Show-me Account Talk

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Re: Update

What to do? Return for the month is more than my goal but if she is going to run, why not let it. Maybe lower my risk?
Re: Update

Ditto.............................. Boy have I got the itch.
Trying to make up for lost ground could get me in trouble again but the luster of the gold is like the call of the Sirens, remember Pigs get fat and Hogs get slaughtered.
Nothing like the sick, lame and lazy getting lucky and side stepping a down day. Now do I step completely out or take what is coming? I would like to preserve the points as much as possible. Love seeing Jim Cramer getting called out again on Bear Stearn. LOL He still claims to be the hero.............. ego, I think he has.
Nothing like the sick, lame and lazy getting lucky and side stepping a down day. Now do I step completely out or take what is coming? I would like to preserve the points as much as possible. Love seeing Jim Cramer getting called out again on Bear Stearn. LOL He still claims to be the hero.............. ego, I think he has.
JC thinks he is, and talks way too much and way too fast!:laugh:
Re: 9% and a update.

Personal update, tumors have stabilized, they took 720 ml of fluid off of right lung and that feels better. Lung function continues to decline, down to 27% FEV1 but I am still mobile with O2. I received word yesterday that I was approve for my "living benefit" portion of my Federal Life Insurance.

Time is ticking, get you life right with God.
Re: 9% and a update.

I feel lonely tonight. I wish there was something comforting I could say to let you know you are in many hearts. Perhaps when you see our friend Spaf you can tell him I said hello. Take care the best you can - I know it's not an easy situation. I hate death and the tears it brings.
Im glad we have distractions like the market and sports to keep us from constantly thinking about the realities of life. Hang in there buddy.
Oh Show-me, I am so sorry to read the lung function keeps decreasing. Frequent prayers have been going up for you (and your family); we were all hoping your next report would be more encouraging - not forgetting that the tumors have stabilzed. You have been a good friend, and for that, and Such a Witness, I thank you.
-just don't be so mobile you trip over your O2 tubings!!
Re: 9% and a update.

Great to hear from you, Show-me. We're all pulling for you buddy, and thanks for the updates. Try to get your immune system in tip-top shape. Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D3. Cancer hates coffee -- drink at least 4 cups a day (decaf or regular), no sugar. Ask your doctor about turmeric (cancer-fighting spice), a teaspoon in warm water with one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (helps absorption of turmeric and it's good for the heart) is the recommended dose.

I bought turmeric online -- Indus (organic) turmeric powder. The best rated extra virgin oil is Trader Joe's California Estate extra virgin oil. Trader Joe has stores everywhere.
Re: 9% and a update.

Good to hear the tumors are stable and that you're breathing a bit better, Show. Wish they'd hurry up and find a way to turn things all the way around for you. Naturapathic support can be helpful, so I understand, example the turmeric ebbnflow mentioned.
Re: 9% and a update.

The good thing is that I have been able to finalize a ton of stuff so that my wife has nothing to worry about. JMO, get you lives in order, your time is coming and will be a complete surprise for the most of you.
good to see you around show-me. just keep doing the best you can with what you got. the details may be different for each, but really that's all any of us can do. nobody is immune and life happens fast.
Re: 9% and a update.

The good thing is that I have been able to finalize a ton of stuff so that my wife has nothing to worry about. JMO, get you lives in order, your time is coming and will be a complete surprise for the most of you.
Wise words Show-me, but I wouldn't expect anything else but wisdom from you! I always tell people I'm more prepared for the certainty of death than I am with what will happen to me tomorrow (except if I die). You are a true saint for making sure your wife is prepared (as best you can) in that situation.

Head up, heart strong......
My I fund play is starting to give me a upset stomach................. I will wait a bit longer as its chart has the most potently gains but the supporting individual markets are not showing the kind of support that makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Damn I fund, DAMN GREG LONG AND TRACY RAY!!!

Going to give some risk a try.
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