Show-me Account Talk

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I'm thinking the bulls are going to win the day Show-Me...I am expecting us to break above 1490...if not today...this week and headed into next week..Just call it the Xmas Spirit..

One thing is for sure it is looking better now that we had another run at the 200dma. My move out may have been bad mojo.
Long Legged Doji

Long Legged Doji

Long Legged Doji is characterized by very long shadows. It is an important reversal signal.

Recognition Criteria:
1. The real body of the Long Legged Doji is either a horizontal line or it is significantly small (its length is not more than a few ticks).
2. Both of the upper and lower shadows are long and they are almost equal in length.

Long Legged Doji shows that there is a great amount of indecision in the market. This pattern is formed when prices trade well above and below the day's opening price, but then close almost at the same level as the opening price. It means that the end result is not different from the initial open despite the whole excitement and high volatility during the day. This implies a loss of sense of direction and that there is a great amount of indecision in the market.

Important Factors:
Long Legged Doji is especially important at tops.
Long Legged Doji is a single candlestick pattern. Hence, a confirmation is definitely required in the form of an opposite move to the prior trade on the next trading day in order to judge that a reversal may be starting.$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p26694867262
In this graph we will look at a “Long-legged Doji” and the “gravestone” patterns. The long legged doji has very long upper and lower shadows and usually shows up around the tops of trends. This is a complete sign of indecision. Here, the bulls and bears are fighting it out in a struggle to gain ground. Again, in a situation like this take profits immediately.
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Or another definition.

The Long-legged Doji is composed of long upper and lower shadows. Throughout the time period, the price moved up and down dramatically before it closed at or very near the opening price. This reflects the great indecision that exists between the bulls and the bears.
If the futures are any indication of what the day will bring it will confirm the Long legged Doji reversal.
Watched a trader on CNBC and he was very unimpressed with the numbers and would not expect any attempt at a rally until next week. Yea, brilliant because CPI comes in tomorrow and what is left.
This is a high risk time. Most of the TA's I read this weekend are not that optimistic even tho we are coming into Santa Rally time. Robo posted a great video from Oscar about all of the Head and Shoulder patterns formed in the various indices and currency charts.

It is obvious, as Tom pointed out in his morning comments, that the Fed knew what the PPI and CPI numbers would be. Otherwise they probably would have went the full 0.5% on the rate cut.

Greenspan is blowing his horn and will not help the action today and possibly this week.

And, Retailers are not impressed with the weekend sales numbers. :( I did my part. Shopping is done, but I took the wife and kids to lunch and a movie, I am Legend.
Morgan Stanley and ETAC.

Morgan Stanley had a big write off. Results of the Treasury auction will be released today.

I'm going to hold the F Fund for now. I have a itch to play the Santa Rally, but I want to pick a better spot. I would like to see two or three days of selling to set it up.

ETAC meeting today and I hope they have the balls to oppose the Board. Everything I have read in the past suggest that they follow the lead of the Board. This will be the first skirmish.
Re: Morgan Stanley and ETAC.

ETAC meeting today and I hope they have the balls to oppose the Board. Everything I have read in the past suggest that they follow the lead of the Board. This will be the first skirmish.
Have you heard from James? Been praying for him(and us). Is he attending the actual meeting?
Re: Morgan Stanley and ETAC.

Have you heard from James? Been praying for him(and us). Is he attending the actual meeting?

I do not think he will get to this one, but he is planning a near future trip to D.C. to talk to a number of folks.
Hi Show-Me:

I hope the ETAC does something to stand up for feds. If they don't, it's obvious that we'll need a change there also. I'm like you right now...waiting for some signal to tell me to get back in..

I know everyone is thinking Xmas rally...but the poor economic conditions aren't screaming jump in...We need a new super cool gizmo or some great news to get everybody excited again..

I agree SM. Unless there is an outpouring of concern, I see a problem. On the other hand, it's probably the first time the council has had any action slowed down for consideration. Folks need to donate to and we need to redouble our efforts to have unions outreach and get the opinions of the vast number of federal employees. For a senior union rep to say TSP is a retirememt fund and not a trading fund indicates they just don't get it.

Jim have we considered this!
If the TSP takes all of the L-Fund Rebalances and submits them in one large buy, WHY can't they do the same thing with the Member's IFTs on a daily basis and Save Money on their IFTs??????:cool: If it works for the "L" funds it will work for our IFTs, might take longer, but I don't care!!
They think we're STUPID right?:mad:
Jim have we considered this!
If the TSP takes all of the L-Fund Rebalances and submits them in one large buy, WHY can't they do the same thing with the Member's IFTs on a daily basis and Save Money on their IFTs??????:cool: If it works for the "L" funds it will work for our IFTs, might take longer, but I don't care!!
They think we're STUPID right?:mad:

They are hoping we are STUPID or don't care to take the time to call them on it.

I see the problem as they have a crappy contract with Barclay and are being over charged.
.... I see the problem as they have a crappy contract with Barclay and are being over charged.
I recall reading in the recent past that Barclay had significant financial problems/issues. In fact, I thought someone may have posted something about it here (?). Conspiracy Theory: Is it all connected?
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