nnuut's Account Talk

35% "C", 35% "S", 30% "I" COB Today.
I'm in going to watch the Market, when the S&P gets around the 200 DMA, and adjust as required.:cool:
35% "C", 35% "S", 30% "I" COB Today.
I'm in going to watch the Market, when the S&P gets around the 200 DMA, and adjust as required.:cool:
You know that Ben speaks tonight right?
On Thursday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks and traders will be listening to see if he echoes Kohn's comments. The view from the Street is that he will, and traders are convinced the Fed will cut a quarter point Dec. 11. However, there's already an enthusiastic group ramping up expectations for a half point cut. Bernanke speaks after market hours, at 7 p.m. in Charlotte, N.C. http://www.cnbc.com/id/22014586
You know that Ben speaks tonight right?
On Thursday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks and traders will be listening to see if he echoes Kohn's comments. The view from the Street is that he will, and traders are convinced the Fed will cut a quarter point Dec. 11. However, there's already an enthusiastic group ramping up expectations for a half point cut. Bernanke speaks after market hours, at 7 p.m. in Charlotte, N.C. http://www.cnbc.com/id/22014586

Yeah I know, but you know Uncle Ben, he won't spill the beans, if he does, it could be good or could be bad. I'll adjust as necessary within the limitations. :D Practicing for December!!!!!! I'm SEMI LONG!:cool:
I have 34 years of government service and don't ever remember ever hearing a threat like this one, George must really be BROKE?:worried:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Thursday called on Congress to approve billions of dollars in additional funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before lawmakers leave for their Christmas break.
President Bush wants Congress to approve his request for war spending before the holidays.

He said the Army will have to shut down bases and start furloughing between 100,000 and 200,000 civilian workers by mid-February if Congress does not clear the funds.
"Pentagon officials have warned Congress that the continued delay in funding our troops will soon begin to have a damaging impact on the operations of this department," Bush said Thursday. "The warning has been laid out for the United States Congress to hear." [more] http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/29/bush.war.funding/index.html

I saw that the I fund made 1.15% gain last night (so I was xpecting a little plus up in the profit column) , however, TSP Lookup shows us losing .14 cents a share, and the Tracker shows -.55% for the day.. Was/is the FV that substantial?

Just thought you might know more about it..


Big -FV (-.42) because of the big +FV the day before (Ask CARNAC), thats why I wasn't in the "I" yesterday. Have some in then "I" today cause the FV is even.:D
STILL 35% "C", 35% "S", 30% "I". S&P making another bid at breaking the 200DMA. Everything just looks too good today and Monday is the 1st trading day of December which has a GREAT history of being an up DAY. OIL is looking good to me~~:D
~~~~~~~~~~LET IT RIDE!!~~~~~~~~~~~
You never know KCinKC but they would be missing a good chance. Usually it happens with the yearly budget.:confused:
I have 34 years of government service and don't ever remember ever hearing a threat like this one, George must really be BROKE?:worried:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush wants Congress to approve his request for war spending before the holidays.

He said the Army will have to shut down bases and start furloughing between 100,000 and 200,000 civilian workers by mid-February if Congress does not clear the funds.
"[more] http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/29/bush.war.funding/index.html
What he never says is how Congress is supposed to pay for the funding.
Yes I was there, BRAC got me and 1995 and I had to move to Georgia. Money, they have all they need! That's what a deficit is for.:nuts:
I have to wonder what would have happened if, after 9-11, Bush had asked the American people to buy war bonds instead of giving the super rich a tax break. Would we still be in this mess?
I have to wonder what would have happened if, after 9-11, Bush had asked the American people to buy war bonds instead of giving the super rich a tax break. Would we still be in this mess?
It's a huge bill...but I think we can all agree we would at least be in less of a mess!
might need bandages for my killer weiner dog he stuck his ass in a pit bulls mouth still in surgery that was at ten this morning here goes today's paycheck mans best friend:laugh:
Your Dog can borrow my AVATAR if he needs it. Who was the PUNK Pit Bull that's picking on your dog? You want me to send down my Pit Bull SAMSON to take care of that PUNK?:nuts:
View attachment 2723
red nose pit but he looks bigger than your and a little than my 8 # weiner:laugh: he had over 40 stitches should get to bring him home today they wanted to keep him over night more $ damn weiner is getting to old for them pits but this time i am going to lend him my nine we he goes out to pee:D
Yeah Old Samson is only about 70 pounds but he's a MAN!! I'll send him down next week!! I still have a scar on my leg where one of those weiner dogs bit me one night. They have big mouths for a short dog.:D