nnuut's Account Talk

Markets dipped today, one more of these and I'm Probably Out. Hate to use one of my 2, but we always have the 3rd!! Ain't that some shist?:nuts:
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Hey Nnuut,
Apologies for asking on your forum, but do we know for sure whether the IFT limit has actually been implemented?? - That its actually taken effect??

I know in last 2 weeks last month I had more than 6 or so. Just wondering if anyone has been denied greater than 2 trades via electronic ITF (and the 1 return to G, & done)??

Guess they never heard of DCA'ing - it sure makes calling absolute tops & bottoms more critical (and very risky).//
I eat Badgers for lunch. :D

I had to deal with this Wiener dog a few years back now, and it was very protective of its owner. As much as I tried to get it to mellow out with me, it didn't happen. The owner never tried to help either. LOL It would chase me down the street at times also. It wanted to bite me, but never did. I eventually gave up being nice with it. LOL

As far as the German Shepards go, I never have taken a real likeing to them. The ones I got around never seemed to be that good natured either. Never had a big desire to own one either.

All dogs can and will bite, whatever the breed, given the opportunity.

I always got a kick out of these owners when they would say, he or she doesn't bite. LOL Their Buffy, Muffy, Fluffy, and Muffin LOL:D will bite, and then some. Then when their dog does attack someone, they give this surprised look and attempt to constrain the dog, but most of the time they can't even get the dog under control.

I had three dogs one time attacking me. LOL that was fun. The owner had no control. He could only grab one at a time and take it into the house and come back out for another one while I was still in battle mode. LOL This owner said nothing, did not apologize. This happened at the end of his driveway which had three cars parked out to the sidewalk. I still had his mail in my hand and when the battle was over, I just set his mail on the rear of the car at the sidewalk and moved on. LOL:D
I'm planning on sending a daily "love letter" to the tsp webmaster. It's going to be short and sweet... Something like:

Dear Sir:

Thank you for posting the updated FAQ's on your arbitary decision to abrogate the CFR and deny federal employes the benefits provided to them under law. Thanks for taking away my opportunity to participate in the free market system. It's a comfort knowing that the Government knows better how to manage my money than I do.

My Sincere Regard and Have a Merry Christmas,

I'm planning on sending a daily "love letter" to the tsp webmaster. It's going to be short and sweet... Something like:

Dear Sir:

Thank you for posting the updated FAQ's on your arbitary decision to abrogate the CFR and deny federal employes the benefits provided to them under law. Thanks for taking away my opportunity to participate in the free market system. It's a comfort knowing that the Government knows better how to manage my money than I do.

My Sincere Regard and Have a Merry Christmas,


Well done!
Hey Paladin!
Thanks for your reply - and please, please feel free to pass along the latter to other moderators, ETAC, any one who will listen.

Personally I regularly use the latter "strategy" in DCAs, because calling bottoms (or even tops for that matter) is so difficult! Thanks for picking this up if it wasn't considered previously!!!
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Hey Nnuut,
Apologies for asking on your forum, but do we know for sure whether the IFT limit has actually been implemented?? - That its actually taken effect??

I know in last 2 weeks last month I had more than 6 or so. Just wondering if anyone has been denied greater than 2 trades via electronic ITF (and the 1 return to G, & done)??

Guess they never heard of DCA'ing - it sure makes calling absolute tops & bottoms more critical (and very risky).//
Good evening hessian, sorry I didn't see your post until now, had to stay over at work today, something about airplanes falling apart, but that's another story.
Yea Paladin is correct, my post was a little tongue in cheek.:D From what I've read they will send a notice to the 3,000 in December with your statement. You don't have to worry about it until you get the notification. They will ask you (one of the 3,000) to stop Day Trading or they will cut off your electronic trading and make you use "Snail Mail" for your IFTs. The final switch over will be in March or April then "everyone" will be limited to 2 IFTs a Month and one to the "G", to allow you to go to safety if there is a severe down trend. They really need to be more specific with these changes, what if you move to the "G" at the 1st of the Month, then back to the "I", switch to the "S" and the bottom falls out, you're stuck until the next month. So you could only go back to the "G" after getting into the Market with your second IFT. If you start, for instance at the first of the Month in the "C" a week later switch to the "S" then you can still out to the "G" safety. You should always be able to get out to the "G" even if you had 3 IFTs that Month! I think you should have at least 2 outs to the "G". Forget about going to the "G" for the PENNY! They are insane!
The DCA thing is completely out of line!! DCA is an investors tool and not trading. I don't think I like these TSP folks very much.
THEY have been wasting OUR MONEY, there is no way it should be that expensive, very poor brokerage practices. Now they are trying to blame it on US, we did NOTHING WRONG, THEY DID!!:nuts:
Sorry, but I get like this sometimes!!:nuts:
Hey Nnuut,
Just glad DCA has been picked up as a good arguement aginst what they propose.

You are abosutely correct, in that this is OUR MONEY! - NOT THEIRS!
Personally, I also think their L-funds are shite! Why have a mix of all funds in them (having F & G in the L-Funds is a just plain stupid, WASTE - the funds within them compete among themselves - reducing gains! -IMHO)

My point is how can they expect us to maximize our accounts using L-Funds. Our best opportunity is having ability to DCA as we see fit!!

Hope these messages get to them.
As I understand it, the TSP board is a conglomerate of "volunteers" from various businesses, that meet maybe every 4 months (and then only as they're available). Your frustration is definitiely understandable! - and please forgive me for my rant in your post too!!!
(I won't comment here further on this subject out of respect for you.)
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Personally, I also think their L-funds are shite! Why have a mix of all funds in them (having F & G in the L-Funds is a just plain stupid, WASTE - the funds within them compete among themselves - reducing gains! -IMHO)

You know what they say.....

"Diversification is nothing more than a hedge to cover for ignorance!"

.....harsh, yet so true.
:confused: Can you DCA by changing your contributions rather than doing an IFT? I haven't seen any restriction on changing your Contrubion Allocation (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'm just worried that they might use that as a reason why they aren't limiting DCA's with the limit on IFT? Just the paranoid birdeen. :worried:
:confused: Can you DCA by changing your contributions rather than doing an IFT? I haven't seen any restriction on changing your Contrubion Allocation (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'm just worried that they might use that as a reason why they aren't limiting DCA's with the limit on IFT? Just the paranoid birdeen. :worried:

Hi Silver,
Sure, of course you can. Its another method, a matter of preference. For me, I prefer to have contirbutions go into G. For me, its just a matter of control because then I decide/choose where and when to apply those. Many others choose simply to DCA Contributions directly into some predetermined set of funds, without regard to what market is doing. I feel this method is sloppy because hard earned money can be lost this way (in volatile markets). Point here is that WE want the control of OUR MONEY.:suspicious:
100% "F", COB Today. Looks like it's turning down, but you never know. That 1490 resistance level in the S&P is a hard one to break. Waiting for the FED news, that's what the Market is doing, unless we are going to retest the August lows. Lost enough trying to get past resistance, think it's time to take another break.
Best of luck!!:D
Here is a to a guy that gives a GREAT short term technical Analysis, he is all GLOOM and DOOM with his Commentary, but his technical is great. If you want to read his commentary, read it, who knows he may be right and makes a lot of good points. Do yourself a favor and try his technical analysis. If you want to view it just click on "heres your technical" at the bottom of the page.
25% "C", 45% "S", 30% "I" COB Today.
Heck of a move yesterday to the "F"!!!! Damnit:nuts:
Now the S&P is trying to break the 1490 AGAIN!! I suckered in and hope it finally makes it. Probably WHIPSAW time for me!!:cool:
25% "C", 45% "S", 30% "I" COB Today.
Heck of a move yesterday to the "F"!!!! Damnit:nuts:
Now the S&P is trying to break the 1490 AGAIN!! I suckered in and hope it finally makes it. Probably WHIPSAW time for me!!:cool:
Hi Nnuut,
Don't let the whipsaw get you down. I went in yesterday - only 8% C, S, I (24% total). Today, just a SWAG, but I expect "smart money" (misnomer for institutionals) will move in after noon/late for a sell off, to below the 200 EMA (typical these days). I'm looking for another opportunity to DCA-in more, maybe tommorrow - as I think we could well see a drop yet again tomorrow. We still got Thurs, Fri. and Mon. before the BIG day! If we do confirm the 200 EMA before that, that's when I'll jump in. Trying to say don't fret if there isn't a steady up from here - its coming! "Don't worry, be happy"... :)
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Hi Nnuut,
Don't let the whipsaw get you down. I went in yesterday - only 8% C, S, I (24% total). Today, just a SWAG, but I expect "smart money" (misnomer for institutionals) will move in after noon/late for a sell off, to below the 200 EMA (typical these days). I'm looking for another opportunity to DCA-in more, maybe tommorrow - as I think we could well see a drop yet again tomorrow. We still got Thurs, Fri. and Mon. before the BIG day! If we do confirm the 200 EMA before that, that's when I'll jump in. Trying to say don't fret if there isn't a steady up from here - its coming! "Don't worry, be happy"... :)
Ok, now the whiplash got me too. Should'a not tried to DCA-in it seems. Well, I'll now just have to "eat-it" late now I guess. (Even got me talking to myself now, darn it!! - sorry Nnuut).:D