Late for you east coast weenies. I may come back for "snappy repartee" as my 12th grade english teacher used to call it. Mean time off to other threads.

Life is good. No work today, got the lawn mowed, errands run, replaced the light bulb in the fridge, added chems to the pool and cleaned the strainers, cant brush, lightning in the area, woudn't be osha. Lunch made for tomorrow. Laundry done. Time for some malted beverages. Oops, gotta be at work in 11 hours. Moderation. Next two weeks are annual training. Where the travelers only do training and the ones still at their normal duty station do their job during breaks or lunch. I love training days.

First up tomorrow: dont plan a big party that you intend to pay for with your GSA purchase card when you know it is wrong and probably illegal. Like in felony illegal. Solution is to fire one SES and tell others "bad high GS person, bad". The rest of the solution is to p1ss away countless person hours lecturing the rank and file not to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on something they couldn't approve anyway. Felony charges against anyone else who went to the party are not on the table. Taking away the purchase card would hurt JP Morgan Chase's bottom line and require another "loan".

Did I mention I am so happy to be employed and will go along to be allowed to keep going along?