A brand New Year!
2005 YTD 13.44%
2006 YTD 21.81%
2007 YTD 8.81%
Could have been a lot better, the first half of the year I was scared of what could happen and it never happened until the last half of the year.
I have only been actively managing my TSP the last three years and I have not done that bad. I made way more IFT that I wanted to, so I missed that goal. One goal was to beat the C fund or avoid a negative return. Got that one. The I fund was the wallflower of the year. The weak dollar really pushed it above the rest of the markets.
What will 2008 bring?
With the weak dollar the PPI and CPI are going to eat at folks paycheck. Thank you APWU for the COLA in my contract.
Energy is high and going higher. More demand. Drive the wheels off of my 1997 van, 1991 car, and 1990 truck. No "new car" for this kid.
The USD is weak and I see no reason for it to return to favor with OS investors. After the assassination in Pakistan the herd ran to Euros for safety instead of Dollars. Got Gold and Silver?
Commodities are at a all time high and demand continues to grow. Good thing my New Years resolution is to not eat anything white. Can't afford to eat breads because of the Ethanol. lol Bourbon is another story and I refuse to give it up.
Charts indicate a very rocky start to 2008 so I will sit on the side line for a while. Head and Shoulders every where and the apex is about to break out. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say the beginning of the election year would be the right place for the market to tank and the end of the election year the right place for it to recover. Or, at least try to recover.
FRTIB is screwing me over by limiting the number of IFT. I will not give up, never ever. I will question everything they do. I will write another letter to my elected official voicing my concern of the lack of customer service and accountability comparable to the private sector. I will not leave this alone.
We may lose a battle, but the war I will win! Please join me.
Good luck everyone! Get those matching funds and max out that ROTH IRA.