Well-known member
One thing for sure, which ever direction we break to will be a wild ride.
The unemployment picture shows that the .gov continues to tell bold lies and spin corrupt data. Net losses of jobs continue but unemployment is down, :suspicious::notrust:. BHO has a party to show the country we are doing better. NET JOB LOSSES CONTINUE TO BE NEGATIVE! DUH! Could it be that people are GIVING UP LOOKING FOR WORK! Maybe?
What until the construction job supported by the stimulus get eliminated. Temporary workers are showing up but what does that do? Census jobs will show up but that is more taxpayer stimulus that are not real jobs. Fake job to fool the dumb investors into the market.
People laugh a Peter Schiff but he is right in some aspects. The economy is not shedding jobs in the right places and building job in the right places due to the artificial .gov intervention. The country can not support our economy with medical, education, government, and government contracted jobs.
The bubbles are forming and the mortgage resets are coming. Credit card defaults are breaking new records and it is the spending season. People will use their CC to charge what they can not afford and then default. It is the old new game. Everyone is playing it in the mortgage sector.
Here is a new epiphany I had listening to Clark Howard this week. Employers will not hire back laid off employee's as regular employee's. Why? Because if they hire them back as "contract employee's" they do not have to pay payroll tax or benefits and they are not considered a employee for the new health care reform. Contract employee's pay all their own taxes and benefits.
What is the broader implications? Social Security. Now there will be less money going into SS thus bringing the critical mass date closer than we think. Contract employee's pay in less SS tax than would be brought in if they were a regular employee.
The street has figured out how to get out of pay more taxes. Can't blame them, its a black hole. Problem is that more people are opting to retire early because they are discouraged and we are collecting much less SS revenue to support the folk already on the rolls and the new ones too.
Just keep in mind that we need to create 250K jobs a month for 10 years to get to 5% unemployment and add another 40K to that number to get to 4% unemployment. We have 3 million new workers entering the work force every year.
Am I discouraged, yes. Am I in the market, yes. The trend is your friend until it ends. As dollar weakness continues, the market keep climbing just like commodities. Dollar weakness is inverse to commodities and US indices.
Take a look at the article that James posted about P/E ratio's. They are ridiculous. I have it here, eleven posts back.
Be cautious folks the bubbles are forming. Watch the banks. The big boys made themselves to big to fail and are not lending money out for a reason. They are squirreling cash away for the rainy day fund. Look at the banks failing and the FDIC can not give them away. WSJ did a article on that. That is likely why we are not seeing the FDIC dismantling more than 6 or 7 banks a week. They have no one willing to take the really bad ones so they are letting them float with taxpayer backing.
Thanks, Show. This is what I see as well. And I am following Kevin DePew (Minyanville) at this point, with his TD DeMark monthly indicator analyses. This month or next will tell the story on where intermediate trend will likely head in 2010. I'm waiting til that story gets unveiled before I make any major move in TSP. I bumped my % biweekly a couple months ago through year end thanks to temporary promotion (that is now officially ended this week), so I'll have a little more cash to move when I do finally make a move.