nnuut's Account Talk

Ya got that right.:D

Give some to the owners also, just because. LOL

Been through tons of dog situations over the years doing what I do. Seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of it.

The spray they give us to use is useless as far as I am concerned. Small narrow stream and you gotta get a direct hit in the eyes or the dog just licks the stuff. LOL

I don't use the spray. I take the dog head on, it has always worked for me. I win, the dog loses. LOL

One consistant thing with this is, that if ya have a mean dog, you usually have a mean owner that goes along with it. A nice dog, you usually have a nice owner.

Just some short scoop on what I have seen over the years.
Yer right, if people are going to keep mean dogs they have to control them and be responsible if they hurt somebody or somebodies pet. I've never had a mean Pit Bull, never attacked a human, but if another animal comes in the yard, WATCH OUT, it's the territorial thing. If you own a Lion what would you do?:nuts:
Let him loose until the Zoo comes to get him! :)

Yer right, if people are going to keep mean dogs they have to control them and be responsible if they hurt somebody or somebodies pet. I've never had a mean Pit Bull, never attacked a human, but if another animal comes in the yard, WATCH OUT, it's the territorial thing. If you own a Lion what would you do?:nuts:
People have to understand what these dogs are capable of. If you own a BULL do you let him run the streets, NO. Why not, because he is dangerous. Let's not be stupid, be responsible!:nuts:
There are many irresponsible dog owners out there. These are the people who should not have kids also. :D

I like dogs, and I am not scared of them. Other than the battles I have had with dogs, they get along with me, and I with them very well.

I have seen both sides with Pitt Bulls, and know people who have Pitt Bulls that are very well taken care of and nice.

Many people do not even do the most basic good training of a dog, and also do not know how to go about good research on a dog first before they decide to get it.

There is a leash law where I live, and still you see many that do not abide by this. Actually, there should be a leash law for the owners also. LOL:D

These dog attacks, that I have been through, happen very, very quickly, and come from all angles with only seconds to react.

All that I have had to deal with when it comes to dogs and dog owners, has given me great insight about dogs and their owners. It is a great study between the interaction of both, especially from the view that I see daily.

It is great to see though, when I come across a dog owner who has taken the responsiblity of dog ownership seriously. As usual, the good ones are very few and far between though.
I've had many Pit Bulls and NEVER had one of my dogs bite anyone. I would never have more than 1 Pit, more than one is not a good idea. There are bad dogs and some can't be changed, even if you raise them correctly. I had to have one dog put down because he was mean, that was a mix Pit and German Sheppard. Those Shepards bite more people yearly than Pits do. :worried:
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How is the little guy doing? We're rooting for him. (woof)!

I heard that you can just soak a sponge in antifreeze and let the bad dog steal it. I heard it doesn't take much and is supposed to work every time.(I heard). Just keep your dog from getting at it. You can use a sponge on a plastic bag to prevent a car's pesky radiator slow drip from making stains on a driveway or garage floor. Only has to be changed every few days.:blink::rolleyes:

(I never said that, it's way uncool):cool:
GOOD looks like Little Hitler's plan failed!!!:D

Voters reject Chavez's referendum

CARACAS, Venezuela (CNN) -- Venezuelan voters narrowly rejected a constitutional referendum that would have bolstered President Hugo Chavez's embrace of socialism and granted an indefinite extension of his eligibility to serve as president, the National Electoral Council reported early Monday.
Voters Sunday search for their names on lists at a polling station in Caracas.

About 51 percent of voters opposed the amendments, while approximately 49 percent were in favor of them.
"Don't feel sad. Don't feel burdened," Chavez told supporters immediately after the results were announced.
More than nine million of Venezuelan's 16 million eligible voters went to the polls Sunday.
President of the National Electoral Council, Tibisay Lucena, said the process "shows the entire world that we are a democratic country."
Chavez, in what he called a talk "from my heart" acknowledging the results, thanked those who opposed his proposal, saying the election had proven that Venezuelan democracy is maturing.
Thousands of people gathered in the streets, many of them university students who worked to defeat the measure, burst into singing their country's national anthem upon hearing the news.
Earlier in Caracas, Chavez -- clad in his trademark red shirt and cradling his grandson -- made the sign of the cross when he voted, then took his paper ballot and placed it in a box. "For me, it's a very happy day," he had said. [more]
It seems he has another five years to work on that 1% that are holding him up. Look what Putin can do in that time with oil revenue.
Probably try every 6 Months until he can rig it! I think Hugo is out in 2010 right?:worried:
Here we are still below the 200 DMA, kinda moving sideways. I see good news today, unless that 200 DMA is really strong we should break through, but thats the $100,000 question.
Darn the 12:00 deadline!!:mad:
Still 35% "C", 35% "S", 30% "I".
S&P having a hard time breaking through the 1478 level, sideways action to the upward resistance. There is still a chance we can go up from here, or down but I don't see a big fall today. More action tomorrow, up or down make up your mind!:cool:
Please don't follow me as you know, I'm nnuuts!!:laugh:
get this crazy neighbor said my killer weiner ate his pit bulls eye out ,that it was gone ,but of course he removed the dog so i could not see this says he's never sean such a sight Hmm i kinda would have like to see it :D i guess i will have to change his name to killer:laugh:
I told you those killer weiner dogs are bad. One made me a believer about 29 years ago at 3 oclock in the morning!!:o Looks like they both got a piece of the other, but I wouldn't trade an eye for a hunk out of my butt. Killer won!!!:D
get this crazy neighbor said my killer weiner ate his pit bulls eye out ,that it was gone ,but of course he removed the dog so i could not see this says he's never sean such a sight Hmm i kinda would have like to see it :D i guess i will have to change his name to killer:laugh:
I can believe it. What a lot of people don't know is "Dachshund" means Badger hound. Dachshunds were bred to be long and skinny to chase out badgers in their holes. :nuts: And badgers aren't exactly pushovers!