Qibovin's Account Talk

I hate sitting on the G bench. I'm buying what I hope is a little dip today that I can sell back tomorrow. I'm also waiting for the F fund to dip so I can "diversify" my portfolio while on the bench. Waiting for the EOM/Labor day seasonal opportunity ahead.
I know the market's just waiting for my money to take its dive, so let's get it over with.
I'm hoping the I, in particular, will ride it out another day. I'll probably go 100% G tomorrow and pick up the penny while awaiting a better buying opportunity.
Hopefully I'll sell the bounce tomorrow and pick up the G penny on Friday. I'll, of course, be watching the market tomorrow, but I'm unlikely to change this transfer so I went ahead and put it in already. We'll see where the market goes from here.
Hoping to take some profits in F and I (maybe with +FV) and follow the croud (sheepishly) into S. Maybe pick up some of the penny as well.
Likely to be away from computer all morning. Speculating on seasonality for a few days, but will probably readjust tomorrow.
Hey, I made $0.15 yesterday in "100% G"!! Apparently I had a fraction of a percent in the C fund from a recent contribution.:)
No, that was a total. I was just joking and didn't intend to mislead. My current allocation of payroll contributions puts xx% into the C fund. Normally I IFT frequently enough that it doesn't matter much what that allocation is anyway, but it just so happened that I was at 100% G before my last contribution and haven't IFT'd since then so I actually have 99.xx% G and 0.xx% C. It was this tiny % in the C fund that serendipitously gave me a few cents (total) yesterday. But a penny saved is a penny earned, and I'll take anything I can get!
I actually missed the deadline by <1 min, so still 100% G. I was going to move a big chunk to F per Tom's move and even dip into CS&I a little; but maybe this was a good thing, and all those returning from the sidelines today will provide the market with the capitulation for which it's been waiting.
Well, so much for my 15¢ gain 6 FEB and my 45¢ 7 FEB, so far it looks like I've lost almost a dollar on that fraction of a percent I have in the C fund. It turns out that it was a good thing that I missed the deadline for a move yesterday, though.

Today, after reading Tom's comments that the Trader Fred System is going back to 100% stocks, I was devising this complicated allocation in my head that factored in the "System" (and my reluctance to follow it blindly since it is untested), the bond market potential, the possibility (<50%) that the G penny might come tomorrow, seasonality data, a bullish long term market potential, and the historically-based "need" for a pull-back (popularly imminently). I was considering something like 25% G, 25% F, 8% C, 20% S, 12% I. Sometimes I like to factor in the percent of my account that I still have to pay back as a loan, considering that as being "locked" in the G-fund. It became suddenly much easier after looking at the markets opening today. It DOES look llike a good day to buy. "I" DOES appear to have the best chance/magnitude of positive movement tomorrow.
Tom's comment mentioned this rebound going up to around 50% of the recent high based on Fibonaci something which would have been around 1418. I was considering DCAing to capture some small gains with the plan to cash out at 1418 or bail if recent lows did not hold. After seeing the open today, I did my own calculations and realized that the current "rebound" was almost exactly 38.2% of the recent high (another Fib number I've seen people throw around, so as I see it, this rebound is over and we may not see 1418 again until this summer or fall (hopefully that's an exageration.) I stayed in G and will recompute where I will start DCAing in probably considerably lower than where we recently were.
I was looking at taking a nibble at the I today. 12%'s comments sounded very good, but I never saw the USM go green before noon, and, in fact, the C took a little dive from slightly green to -0.11% around 11:55 EST. I'll hold G for now.
I was looking at taking a nibble at the I today. 12%'s comments sounded very good, but I never saw the USM go green before noon, and, in fact, the C took a little dive from slightly green to -0.11% around 11:55 EST. I'll hold G for now.

Qibovin... Same here! I wanted to go to the I fund for tomorrow, but like you said, the C & S were not both on the + side before noon, and now they're both in the basement. Good call 12%!!! :cheesy:
Aargh! G-penny comes tomorrow, and the EbbTracker AND 12% are both out of the market--everyone, including Tom, seems to be waiting for the next big dip. BUT, Trader Fred is giving a buy signal, the sentiment survey is buy for the week, and all seasonality day has the next two days as some of the best of the year. Typing this out has helped me decide: I'm all in, baby!
Yup ... penny should pay tomorrow, but there are a couple of bulls out there that are looking for some gains. Life is a gamble!!!

I'm all in!!!:nuts:
Finally seeing some profits today, I'm taking 'em! And a good chance of seeing the penny tomorrow. That penny would be Oh-so-sweet accompanied by another Feb. 27th, but I won't push my luck.
I'm so confused. Trader Fred is "in", BUT his charts look ominous and Ebb and 12% are running for cover. Still, T2034's all in in and so's GG. I'm pretty excited about dodging the recent drop and hoping to bag a few cents today, so I'm not desparate for gains right now, but I'd like to think that there are some gains to be made from the Trader Fred system, so I'm "50/50" with 20G 30F 45S 5I.