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I was talking to a Forex guy about a week ago and he mentioned that the dollar seems to be losing its power on Dec timeframe. When I asked him what could be the cause of it, he mentioned that a big factor is that alot of $$ seems to leave the economy or the system on December. He mentioned that Dec is the time that they stack up on $$. Alot of people are sending money to their relatives and families who lives back home. Just thinking about it, US is composed of immigrants (i'm one of them) who still have ties to their previous homeland.
I think we are already seeing the weakening of the dollar which should continue throughout Dec timeframe. I'll be going 100i fund sometime this week and breaking the 30c30s40i allocation long term that I am supposed to be in. Please don't follow me, I really don't know what i'm doing.
I think I'll join ya today Pyriel. Looks like the Nikkei came back to life. Australia nudged a gain. I'm expecting FTSE to rally. Dollars down looking good for the I fund could have a -FV. Mayday