Poll - How to Handle a Disruptive Member

Should we ban disruptive members?

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Staff member
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Disruptive or unruly members can cause other, more productive posting members to avoid the message board. What do you think? Should we ban these members or let them continue to post?


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Unfortunately when you get a forum started, you get many individuals with different personalities. As the administrator, you have the authority to set the standard. If you want my opinion. Give the individuals involved a written warning first. Then temporarily ban them from the site if the infraction continues. If the person involved still continues then ban them permenently. If I seem forward, I apologize for it, but I see this on other financial boards. What you here is a good thing and I would like to see it continue as such. After all,we're all here for the same purpose.
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My thought is,MT in my opinion knows a lot about the market as he has called the shots twice and was 100% correct. Even though I played it somewhat wrong. I say he should beable to post as I think he can help the lot of us, and give us a heads up. I also believe Milk_man has some good points too! I do wish there was a way to keep the posts in perspective and I feel it is only courteous to respect others and their views and systems. Bottum line is I'm looking for help, not one person bashing the others system it ruins the creditabity of the forum. There is a lot more creditability in the person who is stating where their funds are positioned or where they would be positioned.My opinion is that you can look like a genious if you make a call every two weeks but what are you doing in between time. I stayed out of S knowing full well what MT had stated and should have stayed inI fundone day longerand made the mistake of going S to quick. But maybe tomorrow I may be in the right place again and others will be G when market is going up. Who knows?


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My thoughts are you should get a board of directors together and let them help decidecourses of action for such things andnot put yourneck on the line. I've been there, and it can get very uglyif you walking theline by yourself.

We are all guests in your house!



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I personally like to hear MT's take on things. I have written him a message to that effect. I believe he is more "gloom and doom" whereas others are more optimistic. The results is a balance. People don't need to use name calling, such as moron, or idiot nor do they need to judge harshly. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your practice of maintaing your own site is good so those of us who value M_M or others can look at it. MT just needs his own site. I would certainly take it into account before making a decision. He obviously knows something. FYI: One can see that some original subscribers have left. Perhaps the ignoring of some replies or just plan ugly responses to some have run off some interesting people. I think you need to get Tom's advice, then others, then make up your own mind. I would never just flat out follow just one person's suggestions. That's why I NEVER put all in something without having a little (at least 25% in G). Call me crazy...call me 55. Whatever. Just call me retired in a few......I was making money before tsptalk and I'll be here until the end.
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I'll stick my nose in here as one who has benefitted tremendously the last couple of months from this website.

Lots of forums don't allow "flaming" or "fueding,"though it's a pain to enforce.

However, if you post this up front that it's not tolerated, then it's up to each member to decide by their actions whether they want to keep their voice on the forum or lose it.

Bottom line, I like diversity and thought the opposing views were healthy. After all, if there weren't opposing views, we wouldn't have a market, would we? :u

Thanks for all you're doing.
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Thanks Major_i, and the rest, for your input. I appreciate it. I would really hate to ban anyone and I would never do it because of their opinions. Blatant lack of respect for others will do it however. Particularly if it causes others to leave.


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I am very sympathetic with your concerns. I have a similiar problem on my farm with a particular goose. Thanksgiving is in the near future, and my menu options are considering ...........


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Ignore Them... Hope they will leave the wedside on their own... If it become unacceptable and persistant give them a warner and then eliminate them...


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Hey Tom,

I don't mind MT being around to be honest, makes me look better..........:P

My feeling is that if someone wants to make a comment about someone's strategy or whatever, do it in their own account, not someone else's. I know I haven't always followed this myself, but I will from now on. Unless of course I get directly attacked again, then I may forget where I'm at........;)

Three strikes you're out?

Thanks for all your work Tom,

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tsptalk wrote:
Thanks Major_i, and the rest, for your input. I appreciate it. I would really hate to ban anyone and I would never do it because of their opinions. Blatant lack of respect for others will do it however. Particularly if it causes others to leave.

My opinion is even if they don't post on the forum their still watching it!
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Everyone should be allowed to have their say. I welcome
views which appear to be non-mainstream - that's where the
nuggets are found. The problem your board is experiencing is due to members critcizing other PEOPLE and not just others' IDEAS. I think too this forum is at a critical juncture; the next few weeks will tell if members abandon it.


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Ban me!

This is my last time coming to this board.

Good luck all!

Dr Bill

P.S. Ban the guy that really knows what is going on in the market - smart move!

tsptalk wrote:
Disruptive or unruly members can cause other, more productive posting members to avoid the message board. What do you think? Should we ban these members or let them continue to post?


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Diverse ideas...OK, but they must be posted within the account moves and/or account talk thread. We need productive posting members, not Monday morning quarterbacks. How is that helping anyone? Disruptive, unruly members who cannot abide by the rules of this forum should be banned.
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eukrate wrote:
Everyone should be allowed to have their say. I welcome
views which appear to be non-mainstream - that's where the
nuggets are found. The problem your board is experiencing is due to members critcizing other PEOPLE and not just others' IDEAS. I think too this forum is at a critical juncture; the next few weeks will tell if members abandon it.
Hi eukrate -
Thanks for your input. I know we lost you for the most part because of posts you didn't like several months ago. Most of what is said doesn't bother me but it does bother others. Iwould rather I wasn't put in a position to make a decision like this but I hate to lose rational members.

I do have to edit some posts when a member usesfonts the size of Nebraska to belittle someone else. And I've been on boards long enough to know they don't leave. This feeds their egos. But unfortunately people like you do leave because you are not here to make yourself look good but rather to discuss ideas. When the ideas turn intoridicule,it just ain't cool.

I enjoy the different views as well. I just hate looking for those nuggets in Nebraska. :) I'll see how things go.


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I believe that frustration starting to get to some of you. I welcome comments andsuggestionsas we are all here with one purpose, to beat and increase the the value of our TSP, none of us can do it by ourselves otherwise we will be in some tropical island enjoying the sun. Lets respect others opinions and concentrate on our common opponent, the stock market. I have learned a great deal over the past 9 months and continue to learn on a daily basis. Tom, thank you for all your work.
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we are all here for the same purpose. Maybe a slight disagreement in the logic of trading is educating us all, But personal attacks should not be tolerated.:U


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Suggestion: how about adding an ignore functionality to the site? I.e. if one particular member is really bothering you, you can click on "ignore" and that person's posts won't be visible to you. I've seen this on other boards, and it has worked extremely well.

In any case, I don't see the point in people getting so personal about things here. We're all invested in Thrift, and we all want to maximize our returns - we just have different ways of going about it. We're all adults here - can we not be civil with one another? I know it's a heated political season and all - but we should all be able to put aside the nonsense and try to make money together.

My own returns aren't tearing things up this year, but they're better than they would have been had I stuck with the buy-hold approach. That would not have happened without this board. Thank you Tom, and thanks to those timers out there who have slowly converted me into a hybrid holder/timer. :^