Dr. F showed a positive (1 sample) combo pattern, and pattern #7 has been good two times on Monday (except I fund). Seasonality is shifting toward the S fund. Still, Sentiment, Ebb and Trader are in G. I'm going to try some new high performers to follow for a while because I'm not sure that I'm ready to chose between "systems" and two or three are ridiculously expensive (see comments below). Anyway, TRUEHONEST and 12% are going for S, and that's what the Ebb^2 combo's and #7 on Mondays would suggest as well. I'll follow the herd and Sentiment 80% to G, and these other guys 20% to S. After today, I will likely trade primarily Sentiment and some seasonality. Hopefully, going into the high season of November and December, I can back off the day-trading and ride the wave up. I may come shopping for a system when that goes to Hades in a handbasket...
I realize that some investors with 100s of thousands, even 7 figure TSP balances can except $200+/year when they are almost guaranteed to make that up in improved gains; however, for those of us with lesser balances, just starting out, that's most of the improved performance out the door right off the bat. Obviously, there's no good accountability to be able to go with a "percent of balance" sort of fee, but I did think that this site was originally aimed at "the little man." As I've mentioned before, I do want to see these "systems" get compensated, I just think it could be done in a more cooperative way, without compromising the inter-system dialogues that are of great value and intrigue.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what the response is to these paid systems, but I suspect that they might do better taking a proportionate (?based on clicks to there system pages) payment from a combined "site" fee than they will do with individual subscribers. Personally, I like to use all the knowledge available to come up with my allocations, but those combined fees are pretty steep.
I may find myself desparate enough, in a couple of month, to subscribe to one or more systems, but initially I will wait and see how the rest of the board is impacted (as well as my Q4 gains).