Hello Optionman,
I have to admit Friday's Bond funds 10-yr ($TNX), 30-yr ($TYX) and $AKG (
http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=$AKG&p=D&yr=0&mn=5&dy=0&id=p55192775979) - the latter representing our F-Fund, all looked well, strange to me also -especially the latter (link above)!!!
Robo had shared the following -
http://market-ticker.denninger.net/, where below is an excerpt - and I was wondering your take/opinion on whether/how this might be related to that day's behavior - the specific part that alarmed me so is what follows:
today [Friday, May 2] we find out that S&P will no longer rate 2nd line debt, citing "anomalous" behavior. What is that "anomalous" behavior? Specifically, people walking away. And the performance of that debt is rather simple:
"The downgrades last month left
all of the securities with ratings of BBB or lower, compared with 20 percent before the action. BBB is S&P's second-lowest investment grade. About 96 percent dropped to non-investment-grade, or junk, assessments.
'The problem with seconds is it's either good, or it's zero,'' said Brad Golding, a managing director at Christofferson Rob & Co., a New York-based money manager."
There's no middle ground, and S&P can't figure out which is which . That puts a nail in the coffin formed in the belief that you can simply look at FICOs or other forms of consumer "behavior" to figure out who's going to default and who's not.
Did 'ya read that underlined part? Go back and make sure you do.
All of this debt is rated BBB of worse - 96% of it worse. BBB, you see, is the lowest "investment grade."
I'm trying to determine if this a huge crisis brewing -or just a "blip" that shouldn't affect out F-Fund? :worried:
Very much appreciate any kind of reply/opinion on both the chart activity, and on the effect of above downgrading of ratings!