Plaid. bwaaahahahaaa!

Boffing the maid? That reminds me of something long ago in a land far away. Bad to excite geraiatrics.

Hurricanes punishing people.

Gotta get to bed. Work in about 12 hours. Ho hum, just another 50 hour week.
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Gotta get to bed. Work in about 12 hours. Ho hum, just another 50 hour week.

What's sleep anyway. I know I'm retired but Best Buy has scheduled me 25-35 hours the last two weeks and now I'm hooked an "Mass Effect". So the last couple nights I have been staying up to the wee hours saving Earth. Of course you throw in a few beers while playing and seems real enough.
I had to search for this thread. Seemed like some ought to have been posting here last night. Maybe we need a star space PUI thread?

I almost came here last night but then some more chores popped up and by the time I popped one open it was late and it didn't taste good and I set it down and went to bed.

Such is life when you are old. Now chores are done but there is not enough beer in the fridge to qualify my being here but maybe someone will join.

Life is not too bad, Dodgers lost, Dbacks won, RedSox won last night and are doing OK so far tonight.

Toaster ceased to function this morning, some trendy french thing. Looked on line for parts, not available. problem is likely minor, it won't stay latched down. I am not sure I even care enough to take it apart. Sig other will buy another. Probably trendy, probably way overpriced.

So that led me to another small project I had put off. I rescued a perfectly good toaster oven from the trash as it was banished forever from it's former home. Why you ask? OK, so you didn't ask. In a related facility many hundred miles distant, someone set the contents of a toaster oven on fire. The report was quite worthy of any main stream news report. The first paragraph states "the fire quickly spread up the wall, endangering the entire facility, personnel went in search of a fire extinguisher". The next paragraph states that since "the fire was confined to the interior of the oven, an employee unplugged it and set it in the sink". I hope that employee wasn't fired for not using proper PPE.

Bottom line is toaster ovens are forever banished from the agency, with a few exceptions. Some toaster ovens are more equal than others.

My bottom line is I scrubbed it out and once it dries thoroughly I will have a greener solution to using the broiler in the big oven. Unicorns are smiling everywhere. Plus it didn't end up in a land fill or African country.

Still over 100 here today. Is it global climate change/warming/cooling/new ice age/someone can make a lot of money off this or is it because I live in a stinking desert?

Shrinking desert is good, lived in the Mojave for years it's not shrinking. Sounds like you need something to do?
Quite possibly you are correct.

Other observations about foreign language posting. Much to my surprise I was able to sound out the words based on a limited knowledge of the Greek alphabet.

Want to **** off a Greek, mention the similarity to of the Cryllic alphabet to the Greek alphabet.

I always thought the second word meant "hello" but given time and place, I guess it would have.

We didn't think much about the Russian language at the time as we figured we'd be vaporized by the time the USSR troops got there and if not that the USSR would follow history and kill all the females then rape and kill all the males. We would have of course found one of the two people who had the combination to the weapons locker, found the people with the combination to the ammo safe, got out that old M16A1, locked and loaded those six rounds and given the weapon to the most Ramboesque person on site. In the mean time we would be attempting to follow the 20-30 year old instructions about destroying the comm equipment. What thermite grenades? Smash and destroy? OK

I seriously doubt I am violating any OPSEC after 30 years.

Any comm/commo troops from that era have an opinion as to the USSR depending on EMP or just blowing us away?


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Anyone figure out what George Carlin called the "7 dirty word" you can't say on this site? I figure out you can't say **** or urine, what about dick or Richard?
****, ****, ****, ****, ************, **********, and ****. And **** doen't even belong on the list!!
I don't think being sorry is allowed on this thread. JMHO. I only came here because someone liked a three old post of mine. I see no reason for Kevin to be sorry. I see no reason for the seven words being repeated but that is what PUI is all about. Join me in yet another libation and post.

In the spirit of the thread, counting your years since your birth in Hexadecimal is way cool and I highy recommend it.

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :party:


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