poolman - hope your job leads turn out. I was thinkin of you today as I scrubbed the top edge of the pool tiles. Air temp 50, pool temp unknown, the thermometer broke and I never replaced it. My hands still ache. Can't imagine being in the cold(er) water of your clime for a living.
Since your house here seems to be a place for others to spar/talk/etc.
Birtchtree - there is a thread called
TSP Talk Forums > Financial Planning Talk
Investment Portfolios
that may be a place to talk about life outside the TSP. No one seems to use it much. I like to see all the talking, possibly bragging, in the account talk threads. More visible.
JTH and Lobo - ignore Birtchtree! Heresy! Gotta get all the opinions and diversity on the MB we can.
Wonder Woman? Brings back lots of fantasies from when I was in my 20s. Where is she? How can I contact her? Could we...
Back to reality for a moment. Watching, listening, learning and a whole lot of BS luck allowed me to see 8% gain during the T-day week bounce. I hope for a Santa Clause bounce but am in at a much less dangerous level. Will be back to G for the new year. Not that I really know what I am doing but am learning and have 9-10 years to go before retiring. If it all goes wrong I can leave it where it lies and become a desciple of Birtchtree's philosophy.
Thank's to all for all the inputs. Happy Holiday's and best of luck to you all!
And, poolman, thanks for letting me use your house for my post.