if your brokerage account is less than $26,000 (I think that's the amount), than you are subject to a day-trading restriction. No more than 3 day trades in 5 trading days.
FINRA provides that a pattern day trader is any account that executes four or more round-trip day trades within any rolling five-business-day period, provided the number of day trades represents at least 6% of the total trading activity during the same five-business-day period.
If you are flagged as a pattern day trader, you'll be subject to restrictions, including a minimum equity of $25,000 at the start of any day in which day trading occurs. Pattern day-trader accounts that fall below the $25,000 minimum equity requirement and day trading will be restricted to closing transactions only for 90 days, or until the equity is brought up to $25,000.
I think that is what you're referring to.
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