nnuut's Account Talk

I really don't know, but someone is making BIG MONEY on these quick moves envolving Millions and Millions of dolllars at the end of the day, sell on the up trend in the morning and BAM BIG MONEY!!!! That's what I think!:)

Oh, how I wish we could day trade our TSP accounts!
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]by Hans Wagner
November 6, 2007

addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'financialsense';
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]On October 31, 2007 the Federal Reserve lowered the Fed Funds and Discount rates by 0.25%. This is the second Fed Funds Rate reduction and the third for the Discount rate. In their announcement the Fed hinted that investors should not expect another rate move at their next meeting on December 11, 2007. In the hours after the announcement the market jumped up. The next day it fell on bad news from Citigroup regarding sub-prime mortgage loan write offs. The question for investors is what they should do now. The chart below from www.chartoftheday.com indicates that the Fed Funds Rate is in a long term downward sloping channel. If the trend holds true then we should expect further rate reductions over time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]In a study titled Sector Rotation and Monetary Conditions by Robert Johnson, C. Mitchell Conover, Gerald R. Jensen, and Jeffrey M. Mercer and mentioned in the 10/12/2007 Point of Interest concludes that the markets go up when the Federal Reserve lowers either the Fed Funds or Discount rate at least two times in a row. Bill Gross the manager of the largest bond fund believes that the Fed Funds rate will fall another 1.00% to the 3.5% area over the next 12 months. However, not every sector and company will benefit equally. Value investors often look to sectors as they seek to buy good companies that are at a low relative price. Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond
by Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Judd Kahn, Paul D. Sonkin, Michael van Biema is a good book on value investing as practiced by Warren buffet, the best investor in the world.
So what does this really mean for investors? [much more]
Dollar index -1.02%, Oil will be the test today. Crude inventories are predicted to be lower. I think it's time to get the garden ready for spring and plant that Victory Garden, I sure can't afford tomatoes any more.:embarrest:
Something to think about:

THINGS BECOME MORE SERIOUS [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]by Michael A. Nystrom[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]November 7, 2007[/FONT]

[[FONT=arial,helvetica,verdana]Editor's note - the title of this piece comes from Chapter VII of John Kenneth Galbraith's excellent account of the 1929 Crash titled The Great Crash, a book well worth reviewing at this critical market juncture.][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,verdana]Judging from recent market action - oil approaching $100, gold nearing its all time high of $850, and the dollar setting new all-time lows daily - things indeed appear to be getting more serious. I'll start with the Dow simply because it is the headline number, the one that everyone hears about. Even those who know little to nothing about the market in general are familiar with it from news summaries and headlines. But headlines don't tell the whole story:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,verdana]With today's 360 point drop, the Dow has broken down through shelf and trendline support in the 13,450 area. The last time the Dow's trendline was threatened, the Fed came to the rescue by cutting interest rates. Those [more][/FONT]

Think about this while you're at it! Oh, No, No, No - I Don't Hang-In-There Too Long, No More!:suspicious:
gas pump went up 10 cents at pump last night at 8:00 3.08 a gal,doun here in gods country:D enjoy a glass of wine for me today Norm shoot i think i will need something a little stronger
What happened yesterday? IMO the Dollar (formally the Almighty Dollar) was speaking to us, the dollar is trying to tell us something. The dollar is saying "i'm too weak do something", so what needs to be done? The FED over the last year (years) has injected new money into the economy numerious times, BILLIONS and BILLIONS. This money is "print as needed money", and we've needed alot, too much. Each time this was done the Dollar suffered, now it's on it's Death Bed. I know that Osama Benothing thinks his plan is working, to break the US economy, but he had nothing to do with it. It's just plane old STUPIDITY!! Just do this one thing Ben Burntankle, I know it will hurt for awhile but you have NO CHOICE!! START TAKING MONEY OUT of the economy and the dollar will rebound. If they don't do something soon it will be TOO LATE. 1929 all over again!!:(
View attachment 2437
I'm sittin' in the "G"
I'm sittin' in the "G"
What a wonderful feeling, I'm HAPPY again
Just walkin' around with a smile on my face
I'm sittin', sittin' in the "G"!
By Malcom McDowell from Clockwork Orange
View attachment 2445
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The FED NEEDS TO START BUYING dollars --------right now!!!!
WHO SAID THAT? ------------I SAID THAT!! :nuts::nuts::nuts::nuts:
The link is to a chart analysis that he does nightly. If you've never listened to this you should listen to his opinions from last night. Scary!:worried: You may not be able to view it at work, CAUSE it's a VIDEO, but check it out at home, he is really GOOD!;) Oh, if you are DIALUP it's really long and will probally bog you down, cable is fine!!

The FED NEEDS TO START BUYING dollars --------right now!!!!
WHO SAID THAT? ------------I SAID THAT!! :nuts::nuts::nuts::nuts:

not with a 9 trillion $ deficit. ohhhh, let's just print more money and decay the value of the $ more. the iceberg isn't dead ahead, its in the bowels of the boat... nice steering captain.

Thanks for the link. Would you be able to post this link on a day to day basis?

Just go to this site and click on Market Ticker at the top left of the page. That will refresh the site to the current day. Page down to the bottom of the page and click on the link (here's your Technical). Make the site a favorite in IE and you can see it every night. Here is the site's address:
I'm trying NOT to get SLICK and try playing the Bounce. I'm not saying Bounces won't happen, I'm waiting for a definite turn around. It's a long way back up to the top and plenty of time to get back in and reap the harvest.
Hope things turn around next week!! If it doesn't watch the S&P 1440 if we break that the next resistance is 1435, if 1435 goes WATCH OUT (they say:confused:)!! It's a long way down to Recession!:worried:
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