Poll - How to Handle a Disruptive Member

Should we ban disruptive members?

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  • No

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  • Not sure

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Mike wrote:
Suggestion: how about adding an ignore functionality to the site? I.e. if one particular member is really bothering you, you can click on "ignore" and that person's posts won't be visible to you. I've seen this on other boards, and it has worked extremely well.
Good idea :i

This message board software doesn't currently have the ignorefeature but I just found outthe next version will.


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The concensus here seems to be, some members are disrespectful, but their opinions are often valid. I agree 100%. I like reading the diversity in everyone's replies. However, when it become combative and disrespectful it adds an element which I do not want to be exposed to. As a union representative I am in this confrontational position far more often then I like. I do not want to be exposed to it on this board.

Tom, my complements to you. You have a great board here that has helped me tremendously. I hope you do not become weary of all this negativity, you don't need all this. Please keep up the good work.


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I agree we need a variety of opinions here so I do hate to ban someone. What I will do for nowis delete posts I feel are disrespectful, derogatory, useless andhave no benefit. That should discourage someone from wasting their time belittling others.


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Your right Tom! My problem with the goose is the same. You Know, if my wife hadn't "named it" it might have been on the menu. But, when someone asks where's "Big Boy"? And your reply is, thats who you are eating. Well it's not quite the same, if you get my meaning.


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I think I do. :l


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"All the negativity in this town sucks!" :D

Spaf, there are so many directions I can go with that one... I think I'll keep my yap shut this time, though. :shock:
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My .02 cents,

I appreciate everyone's post and opinions. I will determine if I will make moves with my TSP based on what ever system, advice, news, or gut feeling I chose. Taking personel shots at each other is a waste of everyone's alreadylimited time.

Again I really look forward to everyone's opinion including MM and MT.:^


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Tom. Suggestion: This topic has reached a conclusion. Please,consider deleating it. We can all move on (to greener pastures).
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It's your mail list, you have the delete key. Throw 'em out!!


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I guess I just have thicker skin than most. I've read a bunch of post and I haven't seen anything that I couldn't just ignore (even if it was pointed at me which it wasn't). I have been a poster at several boards over the years and this board is pretty tame by comparison. I like the ignore button but really for other reasons. I've run into boards where obnoxious posters just post volumonous amounts of crap and those are who you want to screen out.

If someone says something obnoxious every now and again, I just chalk it up to differences in character, especially if that person is making a genuine attempt to be a part of the discussion. It is a big world out there and people are different.

The best way to deal with someone who irritates you is to ignore them.


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FundSurfer wrote:
I guess I just have thicker skin than most. I've read a bunch of post and I haven't seen anything that I couldn't just ignore (even if it was pointed at me which it wasn't). I have been a poster at several boards over the years and this board is pretty tame by comparison. I like the ignore button but really for other reasons. I've run into boards where obnoxious posters just post volumonous amounts of crap and those are who you want to screen out.

If someone says something obnoxious every now and again, I just chalk it up to differences in character, especially if that person is making a genuine attempt to be a part of the discussion. It is a big world out there and people are different.

The best way to deal with someone who irritates you is to ignore them.
I agree FS. I have seen those other boards and this one has been relatively tame. I don't mind the BS too much, but I want to protect our members, especially the ones not use to the obnoxious onslaught of others. If someone threatens to leave, it gets my attention. As you said, ignoring them is the key. Thanks.


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Hello Everyone---

This IS a tame board compared to other boards:). One of the reasons is because there are no pumpers or bashers here. We are all here for the same agenda. I personally do not put people on ignore (iggy), because I like to get a overall opinion. However, when it is taken to a personal level, the line should be drawn.

I hav'nt been on this board long and I appreciate being welcomed here. I do however have experience on other boards and am able to hang with the best of them. But when you go to that level, you end up not talking about the market or more particulary, your DD. You end up talking about each other. This is of no benefit.

I guess what I'm trying to say is we got a good thing here and I would'nt like to see it go down the tubes. Thanks everyone.

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Doesn't matter. MT left. Everyone happy now?


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Cinderella wrote:
Diverse ideas...OK, but they must be posted within the account moves and/or account talk thread. We need productive posting members, not Monday morning quarterbacks. How is that helping anyone? Disruptive, unruly members who cannot abide by the rules of this forum should be banned.
Well said Cindy. Very articulate.
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Articulate?...have to watch my words...don't want to get banned from this board. :)

"Well done is better than well said" Ben Franklin

And Spaf, I don't think Ben was talking about "Big Boy" :D


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Hi folks,

Igot caught up in the name calling and apologized to MT for doing so. It really doesn't help anyone. I am considering leaving the board because as a buy and holder, I really don't have much to contribute in terms of timing your accounts. The focus of the board is market timing rather than long-term, diversified buy and hold and so, not sure that I can really say too much more than I already have that will help anybody here out with their accounts. If others are interested in diversified buy and hold, I would highly recommend William Bernstein's books, "The Intelligent Asset Allocator" and "The Four Pillars of Investing" as well as visiting Diehards.org and CoffehouseInvestor.com.

One point I feel that I need to make. I have seen members over the last week or so seemingly very frustrated about how the market was down for a few days.The market goes up 5-6% and everybody is happy, the market goes down 5-6% and everybody is heading for the exits (well maybe not everybody). Investing is for a lifetime and for me personally, it's a marathon, not the 100 yard dash. Professional money managers agree.

Ted Aronson,professional money manager, holds a 70/30 allocation of index funds in his families' personal account. He does not tweak it.His basic allocation is: 20% large, 20% small, 30% international, and 30% fixed income. His profession is to go out andbeat the market via timing and yet, for his own families'accounts, hemaintains a diversified portfolio of index funds.Warren Buffett maintains thatmost amateur investors would be better served buying and holding a diversified portfolio of index funds. Who am I to argue.

Peace to all and goodluck with your accounts.

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Spaf wrote:
Tom. Suggestion: This topic has reached a conclusion. Please,consider deleating it. We can all move on (to greener pastures).
OK. Nuf said. I'll close it out.


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