I’ve been living that way for years. That’s one reason I bought 40 acres, so that I wouldn’t have to see my neighbors. My last neighbors were real knucklheads. Luckilily my current neighbor has 50 acres, so we pretty much have our own little compound, one road in and out. He’s like me and we get along and watch out and take care of each other during in climate weather and the such.
I haven’t watched the national news in years, pretty much the same for the local news. Movies?... I almost always watch pre 19060 movies and subscribe to TCM so I can see what oldies are coming up.
Music stopped for me in the mid 70’s with BTO and Foghat, though I do find I like some of the newer C&W.
My place is pretty self sufficient, though a small windmill is in my future if they ever come down in price, though even on my ridge, it’s not really that windy.
I have no problems living like this and am amazed at the number of people who feel and live the same way.
We’re not high maintenance, don’t require much entertainment and have not one red cent of debt, so we are socking it away hand over fist. We enjoy each other’s company and just walking thru the woods and talking. Life is very good.

And Screw the Libs, Socialist and their ilk who think they know better and insist in sticking their, mostly ignorant noses in my business. Most of these people wouldn't know what end of a shovel goes in the ground. :laugh:
EDIT: Forgot to say, thanks for the link, it was a good read.