I'll be watching Asia Markets too - fairly key tonight.
Maybe tonight even more intiguing than usual as result of your post:
Re: 350Z's I fund thread NOV 07
Happy Vets Day to US!!!

And... China is taking action to fight inflation, by taking money out of the economy, locking more of it up (
as a gov't reserve). The US might think about this, wouldn't you think?:worried:
Nice point - may help, and wonder if we may see tonight!
Interestingly, in Robo's post #854 [11/08/07], in his "Cave Bear Talk," he said: "just heard on Bloomberg that Paulson is getting ready to talk about China.][You can bet some deals were made the last few days with the Chinese."] Now, Robo doesn't seem to think much of Paulson, but who knows, maybe...