Rod's Account Talk

Posted 24 Jan:

I exited the (F) COB on Tuesday (22 Jan) because of what I thought was pending bad news with the bond insurers...

(F) has lost over 2% since I exited, and is now looking quite attractive again.
Hey fellow former Hoosier..Let's get off the lily pad..Unless October means you can pull the which case congrats..lucky bastard..:D
Still happily sitting in (G).:cool:

Glad I didn't "get off the lily pad" as Buster suggested.
I wasn't even tempted in the least bit because I've learned the hard way what summertime can bring... ;)

God Bless:)
Hi Rod...I'm still in S and waiting to break even with June 3rd's money..almost there..then I may join you on the pad..

I was just back in Evansville last week..Do you ever get back to Jasper?

God bless to you too, good to see you.
Hi Rod...I'm still in S and waiting to break even with June 3rd's money..almost there..then I may join you on the pad..

I was just back in Evansville last week..Do you ever get back to Jasper?

God bless to you too, good to see you.

My Sister lives in E-Ville with her family. I was in Jasper back in March visiting family with my Wife and daughter. It seems nowadays I visit at least once a year. I hope to visit more after I retire from the AF in 2010.
Hummm... I just may not be entering the market come October as planned in late January.
With the DOW now at a 5 year low, I am getting EXTREMELY excited about the gains potential once this sucker takes off again!

I'm just afraid it's going to be later rather than sooner.

So, I simply need to remain patient as I have been doing since late January.