Whenever the market bottoms out and begins to grow legs once again, the IFT limits may very well be in place. Current plans are for it to be in place in April- pending computer system upgrades.
Anyways, back to my point- IF the limits are in place once the market stabilizes, my plans will be to enter equities then DCA "out" of equities into (G) little by little once I feel the market may be hitting resistance.
My overall goal will be to IFT little by little every day back into (G) since we will supposedly have unlimited IFTs to (G).
I'll simply play this cycle with the market cycle.
Then once the market stabilizes again, I'll go all into equities until we again begin to hit resistance, then I'll DCA out little by little every day.
Get the picture?
God Bless & Happy IFT'ing!