Well-known member
Ok Tsunami, I'm going to give this lunar thing a shot. I submitted my first IFT for September going 40% C Fund. By doing so, I am invested going into October. If things go south, I will still be able to exit and then get back in later in the month and if old Mr. Moon is correct, I can always throw a little more into the game.
Thanks and good luck with your investments!!!
Oh my, well good luck. I hate to see people making any moves based on my posts here...I need to post a disclaimer, just look at my track record LOL. 40% sounds safe though, then you could average in if there's a further dip, or if there's more of a rally to help confirm the bottom is in.
One of the nuances I read about that lunar system (and I think I'll probably go ahead and buy it for the $150 or whatever it costs and then read his book he provides with it) is that in panicky times like we've had, "the" bottom can often occur right during the middle of a "green" period. For the green period that starts tomorrow, the potential panic sell-off period is late next week, 10/7 to early 10/9 I think...which fits with that average October low chart I just posted on my page where the low is around the 7th trading day of October, which would be next Friday 10/9.
Who knows, I certainly don't, but I like the long term returns of that "hybrid" seasonal strategy I'm working on that only includes using the lunar dates four times per year. It's still a work in progress, and one of the rules I still need to develop is how to break from that strategy during bear markets. Like IT posted below, pretty much nothing works in a bear market. The lunar system tends to help since you're out of the market half of the time, but I'd rather just be in G for most of a bear market and only attempt to find the biggest rallies to grab some quick gains.