New Year's, new store sales based on mark-downs, and on returns, etc. - last week's news (today) ;)may not look too bad:

ICS-UBS Store Sales (wk 1/5) 7:45 AMwk(wk 1/5) , 2008
Redbook (wh 1/5), 2008 8:55 AMwk(wk 1/5) , 2008
Pending Home Sales Index (Nov, 2007) 10:00 AM
Consumer Credit (Nov, 2007)
3:00 PM
M/M change 9.00B expected

Anyway, the rest of the week is more of the same (mostly all from last week), other from December, and some even from Nov still.
Personally, I hoping for a little pop this week, but do not expect rest of month to be good! Like to hear further opinions myself - same or differing. :blink:
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KBH missed big time, like 9X what the expected losses were. Pending homes no suprise for me. Weak economy, markets, and jobs does not promote home buying.
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