I bookmark alot of theses and watch them, but didn't have "Informed Trades" - looks like good learning, and especially want to watch the next couple!
BTW, I hear everyone saying PPT is coming to the rescue - but maybe its the 15 yrs here in DC that's just turned me numb, but this sure sounds to me like just beltway-speak. I've lost faith in this, too bad because I wanna believe.
Anyway, a more serious question - like to hear your opinion on:
Its rate cuts - I just don't see there being a win from any cut.
Here's scenario:
Whether a .25; .50; > percieved as not enough/too late - negative.
If .75; 1.0 or more > percieved as serious problems > also negative (even though everybody preety much knows problems serious already).
- Could this be why no cuts have come out? -and won't (because the only
REAL effect is to drive dollar into dirt?) :worried: