Show-me Account Talk

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My cancer battle.

After 4 days in the hospital I am home again. Post op recovery was horrible as I had a violent reaction ever seen by the University of Missouri staff. They removed two tumors and left in two to monitor as they were too difficult to get to right now. Also, had a as of yet unexplained stroke like event that has cleared up. The battle rages on.
Re: My cancer battle.

After 4 days in the hospital I am home again. Post op recovery was horrible as I had a violent reaction ever seen by the University of Missouri staff. They removed two tumors and left in two to monitor as they were too difficult to get to right now. Also, had a as of yet unexplained stroke like event that has cleared up. The battle rages on.

Glad to hear you are home...keep fighting buddy!
Re: Update

Your in good hands my friend!
Keep a positive attitude and let the healing begin!
The human body, mind and soul will return to a healthly state if only given a chance to do have now given yourself that!
God Bless!

ps: you certainly haven't missed anything around ranting, raving, or bannishments...down right boring! :D

Best of luck Show-me, please flirt with a nurse while your in their for me :D.

Welcome back Show-me, I hope you get felling better and had a cute nurse or two while in the hospital.

I truly believe their is a reason for everything and will pray God provides some clarity to you and your family. Glad to see your home, it's much more comfortable their.
Re: My cancer battle.

After 4 days in the hospital I am home again. Post op recovery was horrible as I had a violent reaction ever seen by the University of Missouri staff. They removed two tumors and left in two to monitor as they were too difficult to get to right now. Also, had a as of yet unexplained stroke like event that has cleared up. The battle rages on.

Welcome back!! Wish you all the best in recovery and the future :)

Hope everything is OK, Show-me. We've been worried.

I'm sure you have bigger problems in your life, but wanted you to know that the Android App is working again. Now let's work on getting you bug free. :)


Praying that you are getting stronger every day.

Remember these three rules:

Rule #1: God can do anything.
Rule #2: God lives within you.
Rule #3: God always has a divine plan for your life.

Get better soon, my friend.



Praying that you are getting stronger every day.

Remember these three rules:

Rule #1: God can do anything.
Rule #2: God lives within you.
Rule #3: God always has a divine plan for your life.

Get better soon, my friend.

Wonderful words of wisdom.

It's hard I know Show. Know this that people you have not even meet love you and are praying for your full recovery. Just relax and feel better.

Your friend David

I'm still kicking and back to work, but at half speed. Still have no lung volume and still have not identified the mass in my right lung. I can feel it from time to time. Life changing not being able to get a full lung of air, I have a hemi diaphragm so my left lung is not working and my right lung is diseased. GREAT! Doc's are afraid to do biopsy for fear of collapsing good lung or cutting out the lung that is providing my 38% lung function. This came out of the blue for me right after surgery and we believe it is not related to the Medullary Thyroid Cancer. Sounds like Lung Cancer but we are waiting for someone to make a move. Getting a second opinion at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis. If I'm right about lung cancer, sounds like it will kill me before the damn thyroid cancer. What a head fake. lol

Note to the healthy, get some term life insurance outside the Federal service because once you can not work you lose the benefit. Service member should continue the Serviceman's into Veteran's life insurance. Odds are you're going to see illness and you got to cover you families. Max out the 5 multiple on the Federal life insurance and remember there is a "living benefit" that if you are told you have 9 months or less to live you can request the basic portion of the policy. Also, if you can not work you can request LWOP for up to a year and the Feds pay the benefit premium, at least it is that way for USPS.

I feel okay but can't go running, the battle continues.
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