nnuut's Account Talk

Looks like the S&P just barely broke the 1440 today! From what I've read we need to be really careful if support at the 1430 to 1435 is broken. They claim from there to the bottom may be a LOOOONG way down. SLO STO did drop below 20 today, but does that mean it's on the way up? Nobody really knows!! I surely don't know!:worried:
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Geaux4it, I can't tell you when it will turn around. Might be a bounce any day and continue up, or turn around and move lower. I know that isn't exactly what you want to here but, you have to play probabilities and probabilities MIGHT happen.
One thing to think about, In Spain they think Tuesday the 13th is unlucky not Friday the 13th! Oh by the way one of my favorite countries especially sense King Juan Carlos told Hugo Chavez to SHUT UP!!!:D
You might read what I posted on the 10th. Hope it's not too late to jump to safety.:cool:

The markets are very chopy with nothing but bad news...

It is a speculators market. And, oil is pure speculation.

If you were in the 'G Fund' it would soon be time to reinvest in the market.

Personally, I am holding 60% in the G right now. That means that a big upturn in the stock market will give me a good - not great - gain. Conversely, a big dump in the market will give me a chance to dollar cost average back into the market. The pain will go away quickly.

Really, there is no real long term problem with major economies - especially the American one.

It will be good to get the speculators out of the game...
I want to be invested in stocks but I am waiting to see how all this shakes out. Finding a good re-entry point is key , I don't want to get whipsawed.
"C" up 1.09% at 09:36
"S" up 1.08
What is that old saying that sailors always say?
Markets up in the morning, investors take warning!
JOKE!!!!!, ???????????????:cool:
Well, I've stayed in through this 5 day mess and it's been costly. We get the bounce today, but I have no illusions about tomorrow...and today's bounce doesn't look to be near enough to offset the hit of the last week...

Tomorrow, we get INFLATION data...If there is any sign that core inflation is on the rise...WATCH OUT...I think you'll hear the STAGFLATION word being talked about...

Until Sub-Prime issues have bottomed out....and the American consumer indictes a level of confidence...I think we're in for a rocky road..

I've learned I'm not much of a timer...so the question for me is what to do?

I hate F and G, but I'm thinking seriously of heading over there..

One day isn't a TREND. Going to wait until I see a turn around, if I get back in tomorrow it's WHIPSAW time, I know my luck! Lot's on the docket this week CPI, PPI etc. I'm going to be patient.:cool: Probably will know more tomorrow?:worried:
NICE BOUNCE~!!!!! Wish I was in so I could ~ GET OUT!!
Kind of reminds me of fishing. That sure is a juicy cricket on that HOOK,~~~~~ Nah, I think I'll eat off of the BOTTOM!! Darn, where is the bottom, is this it?:worried: This may be the bottom, but I've been HOOKED before.:cool:
NICE BOUNCE~!!!!! Wish I was in so I could ~ GET OUT!!
Kind of reminds me of fishing. That sure is a juicy cricket on that HOOK,~~~~~ Nah, I think I'll eat off of the BOTTOM!! Darn, where is the bottom, is this it?:worried: This may be the bottom, but I've been HOOKED before.:cool:

Darn it Nnuut, I'm wishin I could GET OUT too!!
I'm lookin' at a HOOK with a nice gummy bear worm on it.
I don't know though - its awful far up there for me.

Suppose its probably best for me to stick to some bottom feeding too for awhile. At least until something certain happens. Sure am hungry though.
Darn it Nnuut, I'm wishin I could GET OUT too!!
I'm lookin' at a HOOK with a nice gummy bear worm on it.
I don't know though - its awful far up there for me.

Suppose its probably best for me to stick to some bottom feeding too for awhile. At least until something certain happens. Sure am hungry though.
Look at the charts, when something similar happened. Did it go straight up from the bottom, sometimes but not the majority of the times. Check it out!!:cool:
Really, I like Gummy Bears!:embarrest:
Wow Nice rally!! What happened to the profit takers? About time they gave us something back, but why all in one day?:confused:
Wow Nice rally!! What happened to the profit takers? About time they gave us something back, but why all in one day?

Well, if it's a bait and switch now is about the time of day we have had sell off's recentlly. Hoping not today..:)
