Show-me Account Talk

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Re: 9% and a update.

Thinking of you, Show. Prayers coming your way too. My dad has been battling a different set of cancers with chemo this past year also.
Re: 9% and a update.

My best to you and your family Show, we are all behind you and hope for a Miracle, fight the good fight.
Re: Update

Really happy to hear from you, Show-me. I miss your charts and market observations. Hang in there and keep fighting - I'll be rooting for you!
Thank you for taking the time to check in and let us know how you are doing. You remind us all how precious and fragile life is, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Oh & 9% rocks!
Re: 9% and a update.

Praying that God's healing light surrounds every particle in your being, and provides you with strength and healing.
Re: 9% and a update.

Show-me, may Gods eternal grace and healing presence be felt by you and your family in this time of need. You are part of the fabric of life that binds us all and we are here for you. Your cure is coming, hold in there until it arrives!
Re: 9% and a update.

YTD 9% and I will take it!!!

Here is a update on my cancer battle.

My lungs are not good, diaphram is less painful but lung volume is down. Sounds like my only choice is to take the "orphan drug" Vandetanib. Basically the drug is poison, as are all chemotherapies, with side effect as scary and deadly as cancer itself. Vandetanib is on the leading edge of research in this type of drug and the first and ONLY option for people with advanced Medullary Thyroid Cancer. It is not a cure, it is a living experiment to slow the cancer by starving the cancer tumors of blood vessels until a cure can be found.

Please continue to pray for me and my family.
May the powers of God's infinate mercy be on you and your family SM...hang tuff my friend.
Re: 9% and a update.

Just make sure you are not enrolled in a blind study to get the medication - you could end up getting a placebo and that won't help your situation. People involved in these blind studies only care about their statistics and some will not be helped accordingly. If you are taking chemo you might want to get a dime bag of some medical marijuana to help with nauseau - it will help. Best to you.
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