nnuut's Account Talk

Sounds like we have more downside heading our way. The CNBC analysts were pointing out the decline in the Hang Seng and WPI recently, which provides more "bear" fodder. Several times today I heard 1250-1300 before the trend reverses. The issue now seems to be that our cold is contagious in Asia and Europe although India and Russia don't seem to have it yet. I have been of the opinion that Uncle Ben wouldn't provide an early rate decrease and that seems right...but was still expecting an up day...and like the stalwart I can be.. stayed in. Unfortunately, this month has been my worst (as I'm sure it has been for many others) in a long long time. Guess I'm sticking for the whole ride. I still have 50 G to throw in the pot when I need make a gambit on a positive market. :)

Good luck to all..

Right, well that worked about as good as a ice cube in hell!
I enjoyed listeningto Ben though! Lots of great stuff he had to say today - actually come to think, he really didn't say anything new did he? :confused: I think the market's would have been better off today if he stayed home/called in sick.

I can't help but thinking of those poor 401k "buy and holders," - or those folks already retired, like my mom, living on already limited dividend incomes.
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Not Pretty Folks! I don't know where we go from here, but the S&P broke through support and the rest look like hell. I'm 100% "F", but there could be a bounce tomorrow if George and Ben do some slight of hand (probably quickly, but not that quick), if it does bounce I don't think it will last and it's a LOOONG way to the BOTTOM. Best of luck, stick together, It's SOLD as HELL outside and the BEARS are out of the cage.:cool:
Right, well that worked about as good as a ice cube in hell!
I enjoyed listeningto Ben though! Lots of great stuff he had to say today - actually come to think, he really didn't say anything new did he? :confused: I think the market's would have been better off today if he stayed home/called in sick.

I can't help but thinking of those poor 401k "buy and holders," - or those folks already retired, like my mom, living on already limited dividend incomes.

I have many years until I retire, but my parents have less than I do. I was soooooo mad to find out that back in 2003, some guy at my Dad's work told everyone there to SELL and get out of stocks....at the bottom! That just made me so mad now I"m advising him myself!
It really takes extraordinary creativity to stay long in this type of market - and that's exactly what I'm doing - being creative and picking up another golden DCA. I've been through more corrections than Carter has peanuts - and I'm still around making a few dollars here and there. The bull is by no means dead only being refreshed for the next run to the upside - we just need to focus on the horizon. But we all have the opportunity to play our game individually.
Toughest part of all of this is asking "What can I do to help out?". I think that is a question we all need to ask ourselves.

My current best hope is for new leadership that do what's right for the country. Basic fundamentals like employment, wages, industrial growth, energy, fair trade, the war, debt reduction, etc. all need to be addressed.

Unfortunately, I've lost a lot of my confidence in The Executive or Legislative branches to do much, (and I don't trust lawyers either - so much for the Judiciary) and the current captains of industry seem more interested in lining their own pockets (except for one of my heros - Warren Buffet). A few more days like today (and I'm thinking a few more are likely), and people are going to get (1) scared, but then (2) p#S#ed off. That's just more bad news waiting to happen but I'm guessing the contraction has to happen before we can start to pick up the pieces.

So, what can I do. I guess not much except make better decisions with my own assets, be as nice as I can to my neighbors, do my best to keep my own family healthy, and be willing to help others going through bad times because I think lots of folks are going to need a helping hand before we clear through this mess. Oh, and get us off foreign oil..the subprime mess expedited the recession, but the IMO underlying problem and the problem that won't go away is foriegn oil.

Good Luck All..

save me some frog legs please i have this jumpimg feeling i am getting ready to join you:blink: tanks running low :sick: held my breath long enough
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You've rode this thing down, remember the old "Buy Low, Sell High thing", don't forget to be in for the ride back up the Wall of Worry!:cool:
It's Official!:worried:

Annual Statements are Coming!​
Beginning this February, whether you usually receive your quarterly statements in the mail or via
the TSP Web site, the TSP will send you an annual participant statement. The statement provides
valuable information about your investments as of the end of the prior year as well as the personal
information the TSP has on file for you — including a list of your TSP beneficiaries, if you
have designated any. It also contains your TSP account number, which you must use when accessing
the secure sections of the TSP Web site and the ThriftLine or completing most TSP forms. And
finally, we’ve included a section for messages and reminders about your account.
Please review your statement carefully to be sure that the information we have about you is correct;
it is particularly important to keep your address up to date. If the information is not current, follow
the instructions at the top of your statement. (Hint: If you are still in Federal service, changes must
be made through your agency or service. If you have left Federal employment, you can make your
changes directly with the TSP.) Questions about your contributions and/or loan payments should
be directed to your agency or service, since it is responsible for submitting them to the TSP. To update
your beneficiary information, you should use Form TSP-3 (or TSP-U-3 if you are a member of
the uniformed services), which is available at www.tsp.gov, and send it directly to the TSP.
When we mail the statements in February, we’ll announce it on the TSP Web site. We’ll also post
the leaflet “How to Read Your Annual TSP Participant Statement” and a set of Questions and
Answers about selected parts of the statement — like how we calculate your personal investment
performance. The leaflet will also be mailed to you with the statement.
We hope you’ll find this new service helpful in planning for your retirement and checking to see​
how well your TSP account is doing. http://www.tsp.gov/forms/highlights/high08a.pdf
Talk is cheap, I guess?:mad:
Stocks Fall After Bush Announces Plan
Friday January 18, 12:02 pm ET
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

Wall Street Pulls Back From Early Gain, Appears Unmoved by Bush Stimulus Plan

NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street resumed its downward trek Friday as skittish investors, unable to hold on to much optimism about the economy, drew little comfort from President Bush's stimulus plan.
Investors had already pulled back from a big early gain, with the major indexes trading mixed as Bush began to speak. By the time the president finished announcing a plan for about $145 billion worth of tax relief, the indexes were well into negative territory.
"It's disappointed in the size of the economic growth package. Wall Street's showing its displeasure," said Kim Caughey, equity research analyst at Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh. "Honestly, I think the institutional investors understand the limits to the government's ability to enact economic change."
The Dow Jones industrial average, up more than 180 points in morning trading, was down 124.45, or 1.02 percent, at 12,034.76 minutes after Bush finished speaking. The Dow plunged 306 points Thursday amid deepening pessimism about the economy.
The broader Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 19.49, or 1.46 percent, to 1,313.76, while the technology-focused Nasdaq composite index fell 20.65, or 0.88 percent, to 2,326.25.
Disappointment with Bush's plan came as investors were searching for those companies that might be weathering the economc slowdown well.
Some are indeed doing better than expected -- like International Business Machines Corp., which told Wall Street late Thursday to raise its 2008 profit estimates for the tech company, and General Electric Co., which posted a fourth-quarter profit rise Friday. But many others are struggling. Washington Mutual Inc. reported a steep loss late Thursday for the fourth quarter, as Citigroup Inc. and Merrill Lynch did earlier in the week. With the banking industry trying to fix its shrinking portfolios and preparing for more distress in consumer debt, the economy may only have the government to fall back on -- and Wall Street didn't hear enough from Bush Friday to placate investors.
Most of the time, but not all of the time Bonds do well when the Market is trending down. Do you think this might be a good time to be in the "F" fund? Check the year to date returns on the TSPTalk home page. "F" is doing better than the "G" that is beating the other funds.:cool:
Good article on the Sub-Prime crisis in graphics, I learned a little!:cool:

Nice, but what I'm trying to show is that the AGG seems topped-out...

Concern I have is that charts look like there's nowhere to go - hard-going to the upside.
As you know, I'm just looking a charts, I don't have the background with F, but the charts sure seem top heavy/overbought/even ready to fall -in stall spin! :o
Nice, but what I'm trying to show is that the AGG seems topped-out...

Concern I have is that charts look like there's nowhere to go - hard-going to the upside.
As you know, I'm just looking a charts, I don't have the background with F, but the charts sure seem top heavy/overbought/even ready to fall -in stall spin! :o
You have a point there, it's close to the top back to 10/2003, not pretty. I really don't know if it can rise above that and if the weakness in the Bond Insurance Business (ABK, MBI etc.) will effect the AGG in a positive or negative way, but going to keep my eye out and be ready to jump to the "G". I think they owe a couple of cents from today, we'll see Tuesday.:cool: Verrrry Interesttting!! View attachment 3111
This has to be a JOKE, and a bad JOKE!:mad:

People want their jobs back, they want their homes back, they want our manufacturing base back, we want our USA back, not a stupid temporary tax rebate!:nuts::nuts:

$500 Tax Rebate for Everyone! (really)

by Brent Harmes, Goldsilver.com | January 18, 2008

I couldn’t believe it. I was sitting in the airport the other day waiting on my flight and CNN mentioned that the government is seriously considering helping our economy make it through this credit crunch by giving each of us a check for $500!
Here is a quote from The Associated Press about it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — United for urgent action, the White House and Congress raced toward emergency steps Thursday to rescue the national economy from a possible recession, including tax rebates of at least $300 a person — and maybe as much as $800. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke endorsed the idea of putting money into the hands of those who would spend it quickly and boost the flagging economy.
Aides to lawmakers involved in the talks said the White House is pressing for tax rebates of $800 for individuals and $1,600 for married couples. Lawmakers were likely to settle on a $500 rebate for individuals, said an aide involved in the talks, with details for couples and people with children still being negotiated. Full Link: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h19_YeGzwzlmJhx42iIA7nJF0_UAD8U80C3O1
They are calling this proposal a “tax rebate” but it doesn’t really matter what it is called, the fact is that realistically this currency will have to be created out of thin air and given to the citizens to spend. This is currency abuse and one of the reasons precious metals should continue to soar.
For anyone that has seen Mike Maloney’s presentation “Silver, High How?- The Moon” this was like déjà vu. This is straight out of the play book that Mike said would be used to try to reflate the economy. “Once the massive debt load starts to pull our economy down toward deflation the government will resort to emergency measures, including giving tax rebate checks to people to spend. If small rebates don’t work they will resort to giving you back your taxes for an entire year, or whatever it takes”. He has been saying this would happen for years…it sounded extreme at the time…but it is happening right now!
Think about it. The Federal Government giving away currency just for fun? Don’t they usually make a big deal out of making sure they are the ones on the receiving end of tax transactions?
Make no mistake this is an emergency measure the White House and the Democrats are proposing. They will be doing more damage to the US dollar if this actually goes through. A currency is only of value if it is in relative short supply and people actually want it. Why will our foreign trade partners continue to be willing to exchange us their real products (cars, TV’s etc) for a currency we are flooding the world with and is being devalued? [more]
